search for: darkred

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40 matches for "darkred".

2008 Jul 27
Colors in Sweave
Hi list, I was using Sweave and was wondering if anyone has had any luck changing the font colors of the code chunks. For instance, in my .Rnw preample I tried including: === \usepackage[usenames]{colors} \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.545,0,0} \definecolor{midnightblue}{rgb}{0.098,0.098,0.439} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatcom={\color{midnightblue}}} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}{formatcom={\color{darkred}}} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Scode}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatc...
2009 Mar 24
Properly labeling abline with text?
...lso like to have the box around the text match the abline format. Thank you for any info or insights. x_vals<-1:1000 y_vals<-rnorm(1000) plot(x_vals, y_vals) top_label<-paste("Top Label = ", format(max(y_vals), digits=2), sep="") abline(h=max(y_vals), col="darkred") text(max(x_vals), max(y_vals), top_label, pos=2) bottom_label<-paste("Bottom Label = ", format(min(y_vals),digits=2), sep="") abline(h=min(y_vals), col="darkred") text(max(x_vals), min(y_vals), bottom_label, pos=2)
2013 Apr 02
R Commander and FactoMineR
...Running the code (output of the point-and-click method) EuTop100.MCA<-EuTop100[, c("ország", "szektor", "székhely")] res<-MCA(EuTop100.MCA, ncp=5, graph = FALSE) plot.MCA(res, axes=c(1, 2), col.ind="black", col.ind.sup="blue", col.var="darkred", col.quali.sup="darkgreen", label=c("ind", "ind.sup", "quali.sup", "var", "quanti.sup"), invisible=c("", new.plot=TRUE)) plot.MCA(res, axes=c(1, 2), choix="var", col.var="darkred", col.quali.sup=&quo...
2017 Dec 20
outlining (highlighting) pixels in ggplot2
...quot;WC1")), c(format(seq(as.Date('2000-10-01'), as.Date('2001-09-30'), by='month'), "%b")))) # palette definition palette <- colorRampPalette(c("darkblue", "blue", "white", "red", "darkred")) # find max stretch value zmax1 = max(abs(m1)) m1.melted <- melt(m1) names(m1.melted) <- c('Site','Month', 'Concentration') # Set up an example matrix with binary code for which results (pixels) are significant set.seed(4004) sig <- matrix(round(abs(rnorm(...
2020 Sep 27
...C") # VECTOR ORD BARRAS ggplot(Diario_S2, aes(x=factor(mes_AAA, level = Orden_barras), y=USD_HAB))+ # ASIGNAR VARIABLES geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7, # ANCHO BARRAS colour="grey", fill="darkred", # COLOR (borde relleno) position = "dodge")+ labs(x="MESES", y="IMPORTES EN USD",color="Tipo")+ # TITULOS EJES ggtitle("VALORES AL HABER POR MES EN USD (HISTÓRICOS")#TIT GRAFICO ##############################...
2017 Dec 20
outlining (highlighting) pixels in ggplot2
Hi Eric, you can use an annotate-layer, eg ind<-which(sig>0,arr.ind = T) ggplot(m1.melted, aes(x = Month, y = Site, fill = Concentration), autoscale = FALSE, zmin = -1 * zmax1, zmax = zmax1) + geom_tile() + coord_equal() + scale_fill_gradient2(low = "darkred", mid = "white", high = "darkblue", midpoint = 0) +annotate("rect",ymin=ind[,"row"]-.5,ymax=.5+ind[,"row"], xmin=-.5+ind[,"col"],xmax=.5+ind[,"col"],colour...
2006 Apr 27
...= periodically_call_remote( :update => "chatroom", :url => {:action => :chat }, :frequency => 2) %> chat.rhtml <h1><%= %> room.</h1> <table border="5" bordercolor="darkred"> <tr><td><pre><%=h %></pre></td></tr> </table> but, when I call chatroom it dosn''t work but chat does, what is the problem here? -- Posted via
2009 Jul 25
yaxp problem for more irregular time series in one plot
...#39;/home/tomas/R_outputs/nvz_3.csv') date <- (nvz_3_data$date) NO3 <- (nvz_3_data$NO3) NH4 <- (nvz_3_data$NH4) date_p <- as.POSIXct(date, "CET") par(mfrow=c(2,1), ylog = TRUE, yaxp = c(0.01, 100, 3)) plot(date_p, NO3, log = "y", type = "l", col = "darkred", main = "NVZ-1", xlab = "time", ylab = "NO3-" ) lines(date_p, NH4, col = "darkblue", lty = "dotted") plot(date_p, NH4, log = "y", type = "l", col = "darkblue", main = "NVZ-1", xlab = "time", yl...
2011 Jul 13
adding text to spplot
hi all, I have a plot to which i would like to add text labels. And i cant find a is the code : enaD2<-idw(D2~1, loca=dva, newdata=grd) pts = list("sp.points", dva, pch = 20, cex=1.5, col = "darkred spplot(enaD2, "var1.pred",sp.layout=pts, main = "globina 60 cm", sub="D2", col.regions=terrain.colors(64), contour=T) text information is in ena$ime field, regards, m [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Oct 10
NEdit Highligth patterns for R>":::Keyword::D\n\ Loop and Equation:"\\[|\\]|\\(|\\)|\\{|\\}|\\<-|,":::Loop and Equation::\n\ Operators:"!|~|:|\\^|\\*|%|\\<|\\>|==|\\>=|\\<=|&|\\$|-|=|\\+|""|/":::Operators::\n\ } nedit.languageModes: R:.q .r .R:::::: nedit.styles: Note:darkRed:Italic\n\ TextComment:darkBlue:Italic\n\ Loop and Equation:darkRed:Bold\n\ Operators:darkGreen:Bold\n\
2004 Feb 09
nedit syntax highlighting patterns for R?
...ined from in version 5.3 of nedit, but it gives the following errors. Does anyone have a more up-to-date copy? euclid: ~/nedit % nedit -import R-5.1.pats NEdit: language mode must be specified in highlight pattern: <== NEdit: style name required in style specification: Note:darkRed:Italic <== NEdit: expecting quoted string in language mode specification: <==q .r .R:::::: -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly at Professor, Psychology Dept. York University Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814 4700 Keele Street
2010 Feb 03
color blending and transparency
...xample R --arch x86_64 library(ggplot2) x<-c(24,55,69,73) y<-c(44,56,12,90) z<-c(1,2,3,4) a<-data.frame(pos=z, y=y, x=x) ex<- ggplot(data=a, aes(pos)) + geom_area(aes(y = y),fill="navyblue", alpha = 0.7, position="identity") + geom_area(aes(y = x), fill= "darkred", alpha = 0.7,position="identity" ) + opts(panel.background = theme_rect(fill = "white")) ex Likewise, with blue and yellow, I would expect overlap to be green. Are there any solutions to this that would allow color overlaps to lead to the "expected" color? Than...
2011 Mar 22
Diagonal population density
...dd=T,xlab="",ylab="",lwd=1.5) ### par(mar=c(0,3,1,1)) #upper-left corner ### plot fuzzy membership function of X plot(fcity$x,c(0,1,1,0),type="l",axes=F,frame.plot=TRUE,xlab="",ylab="",panel.first=grid(),lwd=2) ### lines(x,fx,col="darkred",lwd=2) #plot Relative Marginal Density in X axis(side=1, labels=FALSE) axis(side=2) par(mar=c(3,0,1,1)) #lower-right corner ### plotting fuzzy membership function of Y plot(c(0,1,1,0),fcity$y,type="l",axes=F,frame.plot=TRUE,ylim=c((min(y)-0.25),max(y)+0.25),xlab="&qu...
2013 Feb 25
colors to pie chart.
...1", 16), rep("2", 14), rep("3", 12), rep("4", 3), rep("5", 2), rep("6", 2))) ##this runs just fine. pie(table(TVs)) ##however, when i add: colors <- c("cyan3","magenta","darkblue","darkmagenta","darkred", "darkgoldenrod1", "deeppink") ##and then: pie(table(TVs, col=colors)) i receive this error. Error in table(TVs, col = colors) : all arguments must have the same length i have tried it a few different ways (changing color names, adding cex arguments, etc), with same...
2014 Jul 07
Plot does not show in R
...), KP43 = c(39, 2, 49, 43, 51, 38, 56, 58, 60, 44, 54, 40, 50, 45, 57, 59, 46, 41, 47, 48, 42, 55, 53) ), filename = "location\\nifH_AA_alles.jpg" , col = "transparent", fill = c("red", "blue", "green"), alpha = 0.5, label.col = c("darkred", "white", "darkblue", "white", "white", "white", "darkgreen"), cex = 2.5, fontfamily = "serif", fontface = "bold", cat.default.pos = "text", cat.col = c("darkred", "darkblue&quot...
2017 Aug 04
legend and values do not match in ggplot
...", "Nucleotide"), values=c("Amino Acid"="red", "Cofactors and Vitamins"="purple", "Carbohydrate"="darkgreen", "Energy"="orange", "Lipid"="darkblue", "Peptide"="darkred", "Nucleotide"="blue")) p2 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 15
Normalizing data
...urve(dnorm(x,m=mean,sd=sd),from=min,to=max, xlab="", ylab="", col="white", lwd=2) points(dens, type="h", col="grey" ) par(new=TRUE) curve(dnorm(x,m=mean,sd=sd),from=min,to=max, xlab="Height (nm)", ylab="Density", lwd=2, col="darkred") Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 09
ggplot with geom_tile
...,5),each=21)) names(tot)="precip" temp=rep(seq(-5,5,0.5),21) tot$temp=temp disc=array(dim=c(21,21)) for(i in 1:21){ for(y in 1:21){ temp<- rev(seq(10000+((i-1)*500),12000+((i-1)*500),100)) disc[i,y]=temp[y] }} disc1=t(disc) bla=as.vector(disc1) tot$dis=bla cols=c("darkred"," white"," darkblue") p <- ggplot(tot, aes(x=temp, y=precip,group=dis)) p+geom_tile(aes(fill=dis)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=cols) ### This creates the plot that I want, but with white horizontal and vertical lines that I do not need. I have tried different thi...
2011 Feb 16
tikzDevice compiling problem
...nction(x, y) ((y)^1*(x)^1) x = seq(0,5,len=40) y = seq(0,5,len=40) z = outer(x, y, f) showsurface = function(x, y, z) persp3d(x,y,z, col="blue", alpha=0.3, axes= F)+{ contours = contourLines(x,y,z) for (i in 1:length(contours)) { with(contours[[i]], lines3d(x, y, level, col="darkred")) } } open3d() showsurface(x,y,z) # Cierro el device # Compilo el archivo tex tools::texi2dvi('CobbGRAF.tex',pdf=F) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list a...
2011 Dec 12
windrose color ramp issue
...incrspeeds = 2 # fills out the increments argument pedalcolors = c("darkblue","blue","royalblue","darkturquoise","forestgreen","green","yellowgreen","yellow4","yellow","orange","red","darkred","violetred","mediumorchid","purple") #or 2) Making the pedal colors dynamic based on the increments and the max wind speed. incrspeeds = 2 # fills out the increments argument breaks=seq(0,round(maxwind),incrspeeds) # maxwind is the maximum wind speed numcolors...