search for: d847aa05191b

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "d847aa05191b".

2014 Jan 24
Libvirt support for VEB
...see that: <interface type=’direct’> <mac address=’d0:0f:d0:0f:02:01’/> <source dev=’eth2.20’ mode=’vepa’/> <source network=’default’/> <virtualport type=’802.1Qbg’> <parameters managerid=’12’ typeid=’0x123456’ typeidversion=’1’ instanceid=’09b00c53-8b5c-4eeb-8f00-d847aa05191b’ /> </virtualport> I tried different combinations by changing the interface type to bridge and and trying Qbg as in below, I find that it doesn't send a Netlink message to LLDPAD. There's no "mode=veb".  </controller>     <interface type='bridge'>  ...