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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 32 matches for "d20".

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2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 3/5] resample: Add NEON optimized inner_product_single for fixed point
...product_single(const int16_t *a, const int16_t *b, unsigned int len) +{ + int32_t ret; + uint32_t remainder = len % 16; + len = len - remainder; + + asm volatile (" cmp %[len], #0\n" + " bne 1f\n" + " vld1.16 {d16}, [%[b]]!\n" + " vld1.16 {d20}, [%[a]]!\n" + " subs %[remainder], %[remainder], #4\n" + " vmull.s16 q0, d16, d20\n" + " beq 5f\n" + " b 4f\n" + "1:" + " vld1.16 {d16, d17, d18, d19}, [%[b]]!\n" + " vld1.16 {d20, d21, d22, d23},...
2018 Apr 24
TukeyHSD and glht differ for models with a covariate
...9;) #create the model mod1 <- lm(VitC~HeadWt+Cult+Date, data=cabbages) # Using TukeyHSD TukeyHSD(aov(mod1), which='Date') #? Tukey multiple comparisons of means # ? 95% family-wise confidence level # #Fit: aov(formula = mod1) # #$Date #????????????? diff??????? lwr????? upr???? p adj #d20-d16 -0.9216847 -5.5216345 3.678265 0.8797985 #d21-d16? 3.4237706 -1.1761792 8.023720 0.1814431 #d21-d20? 4.3454553 -0.2544945 8.945405 0.0678038 # Tukey contrasts in glht should generate the same difference in means, but it does not summary(glht(mod1, linfct=mcp(Date='Tukey'))) # #???? S...
2010 Jul 05
nested for loops
...r(d2 in 0:n){ for(d3 in 0:n){ for(d4 in 0:n){ for(d5 in 0:n){ for(d6 in 0:n){ for(d7 in 0:n){ for(d8 in 0:n){ for(d9 in 0:n){ for(d10 in 0:n){ for(d11 in 0:n){ for(d12 in 0:n){ for(d13 in 0:n){ for(d14 in 0:n){ for(d15 in 0:n){ for(d16 in 0:n){ for(d17 in 0:n){ for(d18 in 0:n){ for(d19 in 0:n){ for(d20 in 0:n){ list=c(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10,d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d17,d18,d19,d20) }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 0/5] ARM NEON optimization for samplerate converter
From: Jyri Sarha <jsarha at> I optimized Speex resampler for NEON capable ARM CPUs. The first patch should speed up resampling on any platform that can spare the increased memory usage. It would be nice to have these merged to the master branch. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help the the merge. The patches have been rebased on top of master branch in
2008 May 15
xen smp acpi failed
...APIC IRQs (XEN) -> Using new ACK method (XEN) Platform timer overflows in 2 jiffies. (XEN) Platform timer is 1.193MHz PIT (XEN) Brought up 1 CPUs (XEN) ACPI is disabled, notifying Domain 0 (acpi=off) (XEN) *** LOADING DOMAIN 0 *** (XEN) elf_parse_binary: phdr: paddr=0xffffffff80200000 memsz=0x2d5d20 (XEN) elf_parse_binary: phdr: paddr=0xffffffff804d5d80 memsz=0x1161d0 (XEN) elf_parse_binary: phdr: paddr=0xffffffff805ec000 memsz=0xc08 (XEN) elf_parse_binary: phdr: paddr=0xffffffff805ee000 memsz=0x1134e4 (XEN) elf_parse_binary: memory: 0xffffffff80200000 -> 0xffffffff807014e4 (XEN) elf_xen_pa...
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Question about LLVM NEON intrinsics
On 21 September 2012 09:28, Sebastien DELDON-GNB <sebastien.deldon at> wrote: > declare <16 x float> @llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v16f32(<16 x float>, <16 x float>) nounwind readnone > > llc fails with following message: > > SplitVectorResult #0: 0x2258350: v16f32 = llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs 0x2258250, 0x2258050, 0x2258150 [ORD=3] [ID=0] > > LLVM ERROR: Do not
2013 Oct 15
[LLVMdev] MI scheduler produce badly code with inline function
On Oct 14, 2013, at 3:27 AM, Zakk <zakk0610 at> wrote: > Hi all, > I meet this problem when compiling the TREAM benchmark ( with enable-misched > > The small function will be scheduled as good code, but if opt inline this function, the inline part will be scheduled as bad code. A bug for this is welcome. Pretty soon, I’ll
2007 Dec 03
Help replacing dual identity disk in ZFS raidz and SVM mirror
...etup using a combination of an SVM 4 way mirror and a ZFS raidz stripe. Each disk (of 4) is divided up like this / 6GB UFS s0 Swap 8GB s1 /var 6GB UFS s3 Metadb 50MB UFS s4 /data 48GB ZFS s5 For SVM we do a 4 way mirror on /,swap, and /var So we have 3 SVM mirrors d0=root (sub mirrors d10, d20, d30, d40) d1=swap (sub mirrors d11, d21,d31,d41) d3=/var (sub mirrors d13,d23,d33,d43) For ZFS we have a single Raidz set across all four disks s5 Everything has worked flawlessly for some time. This week we discovered that one of our 4200''s is reporting some level of failure wi...
2013 Oct 14
[LLVMdev] MI scheduler produce badly code with inline function
Hi all, I meet this problem when compiling the TREAM benchmark ( with enable-misched The small function will be scheduled as good code, but if opt inline this function, the inline part will be scheduled as bad code. so I rewrite a simple code as attached link (foo.c), and compiled with two different methods: *method A:* *$clang -O3 foo.c -static -S
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] RE : Question about LLVM NEON intrinsics
...%tmp2 = load <16 x float>* %B %tmp3 = fadd <16 x float> %tmp1, %tmp2 store <16 x float> %tmp3, <16 x float>* %C ret void } and llc generates following code: vaddf32: @ @vaddf32 @ BB#0: add r12, r1, #48 add r3, r2, #32 vld1.64 {d20, d21}, [r3, :128] add r3, r2, #48 vld1.64 {d16, d17}, [r2, :128] add r2, r2, #16 vld1.64 {d18, d19}, [r1, :128] vld1.64 {d26, d27}, [r12, :128] add r12, r1, #32 vld1.64 {d24, d25}, [r3, :128] add r1, r1, #16 vadd.f32 q11, q9, q8 vld1.64 {d28, d29}, [r12, :128] vadd.f32 q9, q13, q12 vadd...
2008 Oct 05
Help on R Coding
...ct function in R to make prediction for a model with continuous variable and categorial variables. i have no problem making the model, the model is e.g. cabbage.lm2<- lm(VitC ~ HeadWt + Date + Cult) HeadWt is a continuous variable, Date and Culte are factors. Date have three levels inside (d16,d20,d21), Cult has two levels(c39,c52). I need to calculate a confidence interval for the mean VitC for each combination of Date and Cult, fixing the value of HeadWt at the mean for the corresponding cell. I have already proved that Cult and Date are not interacted. the mean of HeadWt is also found. e....
2014 Jan 14
Duda Regresión Multiple
Buenos días, *Muchas gracias, todas las aportaciones han sido bien útiles.* Las he tenido en cuenta y he pasado los datos con el R, siguiendo el siguiente comando: *modeloRTUN2<-lm(AVE.~ Tariff + d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 + d8 + d9+ d10 + d11+ d12+ d13+ d14+ d15+ d16+ d17+ d18+ d19+ d20 +d21 + Tariff*d1 + Tariff*d2 + Tariff*d10)* *summary(modeloRTUN2)* Siendo: AVE. = Variable dependiente (explicada) Tariff = Variable dependiente (explicativa) d1.....d22= los diferentes productos (dimensión producto: para comprobar si el tipo producto tiene efecto sobre AVE.) Tariff * d1 = efe...
2011 Jun 09
Error: missing values where TRUE/FALSE needed
...two(prefix2, roots2, suffix) d11 = mytwo(prefix2, roots2, suffix2) d12 = mytwo(prefix2, roots2, suffix3) d13 = myone(prefix, roots) d14 = myone(prefix2, roots) d15 = myone(prefix, roots2) d16 = myone(prefix2, roots2) d17 = myone(roots, suffix) d18 = myone(roots, suffix2) d19 = myone(roots, suffix3) d20 = myone(roots2, suffix) d21 = myone(roots2, suffix2) d22 = myone(roots2, suffix3) d23 = myone(state, roots) d24 = myone(city, roots) d25 = myone(cityst, roots) d26 = myone(inscompany, roots) d27 = myone(state, roots2) d28 = myone(city, roots2) d29 = myone(cityst, roots2) d30 = myone(inscompany, roo...
2013 Oct 14
[LLVMdev] Vectorization of pointer PHI nodes
....c:11: note: created 2 versioning for alias checks. test.c:11: note: === vect_do_peeling_for_loop_bound ===Setting upper bound of nb iterations for epilogue loop to 14 test.c:11: note: LOOP VECTORIZED. The result is a very concise and very dense code: vld1.8 {d28[], d29[]}, [r5] vld3.8 {d16, d18, d20}, [r9]! vld3.8 {d17, d19, d21}, [r9] vmvn q3, q8 vmvn q15, q9 vmvn q8, q10 vsub.i8 q11, q3, q14 vsub.i8 q12, q15, q14 vsub.i8 q13, q8, q14 vst3.8 {d22, d24, d26}, [r8]! vst3.8 {d23, d25, d27}, [r8] cheers, --renato -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:...
2014 Jan 14
Duda Regresión Multiple
Buenos días, *Muchas gracias, todas las aportaciones han sido bien útiles.* Las he tenido en cuenta y he pasado los datos con el R, siguiendo el siguiente comando: *modeloRTUN2<-lm(AVE.~ Tariff + d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 + d8 + d9+ d10 + d11+ d12+ d13+ d14+ d15+ d16+ d17+ d18+ d19+ d20 +d21 + Tariff*d1 + Tariff*d2 + Tariff*d10)* *summary(modeloRTUN2)* Siendo: AVE. = Variable dependiente (explicada) Tariff = Variable dependiente (explicativa) d1.....d22= los diferentes productos (dimensión producto: para comprobar si el tipo producto tiene efecto sobre AVE.) Tariff * d1 = efe...
2013 Oct 16
[LLVMdev] MI scheduler produce badly code with inline function Scale: movw r12, :lower16:c movw r2, :lower16:b movw r3, #9216 movt r12, :upper16:c mov r1, #0 vmov.f64 d16, #3.000000e+00 movt r2, :upper16:b movt r3, #244 .LBB0_1: add r0, r12, r1 * vldr d17, [r0]* * vldr **d18**, [r0, #8] * vmul.f64 d17, d17, d16 * vldr **d19**, [r0, #16]* * vldr **d20**, [r0, #24]* add r0, r2, r1 vmul.f64 d18, d18, d16 add r1, r1, #32 cmp r1, r3 vmul.f64 d19, d19, d16 vmul.f64 d20, d20, d16 vstmia r0, {d17, d18, d19, d20} bne .LBB0_1 bx lr this is just because A9's per-operand machine model is not implemented well? By the way, why do you want to use the new...
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Question about LLVM NEON intrinsics
Hi all, I would like to know if LLVM Neon intrinsics are designed to support only 'Legal' types for NEON units. Using llc -march=arm -mcpu=cortex-a9 vmax4.ll -o vmax4.s on following ll code: ; ModuleID = 'vmax.ll' target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-n32" target triple =
2010 Jan 18
[LLVMdev] JIT on ARM
...t;imp-def,dead>, %D1<imp-def,dead>, %D2<imp-def,dead>, %D3<imp-def,dead>, %D4<imp-def,dead>, %D5<imp-def,dead>, %D6<imp-def,dead>, %D7<imp-def,dead>, %D16<imp-def,dead>, %D17<imp-def,dead>, %D18<imp-def,dead>, %D19<imp-def,dead>, %D20<imp-def,dead>, %D21<imp-def,dead>, %D22<imp-def,dead>, %D23<imp-def,dead>, %D24<imp-def,dead>, %D25<imp-def,dead>, %D26<imp-def,dead>, %D27<imp-def,dead>, %D28<imp-def,dead>, %D29<imp-def,dead>, %D30<imp-def,dead>, %D31<imp-def,de...
2011 Jun 09
Problem with a if statement inside a function
...t;) d15 = myone("prefix", "roots2") d16 = myone("prefix2", "roots2") d17 = myone("roots", "suffix") d18 = myone("roots", "suffix2") d19 = myone("roots", "suffix3") d20 = myone("roots2", "suffix") d21 = myone("roots2", "suffix2") d22 = myone("roots2", "suffix3") d23 = myone("state", "roots") d24 = myone("city", "roots") d25 = myone(&quo...
2008 Sep 22
One fs with quota, one without: incorrect data shown
Hello all, I'm using Dovecot 1.0.15 on a Solaris 10. There are two different FS in place for IMAP: /var/mail for inbox /export/home for the mail folders The first doesn't have quota, the second does. However, I've noticed that Thunderbird does display quota information on the inbox (that doesn't make any sense, the values are incorrect). The same incorrect values are shown for