Displaying 20 results from an estimated 75 matches for "curriculums".
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2007 Dec 18
attachment_fu and S3 -- cannot download file correctly
...don''t know why this isn''t working. If I download a word doc that I
uploaded, all I get is the S3 file path in the document. If I access
the s3 file path directly in my browser, it downloads the file
Here is my controller method:
def download
@curriculum = @school.curriculums.find(params[:id])
send_data @curriculum.attachment.public_filename,
:filename => @curriculum.attachment.filename,
:type => @curriculum.attachment.content_type
link_to curriculum.attachment.filename.split(''.'').first, :action =>
2005 Dec 30
Rails in High School Curriculum?
Hi folks,
I''m working with a local high school in the Portland, OR area on the
subject of computer science curriculum. We are thinking of introducing
a class in web development and I think Rails would be a perfect vehicle.
I''ve done some searching on the web but haven''t found any suggestion of
HS curriculum for Rails. Any pointers or suggestions?
2009 Apr 03
Survey Package with Binary Data (no Standard Errors reported)
I'm trying to get standard errors for some of the variables in my data
frame. One of the questions on my survey is whether faculty coordinate
across curriculum to include Arts Education as subject matter. All the
responses are coded in zeros and ones obviously. For some of the other
variables I have a 2 for those that responded with "Don't Know".
I'm getting NA for
2011 Aug 31
dbWriteTable error message
I am at loss of what is going on here ...
I am trying to write to a SQLite database:
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname="pres-docs.rqda")
I have a data frame that is 889 rows by 7 columns. The column number
and types agree with the database table columns and column type.
dbWriteTable(con, "fileAttr", DF.4, row.names=FALSE, overwrite=TRUE)
Then I get
2014 Sep 30
Position announcement - Research Educator - University of Maryland
Please distribute. Interested individuals can view the full position announcement and apply at: https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/29966
Title: Research Associate
Functional Title: Research Educator
Position Summary/Purpose of Position: The First-Year Innovation & Research Experience (FIRE) is a new major initiative at the University of Maryland, College Park. FIRE provides first-year
2007 Oct 26
How to plot multiple variables on the same graph
How to plot multiple variables on the same graph
Dear R users,
I want to plot the following variables (a, b, c) on the same graph. The
x-axis must be the variable mat and the graph must have the type = "l". How
can I do that??
> a
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
> b
[1] 0.90665296 0.82473871 0.75269217 0.68917606 0.63304639 0.58332339
2011 Aug 25
replicate lines of data frame
I am just now learning to use R for my dissertation project. I need
to manipulate a lot of text and numeric data. I created a data frame
that has 7 columns and 127 unique rows. Now I need to replicate each
line 6 times and then later change values in the first 2 columns.
I am trying to figure out how to accomplish this. I think that I need
to use rep(my.df, each=6) but it does
2017 Aug 06
SPSS R Factor v2.4.2
I am not an R-Head, hence I use nice utilities that integrate R into SPSS
I have SPSS v24, R3.20 and R3.40
I have run IBM SPSS R Integration which requires linking to R3.20
I have installed R Factor v2.4.2
This package requires 'polycor' library
Unfortunately, 'polycor' does not exist in R3.20
*M?rio Basto, Jos? Manuel Pereira, IPCA
*Required: SPSS 21
2011 Nov 17
merging corpora and metadata
I loose all my metadata after concatenating corpora. This is an
example of what happens:
> meta(corpus.1)
MetaID cid fid selfirst selend fname
1 0 1 11 2169 2518 WCPD-2001-01-29-Pg217.scrb
2 0 1 14 9189 9702 WCPD-2003-01-13-Pg39.scrb
3 0 1 14 2109 2577 WCPD-2003-01-13-Pg39.scrb
17 0
2012 Aug 17
prevalence of R in publications and institutions
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Travis Perry <travis.perry at furman.edu> wrote:
> Dr. Bates,
> Our department is considering replacing existing statistical
> software packages in our curriculum with R, at my request. To better inform
> this decision we are interested to know the prevalence of R in the published
> literature and its use across academic and research
2011 Oct 21
stacked plot
I am trying to use ggplot2 to create a stacked bar plot. Previously I
tried using barplot() but gave up because of problems with the
positioning of the legend and other appearance problems. I am now
trying to learn ggplot2 and use it for all the plots that I need to
create for my dissertation.
I am able to create normal bar plots using ggplot2, but I am stomped
with the stacked bar plots.
2004 Jun 23
Migration from NT
Hi All,
At present I am running a largeish (~450 stations) NT based network
(with win2k/XP clients) in a school in the UK, and I am looking into the
feasability of moving to samba 3+LDAP over the summer. Has anyone had
much experience of this, and are there any major problems? My concerns
are with the following:
- Seamless transition from NT to Samba without having to re-add user
2014 May 08
Machine learning teaching for Data Science Retreat
Hi all,
We are preparing for a future batch, and we may be shorthanded for
teaching. R is our programming language of choice.
Data Science Retreat (DSR: http://datascienceretreat.com) sits at Microsoft
Ventures offices in Berlin Mitte. We have chief-data-scientist mentors and
a pretty exhaustive program on machine learning + data science. You can
check it out here:
2020 Oct 27
Dear R experts, I have a question about meta-analysis
Dear R experts,
Greetings from China! I'm Zhang in the College of Education, Zhejiang University, and I am recently running a meta-analysis. Since research using the randomized controlled trial (RCT) often dismissed reporting the correlation (r) between multivariate outcomes, for instance, a study measuring students' gains on problem solving skills with three aspects and reported the
2019 Dec 15
Request to be allotted a project or a feature in pipeline
To whom it may concern,
I'm Utsav Parmar, pursuing my B. Tech in Computer Engineering. I like to
work on new technologies and am currently looking for open-source projects
to contribute to.
As it may turn out, I've got a college project in my curriculum this
semester under “Software Development Practice”, and I'd like to work upon a
project and/or a feature in pipeline spanning over
2016 Nov 16
Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) is Looking for Information Technology-related Job Opportunities World Wide
Dear Sir/Madam,
My academic and educational qualifications are now reflected in my
email signature.
I am an entry level/junior/beginner Information Technology (IT)
Specialist/Systems Engineer/Linux Server Administrator/Helpdesk
Support/Computer Technician available for hire anywhere in the
world!!! Prospective employers, businesses and companies in any part
of the world please feel free to
2011 Aug 25
change values in a character vector
I have a 127 long vector with all different character entries. I
need to generate another vector that is 6 times a long and the second
one and has the following structure:
"a unique string"
"another unique string"
This has to be repeated 127
2008 May 09
Job opening: Malaria Atlas Project, Oxford University
Web developer
Grade 7: Salary range:£26,666 - £32,796
Three year post
A web developer is required to join the Malaria Atlas Project (MAP,
http://www.map.ox.ac.uk). The job will be to lead in the improvement
of the on-line presence and thus public engagement activities of MAP.
Specific responsibilities will be to implement an online database of
epidemiological information
2006 Jan 21
Request for Proposal: On-Site Rails Training
Don''t let the bureaucratic aspects of this RFP bother you: we''re eager
to find and work with a good trainer to get our developers up to speed
on RoR, and there''s a possibility of a paid Rails-evangelist gig as
well. If that sounds like something you would be interested in and
qualified for, I hope you will get in touch with us and submit a
proposal. --Chris
2013 Nov 23
[LLVMdev] "Mapping High-Level Constructs to LLVM IR"
Yes, it is sort of scary that there seems to be no definite resource to
consult for information on especially advanced OOP things. I have
something like 20 compiler books on my shelves and yet none of them mention
a single word on how to implement multiple inheritance, exception handling,
or interfaces. It seems like they are all happy about presenting a subset
of Pascal, or Java, with an