search for: current_job

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "current_job".

2006 Jul 06
Understanding date_select naming conventions
I am using the date_select helper to generate date select elements in a form. I notice that the generated HTML shows that these selects have the following names: Month: current_job[StartDate(2i)] Day: current_job[StartDate(3i)] Year: current_job[StartDate(1i)] I''m assuming that the Xi identifiers somehow specify the appropriate date part from a date or time value. Can anyone shed some light on how this works? Where can I get definite info. on it? Also, I am...
2006 Jul 11
checkboxes with a has_many :through relation checkboxes in a list. I want to be able to assign to my has_many relationship using the post values of these checkboxes. Essentially, I want to populate the relationship table which will create the correct join values in my model. Here is my check_box_tag code: <%= check_box_tag("@current_job[target_list_ids][]", tlist.DataSetID, @current_job.target_lists.include?(tlist)) %> So, in this example, tlist is an element of another array that I''m starting with to give me the list of choices. But what I want is to assign these choices...
2006 Jul 18
Auto-populating time portion of a datetime field from a form
I see that if I use the date_select helper in my view, then in the generated page, my selects are named obj[datetime_field(1i)] (and 2i and 3i for the other parts). These auto-populate the date portion of my datetime_field. I have another datetime field that I''m presenting the time from and I would like to use a similar scheme to autopopulate it. Currently, I''ve used the
2006 Jul 06
ERb question: Embedding <%= %> in helper method calls
I had a situation where I wanted to use a <%= %> (scriptlet) in my text_field call to set the "disabled" attribute on the text field, like so: <%= text_field(:current_job, ''removeLinkPos'', :value => '''', :id => ''offset'', :maxlength => 2, :disabled => <%= sometest ? ''true'' : ''false'' %>) %> however, this caused a compile error. I ended up with an if/else s...
2008 Mar 19
object_transactions plugin w/2.x disables AR session store
All, Win XP Rails 2.0.2 object_transactions plugin ( transaction-simple gem 1.4 (required by object_transactions plugin) AR SQL Server Adapter 1.0 SQL Server 2000 Using the object_transactions plugin with Rails 2.0.2 (and I assume based on what I''m seeing that this goes for Rails 2.x) disables the ability to save to an ActiveRecord based
2006 Jul 12
Give form elements "fieldWithErrors" class in non-std. way?
...e an element of my model to be invalid, but not generate any message for it, so that the corresponding form field on a form will show up with the ''fieldWithErrors'' class. I have some checkboxes on my RHTML form, and they are generated with this code <%= check_box_tag("current_job[target_list_ids][]"...etc. %> target_list_ids is an attr_accessor attribute and does not exist in the backing table for my model. If none of these checkboxes are checked when the form is submitted, the validate method puts up a message complaining. That''s fine. But I also wan...
2006 Jul 13
Does text_field go directly to attributes hash in AR object?
...ield to call the appropriate method on my object. So here''s my getter: public def FAX fax = read_attribute(:FAX) puts fax sprintf("(%d)%d-%d", fax[0,3], fax[3,3], fax[6,4]) "crap" end Here''s a snippet of my template: <TD><%= @current_job.FAX %><%= text_field(:current_job, ''FAX'') %></TD> Fax: crap[text field with numbers in it - the value of the call to read_attribute] So my question is: QUESTION: Does text_field(:object, :method) call object.read_attribute(method) or object.method If it calls...
2006 Jul 14
Form validation - keepin correct fields displayed on refresh
All, I''m finally doing my first real form in Rails - the model object that I''m entering information for has 8 validations so far. If I type in good values for all the fields but one, I get the pretty validation, and the nice field highlighting, but all of the fields are cleared, forcing me to retype all of that info. That is a big drag. Is there a standard way to get the
2006 Jul 06
Custom init. of ActiveRecord objects - best practices
All, I''m wanting to initialize an ActiveRecord object. I understand that there is a method called after_initialize that appears to get called right after the ActiveRecord object is instantiated. Is after_initialize a Ruby thing or a Rails thing? Where is after_initialize documented? Can I pass parameters to it? If so, how? I want to initialize the "belongs_to" attribute of
2006 Jul 10
has_many :through and foreign key parameters
I just took my HABTM and turned it into a :through since my join table has another "non-joiny" attribute. I went from this: has_many_and_belongs_to :jobs, :join_table => ''tablename'', :foreign_key => ''x'', :association_foreign_key => ''y'' to this: has_many :jobs, :through =>