search for: current2

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "current2".

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2008 Aug 11
[LLVMdev] Applying different Optimizations for different Functions - Questions?
...} //Determine each Function LoopPass * UnrollLoops; FunctionPass *DeadStoreElim; LPPassManager *LPPM; Function *CurFunc1 = M.getFunction("NewFunction1"); Function &Current1 = (*CurFunc1); Function *CurFunc2 = M.getFunction("NewFunction2"); Function &Current2 = (*CurFunc2); cerr << "Dead Store Eliminations" << std::endl; DeadStoreElim = createDeadStoreEliminationPass(); DeadStoreElim->runOnFunction(Current1); cerr << "Loop Unroll" << std::endl; LPPM = new LPPassManager(1); UnrollLoops = create...
2016 Apr 06
Memory problem
As Jim has indicated, memory usage problems can require very specific diagnostics and code changes, so generic help is tough to give. However, in most cases I have found the dplyr package to be more memory efficient than plyr, so you could consider that. Also, you can be explicit about only saving the minimum results you want to keep rather than making a list of complete results and extracting
2004 Jun 18
Q: rsync, Windows, --backup-dir, parameters
...some problems running the rsync binary with "--backup-dir=PATH" options. The command below runs just fine except for the option above. C:\rsync>rsync --delete -b --backup --backup-dir=/cygdrive/c/Doc/backup/Fri -ave ssh /cygd rive/c/Doc/backup/desktop/ bart2@ - -------------------- Log : rsync: building file list... rsync: 16 files to consider. ./ Fichier7.txt Fichier9.txt Mes Documents/ Mes Documents/Fichier6_.txt Mes Documents/Fichier8.txt Mes Documents/New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xls Mes Documents/New Microsoft Word Document.doc Mes Documents/New O...
2016 Apr 06
Memory problem
Dear R Forum, I have about 2000+ FX forward transactions and I am trying to run 1000 simulations. If I use less no of simulations, I am able to get the desired results. However, when I try to use more than 1000 simulations, I get following error. > sorted2 <- ddply(sorted, .(currency_from_exch, id), mutate, change_in_mtm_bc = mtm_bc - mtm_bc[1]) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 15.6
2004 Jun 18
Q: rsync Windows --backup parameters that will almost certainly be much > better. > > Never mind. The backup-dir is on the *remote* machine, and you > probably don't have a /cygdrive/... on your remote machine. Also, of > course only files that exist on the remote machine (in > /home/bart2/current2) will be moved to that backup directory on the > remote machine. > > Cheers/une bonne journ?e > > Robert. > > At 10:28 AM 18/06/2004, you wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I've seen your page on the internet : >>
2008 Mar 02
Wrong uptodate # our actual rsyncing function a_rsync() { for BACKUPDIR in $BUPDIR1; do rsync $OPTIONS1 $BACKUPDIR $ARCHIVE1/$CURRENT1 >> /var/log/cronscripts/2serverbup.log 2>&1 done } b_rsync() { for BACKUPDIR in $BUPDIR2; do rsync $OPTIONS2 $BACKUPDIR $ARCHIVE2/$CURRENT2 >> /var/log/cronscripts/2serverbup.log 2>&1 done } . . . a_rsync && b_rsync && date > /tmp/backup set run in cron: BASH=/bin/sh BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="2" [1]="05b" [2]="0" [3]="1" [4]="release" [5]="i386-pc-l...