Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "currency_cod".
Did you mean:
2006 May 08
Creating a "Foo has_many bars" association where bar isn''t a model.
Let''s say we have model Foo. Each Foo instance can have several bars.
Those bars are primitive, so they shouldn''t be models. For example,
Foo might be a type of convention, and the bars might be years the
convention was held in. Naively, we would have a conventions_years
date, and put:
has_many :years
inside class Convention. But then we''d get an error, since for
2006 Jan 19
123 * 3 => 123123123! But why?
Hi all
I extended the Globalize Plugin the following way:
module Globalize
class Currency
def conversion_rate
code = Locale.active.currency_code
rates = { :USD => 1,
:CHF => 0.75,
:EUR => 1.1,
:GBP => 3.1
value = rates[code.to_sym]
raise "No conversion rate found for currency ''#{code}''
2013 May 10
paypal-express gem
Hello everyone
I am using paypal-express gem for Payapl payment.
I am using reference transaction method to get money from Paypal.
But i am getting IPN i.e payment notification,
I mentioned like
payment_request = Paypal::Payment::Request.new(
:currency_code => :USD,
:amount => 10.00,
:billing_type => :MerchantInitiatedBilling,
:description => "test",
:custom => ''test'',
:invoice => 2,
:notify_url => payment_notificatio...
2008 Mar 02
Models are not initialised correctly with ''rake test'' in Merb 0.9.1
I''m using Sequel as my ORM and Test::Unit as my testing framework and
have the following model:
class Item < Sequel::Model
validates do
presence_of( :name, :uuid, :vendor_id, :vendor_reference, :amount,
:currency_code )
uniqueness_of( :uuid )
def initialize( *args )
super( *args )
self.uuid = UUID.random_create.to_s
As you can see I overwrite initialize to set up the UUID when the
model is instantiated. In my tests I have the following method which
sets up an Item:
def generate_...
2006 Jun 05
Failed to install Globalize plugin
...nguages, :iso_639_3)
-> 0.2300s
-- add_index(:globalize_languages, :rfc_3066)
-> 0.2910s
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: Data too long for column ''currency_format'' at row 1:
INSERT INTO globalize_countries (`id`, `code`, `english_name`,
`date_format`, `currency_format`, `currency_code`, `thousands_sep`,
`decimal_sep`, `currency_decimal_sep`, `number_grouping_scheme`) VALUES
(''100'', ''IL'', ''Israel'', NULL, ''%n ?'', ''ILS'', '','', ''.'', ''.'', &...
How to change paypal url from sandbox to papal original url. i am using paypal lib -- paypal (2.0.0)
2009 Mar 19
How to change paypal url from sandbox to papal original url. i am using paypal lib -- paypal (2.0.0)
...ot;, :notify_url
=>url_for(:only_path => false, :action => ''paypal_ipn'' ),:return
=>url_for(:only_path => false, :action => ''paypal_success''),:cancel_return
=> url_for(:only_path => false, :action => ''paypal_failure''),:currency_code
=> ''JPY'',:custom => request.remote_ip, :on0 => user.id.to_s, :on1 =>
<%= image_submit_tag("/images/btn_submit1.gif") %>
Default the submit tag went to sandbox site (
2007 Aug 07
Execute additional commands after creating database?
...obalize_countries ("id" serial primary key,
"code" character varying(2) DEFAULT NULL, "english_name" character
varying(255) DEFAULT NULL, "date_format" character varying(255)
DEFAULT NULL, "currency_format" character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
"currency_code" character varying(3) DEFAULT NULL, "thousands_sep"
character varying(2) DEFAULT NULL, "decimal_sep" character varying(2)
DEFAULT NULL, "currency_decimal_sep" character varying(2) DEFAULT
NULL, "number_grouping_scheme" character varying(255) DEFAULT NUL...
2006 Feb 07
Paypal and Rails
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a way to pass off a simple payment to paypal using our
own interface. I understand that this requires making full use of
Paypal''s API since we won''t be using their shopping cart or anything. I
found the article by Pranav Bihari on his site and in the Wiki on using
SOAP4R and the paypal WSDL file to interface with paypal web services,
but I