search for: cur_date

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "cur_date".

2010 Jan 06
problem with strptime and 2010 dates
...ed fine until I added a new date in 2010. thank you. To load the data I run: work_table = read.table(datafilename,header=TRUE) #read the data file attach(work_table) #attach the file for ease of use names(work_table) = c( "cur_date", "week", "time_pct", "compl", "work_delta", "mean_delta", "balance", "total", "total_delta", "work", "index", "mean_pd_per_day") If I list the date element cur_date, I get: > work...
2010 Jul 16
Nested if help
...mes are higher than base, thus replacing base with new max (I am seeking max in the time period in this instance) px2<-px #px2 would be the new higher maximum time2<-time #time associated with px2 px3<-px+1 #price immediately following max time3<-time+1 #time immed. follows max out<-(cur_date,px2,time2,px3,time3) #output the high price/time and the immediately following price/time cat(out,"\n")} This code however, does nothing. Any help would be apreciated. The manuals seem to only take one so far. Thanks, George [[alternative HTML version deleted]]