search for: cuminc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "cuminc".

2009 May 15
Plotting question re. cuminc
Hello everyone, (This is my second question posted today on the R list). I am carrying out a competing risks analysis using the cuminc function...this takes the form: cuminc(ftime,fstatus,group) In my study, fstatus has 3 different causes of failure (1,2,3) there are also censored cases (0). "group" has two levels (0 and 1). I therefore have 6 different cumulative incidence curves: cause 1, group=0; cause 1 group=1...
2008 Dec 09
controlling axes in plot.cuminc (cmprsk library)
Dear R-help list members, I am trying to create my own axes when plotting a cumulative incidence curve using the plot.cuminc function in the CMPRSK library. The default x-axis places tick marks and labels at 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 (my data has an upper limit of 96), whereas I want them at my own specified locations. Here is my example code: library(cmprsk) attach(MYDATA) MYCUMINC <- cuminc(ftime=TIME,fstatus=STA...
2010 Mar 26
how to make stacked plot?
Dear friends: I'm interested to make a stacked plot of cumulative incidence. that's, the cuminc model is fitted [fit=cuminc(time, relapse)] and cumulative incidence is in place. I'd like to stack the cuminc plots (relapse of luekemia and death free from leukemia, for example) , then the constituent ratio of leukemia relapse and treatment related mortality is very clear. Can you give me s...
2008 Aug 27
plot.cuminc: how to put tick marks for censored observations
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to put tick marks for censored observations using plot.cuminc for my competing risk analysis (survfit does this automatically). I've searched online for resources but found nothing. Does anybody know how to do this? Thank you in advance for your input. KC [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Aug 16
cuminc() in cmprsk package for cumulative incidence
Hi, To use cuminc() from cmprsk package, if a subject has 2 events (both the event of interest and the event of competing risk), should I create 2 observations for this subject in the dataset, one for each event with different fstatus (1 and 2), or just 1 observation with whatever event that happened first? My a...
2008 Dec 08
Query in Cuminc - stratification
Hello everyone,   I am a very new user of R and I have a query about the cuminc function in the package cmprsk. In particular I would like to verify that I am interpreting the output correctly when we have a stratification variable.   Hypothetical example:   group : fair hair, dark hair fstatus: 1=Relapse, 2=TRM, 0=censored strata: sex (M or F)   Our data would be split into:...
2012 Nov 28
Numbers at risk below cumulative incidence function plot (plot.cuminc, cmprsk-package)
Dear R-community, I would like to plot the numbers at risk for the different causes of failure at specific timepoints below a cumulative incidence function plot (plot.cuminc-function, cmprsk-package). For a Kaplan-Meier plot I know this is possible with the n.risk-argument in the survplot-function (rms-package), but to my knowledge no such readily-available functions are available for competing risks approaches. I am not very experienced with programming, so any advice...
2006 Aug 17
putting the mark for censored time on 1-KM curve or competing risk curve
Hi All, I'm trying to figure out the cumulative incidence curve in R in some limited time. I found in package "cmprsk", the command "plot.cuminc" can get this curve. But I noticed that there is no mark for the censored time there, comparing with the KM curve by "plot.survfit". Here are my codes (attached is the data): ---------------- dat<-read.table("F://wendy/BMT data analysis/final data.txt",header=TRUE,s...
2009 Mar 29
cmprsk- another survival-depedent package causes R crash
Dear Prof Gray and everyone, As our package developers discussed about incompatibility between Design and survival packages, I faced another problem with cmprsk- a survival dependent packacge. The problem is exactly similar to what happened to the Design package that when I just started running cuminc function, R was suddenly closed. These incidents suggest that maybe many other survival dependent packages being involved the problem Could you please consider the matter My R version: 2.8.1 Window XP Service pack 3 Regards Nguyen D Nguyen Garvan Institute, Australia [[alternative HTML version...
2009 Feb 27
Competing risks adjusted for covariates
Dear R-users Has anybody implemented a function/package that will compute an individual's risk of an event in the presence of competing risks, adjusted for the individual's covariates? The only thing that seems to come close is the cuminc function from cmprsk package, but I would like to adjust for more than one covariate (it allows you to stratify by a single grouping vector). Any help/tips will be extremely appreciated. Eleni Rapsomaniki Research Associate Cambridge [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 08
scatterplot function - double check: dashed lines
Hello everyone, This is just a quick double check. It concerns the 'scatterplot function' in R. I have 6 curves and I wish to represent each of them by a different kind of line (their colour must be black). The curves are derived from the cuminc function...the coordinates of which are in 'xx'. Upon reading the documentation in R, it looks like I can use the 'on/off' command for lty and I can merely run: plot(xx,color="black",lty=c("11","13","1343","73","2262",&qu...
2011 Feb 15
Delta method using numerical derivatives
...require(Epi) data(lungDK) fit <- glm(D/Y ~ as.factor(A5)+as.factor(A5):P5-1, data=lungDK, subset=(P5>=1970), weight=Y, family=poisson("identity")) # (Hakulinen and Dyba) ## calculate some summary statistics (e.g. cumulative incidence to 85 years) require(plyr) cuminc <- function(object,year=P5,newdata=NULL) ddply(newdata,deparse(substitute(year)),function(data) sum(5*predict(object,newdata=data)))[,-1,drop=TRUE] ## Now: get summary statistics and SEs using the delta method predictnl(fit,cuminc,newdata=subset(lungDK,A5<85 & P5>=1970)) My...
2011 Jun 27
cumulative incidence plot vs survival plot
Hi, I am wondering if anyone can explain to me if cumulative incidence (CI) is just "1 minus kaplan-Meier survival"? Under what circumstance, you should use cumulative incidence vs KM survival? If the relationship is just CI = 1-survival, then what difference it makes to use one vs. the other? And in R how I can draw a cumulative incidence plot. I know I can make a Kaplan-Meier
2009 Mar 25
Competing risks Kalbfleisch & Prentice method and more classical approach would be to implement the Kalbfleisch & Prentice method (1980, p 169), where one fits cause specific cox models for the event of interest and each type of competing risk, and then calculates incidence based on the overall survival. I believe that this is what the cuminc function in the aforementioned package does, but it does not allow to adjust for a vector of covariates. My question is, is there an R package that implements the Kalbfleisch & Prentice method for competing risks with covariates? for example, if k1 is the cause of interest among k compe...
2009 Oct 05
Unusual error while using coxph[i]>=1) stype[i] <- 3 if(data$all.otc[i]>=1) stype[i] <- 4 if(data$all.o[i]>=1) stype[i] <- 4 } return(stype) } fita <- survdiff(Surv(rem.Remtime,rem.Rcens)~stypea(nmarma)+strata(nmrpa),data=nmarma) fita lrpvalue=1-pchisq(fita$chisq,3) xx <- cuminc(nmarma$rem.Remtime/365,nmarma$rem.Rcens,stypea(nmarma),strata=nmrpa) plot(xx,curvlab=c("Simple/Complex","SC+2gentc or 2gentc","TC or My/Ab or My/Ab+gentc","Other"),lty=1,color=c(2:5),xlab="Time from randomisation (years)",ylab="Probability of 1...
2008 Dec 15
Cumulative Incidence : Gray's test
Hello everyone, I am a very new user of R and I have a query about the cuminc function in the package cmprsk. In particular I would like to verify that I am interpreting the output correctly when we have a stratification variable. Hypothetical example: group : fair hair, dark hair fstatus: 1=Relapse, 2=TRM, 0=censored strata: sex (M or F) Our data would be split into:...
2009 May 15
Function Surv and interpretation
Dear everyone, My question involves the use of the survival object. We can have Surv(time,time2,event, type=, origin = 0) (1) As detailed on p.65 of: My data (used in my study) is 'right censored' i.e. my variable corresponding to 'event' indicates whether a person is alive (0) or dead (1) at date last seen
2009 Jun 25
crr - computationally singular
Dear R-help, I'm very sorry to ask 2 questions in a week. I am using the package 'crr' and it does exactly what I need it to when I use the dataset a. However, when I use dataset b I get the following error message: Error in drop(.Call("La_dgesv", a, as.matrix(b), tol, PACKAGE = "base")) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
2010 Oct 06
problem with abline
Hi All, I am running a scatter plot and trying to add a best fit line. I use an abline function, but get no line drawn over the points. I also get no error. I arm using V 2.10.0 on Windows 7. Here is my code, including the SAS transport file import: require (foreign) require (chron) require (Hmisc) require (lattice) clin <- sasxport.get("y:\\temp\\subset.xpt") attach(clin)
2009 Apr 01
回复: R-help Digest, Vol 73, Issue 32
...charset=us-ascii > As our package developers discussed about incompatibility between Design and survival packages,  I faced another problem with cmprsk- a survival dependent packacge. > The problem is exactly similar to what happened to the Design package that when I just started running cuminc function, R was suddenly closed. > These incidents suggest that maybe many other survival dependent packages being involved the problem   I don't see how this is related to survival.  I just checked the source code to the cmprsk function, and it has no dependencies on my library.  As I wou...