Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "ctree_control".
2007 Nov 12
mtry in ctree_control()
Dear Group,
What is the actual usage of "mtry" in ctree(), or specifically,
ctree_control() since it's a single tree? Thanks in advance.
Kelvin Lam, MSc.
Analyst, Programming & Biostatistics
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES)
2075 Bayview Avenue, G179 Toronto, ON M4N 3M5
(416) 480-4055 Ext. 3057 Fax: (416) 480-6048
email: kelvin.lam@ices.on....
2009 Sep 26
mboost_1.1-3 blackboost_fit (PR#13972)
...get slot "responses" from an object (class "boost_data") that is not
an S4 object
Simple test case that produce bug:
dt=expand.grid(y=c(2,3,4), x1=c(1,2), x2=c(1,2))
bd=boost_dpp(y ~ .,data=dt, weights = NULL)
tree_controls = ctree_control(
teststat = "max",
testtype = "Teststatistic",
mincriterion = 0,
maxdepth = 2...
2011 Feb 17
missing values in party::ctree
...er set of factors. (I have the same question for missing values among numeric [non-factor] values, but I assume the answer is similar.)
> require(party)
> require(mlbench)
> data(BreastCancer)
> BreastCancer$Id <- NULL
> ct <- ctree(Class ~ . , data=BreastCancer, controls = ctree_control(maxdepth = 1))
> ct
Conditional inference tree with 2 terminal nodes
Response: Class
Inputs: Cl.thickness, Cell.size, Cell.shape, Marg.adhesion, Epith.c.size, Bare.nuclei, Bl.cromatin, Normal.nucleoli, Mitoses
Number of observations: 699
1) Bare.nuclei == {1, 2}; criterion = 1,...
2010 Feb 03
mboost: how to implement cost-sensitive boosting family
...(y, w)
p <- weighted.mean(y > 0, w)
1/(10+1) * log(10*p/1*(1 - p))
CSAdaExp <- Family(ngradient = ngradient, loss = loss, offset = offset);
model.blackboost <- blackboost(tr[,1:DIM], tr.y, family=CSAdaExp,
weights=tr.w, control=boost_control(mstop=100, nu=0.1),
tree_controls=ctree_control(teststat = "max",testtype =
"Teststatistic",mincriterion = 0,maxdepth = 10));
#loss <- function (y, f)
# exp(-y * f * ifelse(y==1,COST_FN,COST_FP))
#ngradient <- function (y, f, w = 1)
# y * ifelse(y==1,COST_FN,COST_FP) * exp(-y * f * ifelse(y==1,COST_F...
2012 Jan 06
Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()
...;m trying to understand how to set graphical parameters for trees created with the party package. For example take the following code:
airq <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,
controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))
My problem is, I've got a ctree that has 14 terminal nodes, and as a result of the default graphical paramters of plot(ctree), all of the text is completely undreadable (decison node text is too large and as a result, these nodes overlap one another, termina...
2012 Jan 19
ctree question
Hello. I have used the "party" package to generate a regression tree as
The above works fine. Orig data was my training data. I now have a test
data file (testdata), and would like to run the testdata through the above
tree to see predictions. I trie...
2010 Apr 07
extracting ctree() output information
I am new to R and am using the ctree() function to do customer
segmentation. I am using the following code to generate the tree:
fit<-ctree(Response ~
The variable "Response" above equals 1 if the customer responded to an
offering and 0 otherwise. Everything works great, however I am
struggling to extract the information I need from the output. When I
look at the outp...
2007 Apr 19
"tree-ID" in any segmentation package available?
Dear R-helpers,
I am looking for a segmentation package that gives some "tree identifier"
as output for every observation in the data set (my response variable is
binary). I have skimmed through "rpart", "ada" and "adabag": The output
"trees" gives you the formula, but I have to run several thousand
segmentations on different data sets and it
2006 Jul 14
party - ctree() - terminal nodes reference for every obs
Dear R.Users,
using ctree() (from "party" library) on a data.frame, I want to append a
column with the references for the groups/segments detected. While these
nodes are easy readable in output, I need a vector for my obs.
Daniele Medri
2009 Mar 13
ctree from Java via Rserve
...l("try(load(\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\daten2.rda\"))");
v.voidEval("try(pdf(\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\test4.pdf\"))");
data=daten2, weights=daten2$Tage,
type=\"simple\")"); //line 6
}catch(RserveException e){e.printStackTrace();}
I get the error-message "voidEval failed" for the line 6!
2011 Jul 31
R: print and ctree
I have run the ctree function, and my dependent variable is broken into 3
categories: low cost, moderate cost and high cost.
When i plot the results (eg. using plot(test.ct)), the plot shows, at the
very bottom of each node, the probability of falling into each cost
When i print the actual results (eg. using print(test.ct)), i get all of the
2008 Jun 30
ctree (party) plot meaning question
I tried to use ctree but am not sure about the meaning of the plot.
My.data.ct<-ctree(Resp~., data=My.data)
My data.frame contains 88 explanatory variables (continous,ordered/unordered
multistate,count data) and one response with two groups.
In the plot are only two variables shown (2 internal nodes) and 3 final
nodes. Does it mean that only these two variables show a
2012 Aug 23
party package: ctree - survival data - extracting statistics/predictors
...e-free survival (time and event): i want to know which variables can predict best a poor/good prognosis based on survival data.
I am using function "ctree" from the "party" package.
I came up with this command:
test <- ctree(Surv(time, event)~.,
data =data.test,
controls=ctree_control(teststat="max", testtype="Bonferroni", mincriterion=0.95,savesplitstats = TRUE),
ytrafo = function(data)trafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank),
xtrafo=function(data)trafo(data, surv_trafo=logrank_trafo(data, ties.method = "logrank"))
which works well but as I am not a...
2010 Oct 12
Rpart query
Being a novice this is my first usage of R.
I am trying to use rpart for building a decision tree in R. And I have the
following dataframe
Outlook Temp Humidity Windy Class
Sunny 75 70 Yes Play
Sunny 80 90 Yes Don't Play
Sunny 85 85 No Don't Play
Sunny 72 95 No Don't Play
Sunny 69 70 No Play
Overcast 72 90 Yes Play
Overcast 83 78 No Play
Overcast 64 65 Yes Play
Overcast 81 75