search for: croup

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "croup".

Did you mean: group
2009 Mar 06
Summary grouped by factor
...(rnorm(200), 100, replace=T) k <-"locA", "locB", "locC", "locD"), 25) tapply(v, k, summary) ### example:end ... (hopefully) produces 4 summaries of v according to k group membership. How can I transform the output into a nice table with the croups as columns and the interesting statistics as lines? Thx, S?ren
2014 Jun 27
libvirt on OpenStack
Hi, I am running OpenStack Cluster and use libvirt + cgroup to limit vm’s performance What I am confusing is.. 1. After running a vm instance with some croup limit applied, I can’t find any related cgroup settings. 2. Can I change limit value after instance is running? like change disk_read_iops_sec from 10 to 20. One of the xml file like below. <domain type="kvm"> <uuid>27f49e5c-8ee0-4a09-8269-5fa31acd2983</uuid> <n...
2005 Sep 28
Solaris 8 sshd seg fault with 4.2p1 & PAM
...local user can successfully authenticate. I'll gather more debugging info if this is not already a known problem. jd - -- John Devitofranceschi, E-Mail: jdvf at Fax: +1 203 348 8219 PGP Fingerprint: 0D33 5A27 0810 9543 64FB DF4A 54CF 4B40 1335 4673 "What," asked Mr. Croup, "do you want?" "What," asked the marquis de Carabas, a little more rhetorically, "does anyone want?" "Dead things," suggested Mr. Vandemar. "Extra teeth." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32) iD8DBQFDOgHzVM9LQBM1RnMRAocHAJ...
2007 Mar 01
Call for release testing.
Hi All. We are planning on doing one of our regular OpenSSH releases (4.6/4.6p1) some time next week. This is a mostly a bugfix release, but there is one new feature: sshd now allows the enabling and disabling of authentication methods on a per user, group, host and network basis via the Match directive in sshd_config. The bugs fixed are: #52 ssh hangs on exit. #1252 sftp returns 0 when
2008 Mar 13
Testing wanted: OpenSSH 4.8
Hi, We are preparing to make the release of OpenSSH 4.8 soon, so we would greatly appreciate testing of snapshot releases in as many environments and on as many operating systems as possible. The highlights of this release are: * Added chroot(2) support for sshd(8), controlled by a new option "ChrootDirectory". Please refer to sshd_config(5) for details, and please use this