search for: crossprod

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 304 matches for "crossprod".

2010 Mar 27
R runs in a usual way, but simulations are not performed
...unction(alpha) diag(as.vector(alpha %*% t(z)), nrow=nrow(z), ncol=nrow(z)) sigma_MIX <- function(alpha) diag((as.vector(alpha %*% t(z)))^2, nrow=nrow(z), ncol=nrow(z)) sigma_EXP <- function(alpha) diag(exp(as.vector(alpha %*% t(z))), nrow=nrow(z), ncol=nrow(z)) fi <- function(sigma) solve(crossprod(x, crossprod(solve(sigma),x))) xs <- function(sigma) crossprod(x,solve(sigma)) sx <- function(sigma) crossprod(solve(sigma),x) fixs <- function(sigma) crossprod(fi(sigma),xs(sigma)) sxfixs <- function(sigma) crossprod(xs(sigma),crossprod(fi(sigma),xs(sigma))) # zav?dza (ncol(z) x 1) v...
2006 Nov 21
crossprod(x) vs crossprod(x,x)
I found out the other day that crossprod() will take a single matrix argument; crossprod(x) notionally returns crossprod(x,x). The two forms do not return identical matrices: x <- matrix(rnorm(3000000),ncol=3) M1 <- crossprod(x) M2 <- crossprod(x,x) R> max(abs(M1-M2)) [1] 1.932494e-08 But what really surprised me is...
2005 Jan 27
the incredible lightness of crossprod
The following is at least as much out of intellectual curiosity as for practical reasons. On reviewing some code written by novices to R, I came across: crossprod(x, y)[1,1] I thought, "That isn't a very S way of saying that, I wonder what the penalty is for using 'crossprod'." To my surprise the penalty was substantially negative. Handily the client had S-PLUS as well -- there the sign of the penalty was as I had expected, but the...
2004 Oct 06
crossprod vs %*% timing
Hi the manpage says that crossprod(x,y) is formally equivalent to, but faster than, the call 't(x) %*% y'. I have a vector 'a' and a matrix 'A', and need to evaluate 't(a) %*% A %*% a' many many times, and performance is becoming crucial. With f1 <- function(a,X){ ignore <- t(a) %*% X %*% a...
2002 Mar 15
Thought on crossprod
Hi everyone, I do a lot of work with large variance matrices, and I like to use "crossprod" for speed and to keep everything symmetric, i.e. I often compute "crossprod(Q %*% t(A))" for "A %*% Sigma %*% t(A)", where "Sigma" decomposes as "t(Q) %*% Q". I notice in the code that "crossprod", current definition > crossprod function...
2003 Oct 17
Problems with crossprod
Dear R-users, I found a strange problem working with products of two matrices, say: a <- A[i, ] ; crossprod(a) where i is a set of integers selecting rows. When i is empty the result is in a sense random. After some trials the right answer (a matrix of zeros) appears. --------------- Illustration -------------------- R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.8.0 (2003-10-08) > A...
2005 Oct 05
eliminate t() and %*% using crossprod() and solve(A,b)
Hi I have a square matrix Ainv of size N-by-N where N ~ 1000 I have a rectangular matrix H of size N by n where n ~ 4. I have a vector d of length N. I need X = solve(t(H) %*% Ainv %*% H) %*% t(H) %*% Ainv %*% d and H %*% X. It is possible to rewrite X in the recommended crossprod way: X <- solve(quad.form(Ainv, H), crossprod(crossprod(Ainv, H), d)) where quad.form() is a little function that evaluates a quadratic form: quad.form <- function (M, x){ jj <- crossprod(M, x) return(drop(crossprod(jj, jj))) } QUESTION: how to calculate H %*%...
2003 Sep 07
bug in crossprod? (PR#4092)
...copy the bug report (after finishing it) to # your favorite email program and send it to # # # ###################################################### # The last line of following code produces a segmentation fault: x <- 1:10 f <- gl(5,2) mns <- tapply(x,f,mean) crossprod(mns) #to get sum of squares of mns. # Of course sum(mns^2) is more straightforward. --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i686-pc-linux-gnu arch = i686 os = linux-gnu system = i686, linux-gnu status = major = 1 minor = 7.1 year = 2003 month = 06 day = 16 lan...
2008 Mar 10
crossprod is slower than t(AA)%*BB
Dear Rdevelopers The background for this email is that I was helping a PhD student to improve the speed of her R code. I suggested to replace calls like t(AA)%*% BB by crossprod(AA,BB) since I expected this to be faster. The surprising result to me was that this change actually made her code slower. > ## Examples : > > AA <- matrix(rnorm(3000*1000),3000,1000) > BB <- matrix(rnorm(3000^2),3000,3000) > system.time(crossprod(AA,BB),gcFirst=TRUE) u...
2004 Feb 16
Matrix mulitplication
ABCD are four matrix. A * Inverse((Transpose(A)*Tranpose(B)*B*A+C)) * Transpose(A) * Transpose(B) * D how to write in R in an efficient way? --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 01
efficient code - yet another question
...<- NULL # matrix of scores and loadings for (h in 1:ncomp) { th <- Xh[, 1] ende <- FALSE while (!ende) { nr <- nr + 1 ph <- t(crossprod(th, Xh) * as.vector(1 / crossprod(th))) ph <- ph * as.vector(1/sqrt(crossprod(ph))) thnew <- t(tcrossprod(t(ph), Xh) * as.vector(1/(crossprod(ph)))) prec <- crossprod(th-thnew) th &l...
2002 Jul 14
crossprod and X %*% t(X)
hi, the help page for crossprod states that crossprod(A,B) is faster than t(A) %*% B; experimentation certainly bears this out. more alarming is the evidence that crossprod(t(A), B) is faster than A %*% B: on a PII laptop, 128MB memory, win98, R-1.5.0.-patched precompiled (no ATLAS): > A <- matrix(rnorm(250000),500,500) &...
2010 May 08
matrix cross product in R different from cross product in Matlab
Hi all, I have been searching all sorts of documentation, reference cards, cheat sheets but can't find why R's crossprod(A, B) which is identical to A%*%B does not produce the same as Matlabs cross(A, B) Supposedly both calculate the cross product, and say so, or where do I go wrong? R is only doing sums in the crossprod however, as indicated by (z <- crossprod(1:4)) # = sum(1 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2) in http:/...
2003 Nov 26
RE: 64-bit R on Opteron [was Re: [R] Windows R 1.8.0 hangs when M em Usage >1.8GB]
> From: Douglas Bates > > How does the Opteron perform on floating point? Can you try something > like > > > mm = matrix(rnorm(1e6), nc = 1e3) > > system.time(crossprod(mm)) > [1] 0.51 0.02 0.53 0.00 0.00 > > system.time(crossprod(mm)) > [1] 0.37 0.03 0.40 0.00 0.00 > > system.time(crossprod(mm)) > [1] 0.38 0.02 0.40 0.00 0.00 > > system.time(crossprod(mm)) > [1] 0.38 0.02 0.40 0.00 0.00 > > (That was with R compiled to use Got...
2009 Jul 07
Error due to non-conformable arrays
Hello, Consider this function for generalized ridge regression: gre <- function (X,y,D){ n <- dim(X)[1] p <- dim(X)[2] intercept <- rep(1, n) X <- cbind(intercept, X) X2D <- crossprod(X,X)+ D Xy <- crossprod(X,y) bth <- qr.solve(X2D, Xy) } # suppose X is an (nxp) design matrix and y is an (nx1) response vector p <- dim(x)[2] D<- diag(rep(1.5,p)) bt <- gre(X,y,D) I am getting following error: Error in crossprod(X, X) + D : non-conformable arrays But when i...
2005 Feb 02
Not reproducing GLS estimates
...for to solve (X' V^{-1} X) ^{-1} X' V^{-1} y for the point estimates and (X' V^{-1} X) ^{-1} for the standard errors. score<-long$score X.mat<-model.matrix(score~time, long, row.names=F) var.mat<-getVarCov(fm1) I<-diag(sample.size) V <- kronecker(I,var.mat) pe<-solve(crossprod(X.mat,solve(V,X.mat)))%*%crossprod(X.mat,solve(V,sco re)) varcov<-solve(crossprod(X.mat,solve(V,X.mat))) This perfectly replicates the gls point estimates, but does not replicate the standard errors. The reason I am concerned is that this does not occur when I do this for a mixed model or for a...
2011 Mar 20
Why unique(sample) decreases the performance ?
...;- matrix(y,ncol=1) <- cbind(X, Y) for (j in 1:nrow(X)) { result <- vector("list", ) for( i in 1: 3100) { data <-[sample(50,50,replace=TRUE),] ##### and unique( dataX <- data[,1:5] dataY <- data[,6] B.cap.simulation <- solve(crossprod(dataX)) %*% crossprod(dataX, dataY) P.simulation <- dataX %*% solve(crossprod(dataX)) %*% t(dataX) Y.cap.simulation <- P.simulation %*% dataY e.simulation <- dataY - Y.cap.simulation dX.simulation <- nrow(dataX) - ncol(dataX) var.cap.simulation <- crossprod(e.simulation) / (dX.simula...
2018 Jan 08
Fwd: R/MKL Intel 2018 Compatibility
...m/en-us/mkl ) With the last version of the MKL libraries Intel 2018, we are facing to an issue with *all INTERNAL command* that are executing in R. The R console is freezing executing a process at 100% and never stop!!! It?s really an issue for us. As example, we can reproduce the error with *crossprod. Crossprod *which is a wrapper of BLAS GEMM (optimized with MKL libraries), in this function it seems that variables are not protected ( PROTECT(); UNPROTECT() ), see the screenshot below, which is a recommendation for external commands: Picture1 *RECOMMANDATION* *Picture2* *Code of CROSSPRO...
2010 Nov 16
Integrating functions / vector arithmetic
...ternative ways to 'build' this function are as in f and g below: coeff<-sqrt(1:4) zeta<-function(i) {force(i); function(u){ zeta<-sqrt(2)+sin(pi*i*u) }} f<-function(u){ f<-0 for (j in 1:4){ f<-f+coeff[j]*(zeta(j)(u)) } f<-f } g<-function(u){ g<-crossprod(coeff,zeta(1:4)(u)) } Obviously, f and g are equivalent, but in the actual code I am writing, g is much faster. However, I can't seem to integrate (neither to plot) g. In fact, these are the error messages I get: > print(f(.1)) [1] 4.443642 > print(g(.1)) [,1] [1,] 4.443642 Ev...
2012 Apr 23
linear model benchmarking
I cleaned up my old benchmarking code and added checks for missing data to compare various ways of finding OLS regression coefficients. I thought I would share this for others. the long and short of it is that I would recommend ols.crossprod = function (y, x) { x <- as.matrix(x) ok <- (!! y <- y[ok]; x <- subset(x, ok) x <- cbind( 1, x) XtX <- crossprod(x) Xty <- crossprod(x, y) solve(...