search for: cristall

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "cristall".

2016 Jun 28
Utilizar una application web usando R
Hola Comunidad, Estoy intentado usar una application web ( con R. La idea es tener los datos en R y importalos a la applicacion web y bajar los resultados otra vez a R. Alguna idea de donde puedo encontrar informacion relacionada con este tema? Muchas gracias, Marcal Plans Pujolras UPC-ESAB. Campus del Baix Llobregat . Edifici D4. C. Esteve
2013 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] Lowering Atomic Load to Acquire and Load
I'm working with an experimental backend for an MCU with heavy multithreading capabilities but lacks proper acquire/release semantics. This is okay, as the programmer can customize __cxa_guard_acquire and __cxa_guard_release to lower/raise appropriate semaphores. The issue I'm having is that I can't seem to figure out when to lower atomic load into an acquire/load pair early
2019 Jul 21
Recommended Reading: Advanced R Second Edition
Dear R Developers, After having fully read "Advanced R First Edition" , and having just bought my physical copy of "Advanced R Second Edition", I recommend that: Any community member interested in the development of R reads "Advanced R Second Edition", which explains R Language Core concepts cristal clear, and shows the motivation behind libraries such as
2005 Mar 25
Does asterisk@home 0.6 really work???
I downloaded it yesterday,first stuck by the login name and password in its admin page,there is no place in the document mentioned the password.It took me half hour to google,finally found the login name is maint,felt quite frustrated,why they lost such important info.? then I added some accounts according to the instruction ,seemed quite easy.again ,encountered several problems unsolved after
2013 Jul 09
[LLVMdev] EVT::isRound on non-8-bit byte targets
I'm new to LLVM dev, but I have been working with a target with a minimum addressable byte of 16-bits. I found that in DAGCombiner::visitAND, EVT::isRound could create i8 loads on my 16-bit target which are ultimately invalid. EVT::isRound appears to use a hard-coded 8, rather than pulling the targets BitsPerByte field. Is this a potential bug or is there a better way to address this? Hard
2013 Jul 09
[LLVMdev] EVT::isRound on non-8-bit byte targets
Hi Sam, On 09/07/13 17:01, Sam Cristall wrote: > I'm new to LLVM dev, but I have been working with a target with a > minimum addressable byte of 16-bits. I found that in > DAGCombiner::visitAND, EVT::isRound could create i8 loads on my 16-bit > target which are ultimately invalid. EVT::isRound appears to use a > hard...
2004 Feb 03
voip phones
What is the best inexpensive voip phone out there? I want to try a few with *, but don't want to go broke while I'm just playing around... Tim --
2004 Dec 27
ASTCC - setup help please
I am sure, after I have it setup once, everything will be cristal clear. I could not find a documentation, maybe together we can make at least a "README" for the next user ;-) 1. Brands: Brand Name Create a brand name you want to market your pre-paid card Language Choose one of the available languages en, de, fr, es Published Number ??? DID ??? Guess:
2009 Nov 15
file.rename overwrites existing target (PR#14065)
Full_Name: Jens Oehlschl?gel Version: 2.10.0 OS: Windows XP Professional Submission from: (NULL) ( file.rename() will successfully rename file a to b - even if b exists already. Though the documentation does not state what file.rename() will do in this case, I guess the expected behaviour is to fail and return FALSE. Kind regards Jens Oehlschl?gel > cat("a\n",
2006 Jul 18
Reproducible Research - Examples
All, Recently I ran across a URL documenting published research using R: A note on the site indicates that the code is being revised. The code and data are provided, so that one could reproduce the results without having to buy a proprietary software program. In poking around the R website it is clear that a lot of thought has gone
2009 Oct 22
Valores faltantes en SVM aplicado a microarrays
Hola, Quería preguntar si alguien conoce alguna referencia que pueda ayudarme a entender cuál es la mejor forma de lidiar con valores faltantes para aplicar svm en datos de microarrays. Estoy pensando que una buena solución es eliminar la variable en la que exista un valor faltante de la matriz de datos. En el paquete e1070 de R se elimina la muestra que contiene valores faltantes, pero eso para
2004 Jun 25
Bug in parse(text = <long polynom>) (PR#7022)
Merci beaucoup, Jean, for the bug report -- which I'm no "completeing" to R-bugs >>>>> "Jean" == Jean Coursol <> >>>>> on Thu, 24 Jun 2004 15:22:37 +0200 (CEST) writes: Jean> I was exploring the polynom library with students: <and found a segmentation fault from parsing a long expression>
2013 Apr 03
Alternativas a pgfSewave
Hola a todos: Con la entrada de R 3.0 en Debian Sid me acabo de llevar la sorpresa de que pgfSweave ya no esta mantenido [0]. He intentado compilarlo pero depende de otros paquetes que también se encuentran en el archivo: highlight y parser. En concreto este último falla al compilar (y ahí se acaba el intento). Estaba utilizando pgfSweave por la facilidad para incluir gráficos en Tikz -sin