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2007 Mar 09
Extracting the p of F statistics from lm
I need to extract the p value from a ANOVA done with lm model fitting <- lm(var ~ group) Sfitting <- summary(fitting) Sfitting[10][1] gives the F value and the degrees of freedom but I am not able to get the p value. The function df should give a p value given a F but I am not able to make it work. I found only something about aov in the R help and I am not able to make it work Massimo
2006 Nov 12
Compilation of R under UBUNTU Edgy
I am not able to compile R under ubuntu Edgy. ./configure error message is configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not available I do not know which library is missing (I tried to install some X11 libs but were already on the system). Massimo Cressoni
2007 Mar 03
Sigmoidal fitting
I am trying to write a function that fits a sigmoid given a X and Y vector guessing the start parameters. I use nls. What I did (enclosed) seems to work well with many data points but if I want to fit small vectors like : pressure <- c(5,15,9,35,45) gas <- c(1000,2000,3000,4000,5000) it do not work. The help page says that it do no not work on zero residual data. Massimo Cressoni
2007 Apr 15
Expression for pedices
I know that this maybe a trivial question. I am not able to plot pedices in graph axes. Instead I am able to plot different math symbols : XLABEL <- expression(paste(cmH,lim(f(x), x %->% 0),"O PEEP")) works well XLABEL <- expression(paste(cmH,[2],"O PEEP")) is considered a wrong expression. Thanks
2007 Jul 12
Subsetting problem
I need to perform the Exact Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney on a subset of my database. Assuming that IPPO is my data frame and IPPOBIS is the subset my variable still have 3 different levels and the function wilcox_test (package "coin") does not accept it. I do not know how to overcome this problem. ippo <- c(rep("A",10),rep("B",10),rep("C",10)) ippo2 <-
2007 Apr 08
Plot symbols dimensions
I am writing some code to obtain publication-like plots (like the ones can be obtained with SigmaPlot). I am not able to find the dimensions of a point. Parameters like cex make you able to make it bigger or smaller but I need to know the exact dimension (in relative coordinates : if my plot is 640x480 a dot plotted with cex=1.5 will be...) Massimo Cressoni