search for: createted

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "createted".

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2006 May 17
acts_as_versioned with lock_version bug?
Hello. The acts_as_versioned plugin works fine ... till the adjunction of optimistic locking via the lock_version table column. Here is the problem description: Without optimistic locking things are fine: # ++++ The table creation migration ++++ % cat db/migrate/001_create_tables.rb class CreateTables < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :softwares,
2006 Jun 13
Question: Migration - multiple creates
I want to create a migration file that creates multiple tables, so i''m guessing the correct format would be: Can anyone confirm ? I''m guessing that each new create script requires a seperate class so formatted this way. Perhaps I''m wrong. TIA Stuart class CreateTable1 < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :table1s do |t| t.column :length,
2010 Feb 10
eval function with javascript-semantics possible in R?
Dear r-helpers, I am looking for an R-equivalent for the eval-function in javascript which can interpret a string as code on runtime, thereby allowing things like for (i in c(1:2)) { eval(items + "i") <- read.csv(eval(filename+ i), dec=","); } which would execute (with filename="testfile"): items1 <- read.csv(testfile1, dec=","); items2 <-
2006 Apr 25
belongs_to and has_many
I know this has been rehashed many times, but I don''t get it. I can''t find it documented to were I understand all the parts. I can make this work using Rails database design conventions, but in this case I am not able to do that. I find examples, but the ones I find do not follow the conventions. They also do not give enough information to understand what is going on. In
2005 May 18
Guest OS woun''t boot
Hello everybody, i am a newbie in using Xen. The first three tries to install Xen on my Gentoo box aren''t very successfull. But now i know how to get the dom0 Domain running. So my Xentoo (Xen + Gentoo = Xentoo) ist coming up. My system is configures like this: /dev/hda1 = /boot /dev/hda2 = / /dev/hda3 = LVM-Partition /dev/hda4 = SWAP /dev/vg01/SYSP = Gentoo System for dom1
2002 May 28
isolinux/memdisk with harddisk image.
Hello Peter. Thank you for writing memdisk and isolinux. I've created a bootdisk with it, and it works gread with floppy images and noemulation (WinXP). I've created also a harddisk image with "nero Burning-Software". It works with the createted CD. But when I use the created harddisk image with memdisk. I'l receive error Message as follows. <<screen.jpg>> This is my Config-File. <<isolinux.cfg>> Memdisk works great. I want to use it. Have you any suggestions what's going wrong. Best regards and than...
2000 May 22
bug with automatic added users ?
Hello, I'm running samba 2.0.7 in a little nt-domain with security = domain. This works fine, but I don't want to manually put my nt-domain-users to local users of my linux server. So I put in my smb.conf quick and dirthy: add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m -s /bin/false %u This works, smbrun called useradd and the account would be successful createt and return is 0, but Samba asks
2006 Jan 30
Error: Device 769 (vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found.
Hi, I have installed debian 3.1 on an Intel Pentium D processor 920 ( including vanderpool.) The installation worked fine and i''m able to start guest-domains. When I try to start the Guest-Domain, I Get the following error: Error: Device 769 (vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found. this problem exists still if i have shutdown or destroyed all guests, after
2004 Mar 17
Frequency table
This must be FAQ, but I can't find it in archives or with a site search. I am trying to construct a frequency table. I guess this should be done with table. Or perhaps factor and split. Or prop.table. cut? findInterval? Argh! Please correct me if what I am looking for is not called a "frequency table". Perhaps it's called grouped data. > zz$x9 [1] 65 70 85 65 65 65 62 55
2006 Feb 22
Questions about sub-folders, access...?
Hi people, iam testing samba3 on freebsd 5.4, i install samba from ports with no problems, i have this simple smb.conf file: [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP netbios name = FREEBSD server string = Samba Server FreeBSD security = user encrypt passwords = yes [public] comment = %h Shared Public Directory path = /opt/test force directory
2015 Sep 24
problems with PJSIP install on UBUNTU 14.04
On 15-09-24 04:42 PM, Ryan, Travis wrote: > Did something change DB-wise with PJSIP and realtime between 13.3.2 > and 13.5.0? I'm getting an unknown column error and unsure where I > need that column and the type it needs to be. Yes, the schema can change between versions. Following the instructions on
2009 Jan 08
Samba + Windows 2003 AD
Hey, I don't know if this is the right list to ask this question in, but I have tried on the IRC ( #samba) and people on there advised me to try here instead. I have: Debian 4.0r4 Samba version 3.0.24 - - krb5 Version 1.4.4-7etch6 Kernel Version 2.6.18-6-amd64 A Windows Server 2003 SP2 with AD/DC - -
2009 Jan 05
HELP: Samba + Windows Server 2003 SP2 AD/DC
Hey, I don't know if this is the right list to ask this question in, but I have tried on the IRC ( #samba) and people on there advised me to try here instead. I have: Debian 4.0r4 Samba version 3.0.24 - - krb5 Version 1.4.4-7etch6 Kernel Version 2.6.18-6-amd64 A Windows Server 2003 SP2 with AD/DC - -
2009 Jul 10
Samba(3.2.12 and 3.4.0) - Winbind - trusted domains - Problem!
Good Morning! We got in some troubles using trusted domains and winbind. First i will tell you something about the network and samba configuration. For our SMB Environment we use Samba 3.2.12. We have three trusted domains. Our Samba Server uses LDAP as Backend. Most of the time it worked nice, but after some time Winbind loses User Entrys. On the windows side i can see "unknown user
2003 Dec 01
No subject
TEST 3 If you get a "connection refused" response then the smbd server may not be running. If you installed it in inetd.conf then you probably edited that file incorrectly. If you installed it as a daemon then check that it is running, and check that the netbios-ssn port is in a LISTEN state using "netstat -a". Note: You have xinetd not inetd on the redhat box. To avoid all