search for: country_code

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "country_code".

2007 Jul 11
Query scoring - WTF?
..."explain" the score for a particular document isn''t as informative as I thought. Actually, it confuses me even more. Here''s what I got: I''m indexing locations (addresses) in Ferret using the following fields: street, zipcode, district, city, county, state, country_code Addresses are stored in different precisions, i.e. not all of the fields contain values depending on the location''s accuracy. Here are two examples: 1. Berlin, Germany: country_code: de city: Berlin 2. The district ''Berlin'' in a town called ''Seedorf...
2009 May 25
Help --- My phone number field saves blank
...form i have two text boxes to get the phone number and the country code like below Enter country code ----- Enter phone code ------ In my table i have to save the phone code field after joining the above values with "-" symbol. Example => 0225-25874255 I dont have table field for country_code . So i created like below attr_accessor :phone , :country_code I have given for validation like below validates_presence_of :country_code, :message => ''*The country code is required.'' @user = phone_code = params[:userinfo][:country_cod...
2008 Mar 01
How to cache data in a plugin it won''t have to be recreated every time the page is loaded. The problem is that the plugin initializes its main @countries variable in init.rb file by calling method CountryCodes.load_countries_from_yaml. Is there an easier way to cache this data than doing something like this: lib/country_codes.rb module CountryCodes ... def self.cache_countries_for_select @cached_countries_for_select = countries_for_select(''name'', ''a2'').sort.freeze end def self.cached_countries_for_select @cached_countries_for_select end ... end init.rb require ...
2004 Mar 11
win32-etc-0.2.2 testing wanted
I''ve commited code for win32-etc 0.2.2, which adds the configure_user and configure_group methods. Testing appreciated. On my home system, I can''t get configure_user to work, but I haven''t any real idea why it fails. The configure_group method seems to work fine, however. Dan _________________________________________________________________ Fast. Reliable. Get
2012 Aug 17
Rails doesn't validate create_model or build_model (has_one association)
I''ve got User has_one Shop. Rails is not validating when I tried create_shop or build_shop, neither in the browser nor the rails console. My code: class Shop < ActiveRecord::Base attr_protected :user_id belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :name, :primary_address, :city, :country_code, :currency end class ShopsController < ApplicationController before_filter :signed_in_user, except: [:index, :show] before_filter :correct_user, only: [:edit, :update, :currency, :update_currency] def new @shop = end def create @shop = current_user.build_shop(params...
2012 Nov 18
Question about making histogram and x must be numeric
...lp me out, I have searched other posts as well but I can't find any solution to the problem I'm dealing with. I want to make a histogram from the data Telephone Lines MDGdataset <-read.csv("MDG_dataset_2010.csv", header=T) MDGdatasetAdapted <- subset(MDGdataset, select = c(Country_Code, Country_Name, Year, GNI.per.capita..Atlas.method..current.US.., Telephone.lines..per.100.people., Internet.users..per.100.people.)) MDGdatasetAdapted MDGdatasetAdapted <- na.omit(MDGdatasetAdapted) names(MDGdatasetAdapted) <- c("Code","Country","Year","GNI&...
2008 Mar 19
Stub / Mock - A little guidance?
...unless self.has_billing_address? self.bill_to_address1 = billing_info.address1 self.bill_to_address2 = billing_info.address2 self.bill_to_address3 = billing_info.address3 self.bill_to_city = self.bill_to_country_code = billing_info.country_code self.bill_to_state_province_code = billing_info.state_province_code self.bill_to_postal_code = billing_info.postal_code self.bill_to_phone_number = billing_info.phone_number self.bill_to_extension = billing_info.ex...
2006 Feb 04
AJAX rendered select doesn''t get submitted
...ve_field("address_country", :frequency => 0.25, :update => "address_state_container", :url => {:controller => ''state'', :action => :filtered_state_select}, :with => "''country_code='' + value") %> _______________________________________________________________________________ StateController#filtered_state_select def filtered_state_select #ajax action country = Country.find_by_code(@params["country_code"]) @state_groups = StateGroup...
2006 Aug 10
RJS in Internet Explorer to update a list box
Hi, I''m trying some RJS to update a series of list boxes in which the user selects a state, and the following list gets updated with a list of counties, and the same for the next list of areas. My code works perfectly (albeit a bit slow) on Firefox, but on Internet Explorer it clears the list box (instead of filling it) and Netscape shows all the counties cramped together on one
2005 Dec 08
#3136 - Country codes in country_select
...#39;t modify default behaviour, and the test suite has been updated. I''ve seen a few people trying to figure out how to do this, and after running into the need for it on three separate apps I just went ahead and made the patch for it... Got sick of carting around a big array of countries/country_codes from app to app. Also, should things like this be posted to this list, or just left in trac? I''ve noticed the ticket has already been seen/updated, so perhaps a notification to the list is not necessary for such minor patches. Thoughts?
2004 Mar 06
citrix stores addition information into SAM on pdc
hi, we want to replace our nt4 pdc/bdc with samba and we use windows nt4 terminal servers with citrix in our environment. as far as i know, we will get a problem here. (extensiver reading of the mailing list led me to this conclusion) regarding: >Terminal Server has its own User Manager (which has an extra button -
2009 May 27
Contingent Select Boxes - 2 Q's the default, which is already specified properly q = params[:country] if(q!=Carmen.default_country) q1 = q.gsub!("_", " ") if(q1!=q && q1!=nil) q = q1.titleize else q.capitalize! end q = Carmen::country_code(q) end @states = Carmen::states(q) end