search for: count_with_deleted

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "count_with_deleted".

2006 Jul 10
Strange acts_as_paranoid behavior
Using the acts_as_paranoid plugin with rails 1.1.4 (model also uses acts_as_threaded and acts_as_taggable) and getting some unexplainable behavior. The following tests: assert_equal Conv.count, num assert_equal Conv.count_with_deleted, CONVS_TOTAL Produce the following SQL: SQL (0.000000) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM convs WHERE (( convs.deleted_at IS NULL OR convs.deleted_at > ''2006-07-09 19:46:18'' ) AND ( convs.deleted_at IS NULL OR convs.deleted_at > ''2006-07-09 19:46:18''...