search for: convertx

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2007 Feb 12
Width of a plotting point (in inches) in grid package the width (as tried below), but this results in an object with a size of 0inches (changing cex has no effect). Does anyone have a better approach? Of course, it would be dependent upon the graphics parameters and viewport... Thanks, Randy > library(grid) > pushViewport(viewport()) > convertX(grobWidth(pointsGrob(1, 1)), 'inches') [1] 0inches # I think we're measuring the size of the point here... # changing cex has no effect. > convertX(grobWidth(pointsGrob(1, 1, gp = gpar(cex = 3))), 'inches') [1] 0inches # If I add a second point, the size should increase......
2009 Mar 21
Forestplot () box size question
...igitsize, ...) { require("grid") || stop("`grid' package not found") require("rmeta") || stop("`rmeta' package not found") drawNormalCI <- function(LL, OR, UL, size) { size = 0.75 * size clipupper <- convertX(unit(UL, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) > 1 cliplower <- convertX(unit(LL, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) < 0 box <- convertX(unit(OR, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) clipbox <- box &...
2008 Jul 21
Lattice Version of grconvertX or variant on panel.text?
Still playing with Lattice... I want to use panel.text(x, y etc) but with x and y in plot coordinates (0,1), not user coordinates. I think if I had this problem with traditional graphics, I could use grconvertX to make the change. I did come across convertX {grid} but this doesn't seem to be what I need. Is there a function like grconvertX in Lattice, or is there a flag or some other method of making panel.text use plot coordinates? Thanks, Bryan
2009 Jun 26
gradient fill of a grid.polygon
...nt attempt at this, library(grid) rotate.polygon <- function(g, angle=0){ # utility function, works fine matR <- matrix(c(cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)), nrow = 2) gravity.x = unit(mean(g$x),"npc") gravity.y = unit(mean(g$y),"npc") = convertX(g$x - gravity.x ,"npc",TRUE) = convertY(g$y - gravity.y ,"npc",TRUE) new.xy <- matrix(c(,, ncol=2) %*% matR editGrob(g, x=unit(new.xy[,1],"npc") + gravity.x, y=unit(new.xy[,2],"npc") + gravit...
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot ?
...ake the window smaller, trellis.focus() works fine, you have to make it bigger than the initial size. *** To Fix the bug: I tried to fix this bug in interraction.R but I was unsuccesful. The problem should stem from the a bad calculation of the pads in the follwoing lines : leftPad <- convertX(sum(glayout$page.layout$widths[1:(colRange[1]-1)]), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) rightPad <- convertX(sum(glayout$page.layout$widths[(colRange[2]+1):layCols]), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) topPad <- convertY(sum(glayout$page.layout$heights[1:(rowRange[1]-1)]), &quo...
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot in JavaGD ?
...t(x, y) panel.loess(x,y, span=1) }, par.settings=list( layout.widths=list(left.padding=0, right.padding=0), layout.heights=list(top.padding=0, bottom.padding=0)) ) I traced the a bad calculation of the pads in the following lines : leftPad <- convertX(sum(glayout$page.layout$widths[1:(colRange[1]-1)]), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) rightPad <- convertX(sum(glayout$page.layout$widths[(colRange[2]+1):layCols]), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE) topPad <- convertY(sum(glayout$page.layout$heights[1:(rowRange[1]-1)]), &quo...
2005 Jun 02
Thanks! (was panel.axis() & grid/lattice settings)
....g.: > > > > unit(1, "strwidth", data = "foo") > > > Or just stringWidth("foo") (and of course stringHeight("foo")). > > > > If you want to convert that into, say, inches, you could use > > > > > >>convertX(unit(1, "strwidth", data = "foo"), "inches", TRUE) > > > > [1] 0.2344092 > > > > I think this would depend on the gpars() in effect, in > particular fontsize. > > > Yep. There's also grobWidth(textGrob("foo")), wh...
2011 Feb 15
gList and gTree methods of grid::grobX
...ewport(0.5,0.5)) ## gList g1 <- gList(rectGrob(0.5,0.5, width=unit(0.8,"npc"), height=unit(2,"cm")), circleGrob(r=0.3)) ## loop over angles to map the boundary gtheta <- function(g, theta){ sapply(theta, function(.t){ gx <- convertX(grobX(g, .t), "npc") gy <- convertY(grobY(g, .t), "npc") c(gx,gy) }) } angles <- seq(0,360,by=30) p1 <- gtheta(g1, angles) grid.newpage() grid.draw(g1) grid.points(p1[1,],p1[2,], gp=gpar(cex=0.2), default.units="npc")...
2005 Feb 15
lattice multiple plots per page
Dear R-sters, I was wondering if anyone has encountered the following issues. I've figured out how to get multiple levelplots [library(lattice)] on a single plot. However, when I add text (adding axis labels for the entire four panel plot) the text is missing when I insert the *.eps file I've created into my LaTeX document (via MikTeX-WinEdt). And, I've just upgraded to R
2009 Jun 04
type = 'b' with Grid;- diff(y) # duplicate the points to make split segments new.x <- rep(x, each=2)[-c(1, 2*length(x))] new.y <- rep(y, each=2)[-c(1, 2*length(y))] new.size <- rep(size, each=2, length=2*n)[-c(1, 2*n)] length <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) # length of initial segments exclusion <- 0.5*space*convertX(unit(new.size, "char"), "npc", TRUE) scaling <- exclusion / rep(length, each=2) # exclusion factor around each point start <- seq(1, by=2, length(new.x)) # starting points end <- seq(2, by=2, length(new.x)) # end points x.start <- scaling[start] * dx[(start+1)...
2008 Jul 04
nothing works so far :-(
ok, i'm new to linux. i've just installed the latest ubuntu and updated eveything. there were a few programs that i used often under windows that i wanted to continue with. they are ConvertXtoDVD, CloneDVD and AnyDVD. i have wine 1.1.0 installed and i have installed all 3 of those programs and added them to the Applications section of wine. CloneDVD and AnyDVD both give the same error message when i try to start them " Failed to init ElbyCDIO" after some searching it seems th...
2008 Jul 23
VSO converX to DVD
i recently bought Linspire 6 installed wine from the CNR site and was able to successfully run VSO ConvertX to DVD. Just wanted to Thank the Wine team for making it easy. :D
2008 Apr 16
Newbie Question
Installed the current Wine release under Ubuntu 7.10 32 Bit. I cannot see how to actually install a Windows application correctly. Sorry, I just can't find out how to do it - I want to run the .exe installation file for a program called ConvertXtoDVD. I also (through mucking about and not asking first) totally messed up the Wine application, removed it 'completely' via the Package Manager, but when I re-install it's remembered all my erroneous settings. How can I get back to 'Square 1'? Thanks.
2005 Jun 01
panel.axis() & grid/lattice settings
Hello, I wish to customize the tick marks and labels of axes in panels produced by high-level lattice functions, namely xyplot. I know I can use the scales argument to specify values for rot, cex, etc. in the top-level call. However, I am interested in determining values for cex and rot based on the current panel / viewport and device. More specifically, I would like to make adjustments when
2012 Oct 04
barplot with some 0 frequencies
Hi all, I am back with a new question ! I recorded the occurence of 4 differents event on 20 places for a given time period. Now, I want to do some barplot of the frequency of theses events for each place, so it should be easy. My problem is that I want to see the frequencies of the 4 events on my barplots even if the frequency of some of them is 0. How could I do that ? Thanking you in advance
2007 Oct 25
Strange behavior with time-series x-axis
I recently called plot(x,y) where x was an array of POSIXct timestamps, and was pleasantly surprised that it produced a nice plot right out of the box: z <- as.POSIXct(c("2006-10-26 08:00:00 EDT","2007-10-25 12:00:00 EDT")) x <- seq(z[1],z[2],len=100) y <- 1:100 plot(x,y,type="l") The X axis had nice labels, one tick mark every other month. (Plotting on