search for: contribue

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "contribue".

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2002 Jun 04
IANA Reserved Addresses Tool
Andy Wiggin has contribued a Python program that reads and creates a list of reserved subnets suitable for inclusion in /etc/shorewall/rfc1918. The list produced by Andy''s program will be included in the rfc1918 file included in version 1.3.2 (it''s av...
2004 Jun 30
[LLVMdev] Hi
Hi I am Bhasker. (I talked to you people over IRC). May i have some details on the anonymous cvs server access ? I would like to contribue and work in this project if I am allowed to. Thankx. ===== Bye Bhasker C V Registered Linux user: #306349 The box said "Requires Windows 95, NT, or better", so I installed Linux. My death day: 29th Oct 2046 @ :-) __________________________________ Do you...
2007 Jul 30
First translation: HowToContribute
=== Come contribuire al wiki === Vorremmo un wiki dove chiunque potesse scrivere senza dover fare i salti mortali, ma non ci ? consentito. Dite grazie a tutti gli Spammer l? fuori che "spargono" il loro contributo ovunque sul web. Perci?, per mantenere i contenuti puliti e accurati, moderiamo gli articoli che ci vengono sottoposti. Per poterci inviare dei contributi occorre: *
2010 Mar 31
Problem with samba shares authentified against Active Directory
...?truire. Tout message ?lectronique est susceptible d'alt?ration et son int?grit? ne peut ?tre assur?e. L'exp?diteur d?cline toute responsabilit? dans l'hypoth?se o? il aurait ?t? modifi? ou falsifi?. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P *Afin de contribuer au respect de l'environnement, merci de n'imprimer ce mail qu'en cas de n?cessit?.*
2010 Jul 16
Problem using multiple SAMBA + ADS file server
...idmap uid = 50000-500000000 idmap gid = 50000-500000000 I am a little scared about those issues because I have 37 fileserver still to migrate Someone can help or explain me what I did wrong ? Cordialy Sylvain RICHAUD Responsable S?curit?, Syst?me et R?seau Afin de contribuer ? la pr?servation de l'environnement, merci de n'imprimer ce courriel que si n?cessaire Les informations contenues dans ce courrier ?lectronique sont confidentielles. En tout ?tat de cause, elles ne sont destin?es qu?? la personne ou entreprise dont le nom est mentionne ci-dessus. Veui...
2011 May 27
RE How to convert an ftable object to a matrix including the row names?
...> > L'int?grit? de ce message n'?tant pas assur?e sur Internet, l'Institut Curie ne peut ?tre tenu responsable de son contenu. > Si vous n'?tes pas destinataire de ce message confidentiel, merci de le d?truire et d'avertir imm?diatement l'exp?diteur. > Afin de contribuer au respect de l'environnement, merci de n'imprimer ce mail qu'en cas de n?cessit?.
2010 Nov 10
clustering association rules
...{410} 0.001031416 1 203.2464589 5 {410,8699,94762} => {94764} 0.001031416 0.986666667 557.3967454 5 {410,8699,94764} => {94762} 0.001031416 0.986666667 786.5487407 5 Best regards, Jüri Kuusik Please help Logica to respect the environment by not printing this email / Pour contribuer comme Logica au respect de l'environnement, merci de ne pas imprimer ce mail / Bitte drucken Sie diese Nachricht nicht aus und helfen Sie so Logica dabei, die Umwelt zu schützen. / Por favor ajude a Logica a respeitar o ambiente nao imprimindo este correio electronico. This e-mail and any...
2002 Jul 05
...ons que poserait ce projet serait: "est-ce la machine qui structure les subjectivités ou les subjectivités qui structurent la machine?" RadioMatic est un dispositif "autonome" à produire du changement. "Non seulement la machine produit quelque chose dans le monde, mais elle contribue à produire, à reproduire et à transformer le monde dans lequel elle fonctionne". (citations: Pierre Lévy) <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to 'vorbis-request@...
2014 Aug 25
Unable to open a particular share.
Hello everybody, we have a strange behaviour since a BDC was rebooted. We have an infrastructure were one big Samba server is defined as a PDC, and a few others servers are defined as BDC. This infrastructure is deployed in a school, so we have the PDC and one BDC for each section of the school (college, elementary school ...). Most of the clients computers are Windows XP, and the servers