search for: contour

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 795 matches for "contour".

2010 Nov 23
Filled contour plot showing labeled isolines?
Is it possible to create a contour plot with the isolines labeled. I know you can do this with Matlab. Argh! I tried creating a filled contour plot, then using par(new=T), followed by overlaying the contour plot on top. However, the placement of the filled contour plot and the contour plot do not align correctly. Any suggestions...
2002 Dec 14
adding contour lines to a filled.contour
Hi all, Does anybody know how to add contour lines to a filled contour plot? I want to draw a single contour around values that are above a certain level (e.g., significant). The problem I'm having is that since the filled.contour command actually draws two plots (data and the key), adding contour lines paints them over both plots. Any...
2006 Feb 12
contour lines for levelplot
Hi, I would like to add contour lines to a (trellis/lattice-) levelplot. Sure, there is the "contour=TRUE" argument, but this uses "cuts=..." (which is usually chosen very high for my plots. I guess cuts=99 is the best you can do (?)) for plotting the contour lines. Furthermore, I do not like the numbe...
2003 Jul 27
contourplot:how to get it to label all contours like 'contour'
Hi, one of the nice things about contour is that it labels all contour lines. contourplot only labels each particular elevation a single time. i.e., if there are two contour lines corresponding to z = 45, it will only label one of them. is there a way to get contourplot to automatically label all the contour lines, even those that are...
2004 Jan 31
about contour - get contour coordinates - exclude area display
Dear all, I wonder about what could actually be possible with the function "contour": 1/ - the definition of contour lines is most often meaningless when the contours are drawn in areas where no real data points exist. It can however happen that irregular distributions lead to more or less irregular clouds of data points. Interpolations (eg: loess regression, GLM, etc...) a...
2005 Jan 14
contour and filled contour plots
Hello, I'd like to remove color bar from "filled.contour" plot. Is it possible and how? I also want to overlay "contour" plot on filled.contour but due to scaling of the "filled.contour" to account for the color bar, aspect ratio for "contour" is different from "filled.contour". Can this problem be solved? Tha...
2006 Feb 13
Plotting contour & filled.contour in one graph
Dear All, I have a question on overlaying a filled.contour (e.g. on soil properties data) and contour (by elevation) in one graph. Both have the same z matrix dimension. I'm able to overlay both graph, but the plots dimension did not overlap well on the same plots. How can I have both filled.contour and contour on the same graph? The commands that I ha...
2003 Mar 19
Center of Closed Contour
I am searching for a utility in R which will determine the mean location of a closed contour and eventually record the location in an ASCII file. By means of the contour utility in R, I am able to produce an image of a contour, but I am seeking a procedure which will produce the coordinates of the center of mass of the contour. From my actual set of data, the contour utility will produce...
2013 Mar 08
2D filled.contour plot with 1D histograms by axes
Hi everyone, I hope this question is beyond "read the manual". My task is simple, just to plot the following, but the plot in the middle should be a filled.contour plot: Background: I prefer filled.contour rather than hist2d. Because, I could use kernel smooth, so the plot for discrete data won't be too ugly. I also tried image() and then contour(), but the number on contour i...
2011 Feb 11
Using filled.contour and contour functions together
...s: library(RSEIS) xNE <- seq(1, as.numeric(as.Date(max(NEdaily[[1]])) - as.Date(min(NEdaily[[1]]))), 1) yNE <- rev(c(-0.3, -0.5, -0.7, -0.9, -1.1, -1.4, -1.7, -2, -2.5, -3, -4, -5, -7, -9, -10)) zNE <- mirror.matrix(as.matrix(NEdaily[1:(nrow(NEdaily)-1),2:length(NEdaily)])) filled.contour(xNE,yNE,zNE , col = myPal(20) , zlim = c(-20,20) , ylab = "Depth [m]", , xlab = paste("Days since ", as.Date(min(NEdaily[[1]]), format ="%d.%m.%Y")) ) contour(xNE,yNE,zNE, lty = 3, add = T) contour(xNE,yNE,zNE, nlevels = 1, level = 0, add = T, lwd = 1.5) I get...
2009 Nov 22
contour(): lines & labels in different colours?
Greetings, All! I want to draw contour lines in red, using contour(), but also have the contour labels (for the level-values) in black so that they will stand out against a coloured background already generated using filled.contour() (the background shades from green at low levels of "risk" to red at high levels). In any case...
2004 Nov 04
Labelling contour lines
I am using contour to draw contour lines onto a photo (jpeg) of a leaf on a white background. I have two problems: 1) The contour gets plotted at right angles to the jpeg image. I guess this is a problem of referencing the start and end points of the image matrix but I can't see how to over come this other t...
2005 Feb 08
Contour plot
Hello, I would like to make a contourplot of the following data; > x <- 1:10 > y <- 1:10 > z <- 100:110 By doing >contour(x,y,z) I get the following error; "Error in contour.default(x, y, z) : no proper `z' matrix specified" How do I fix this?? Kind regards, Datius Blaszijk [[alternative HTML v...
2008 Aug 08
Axes in filled.contour plots
I am attempting to create a contour plot using R with this code: > contour <- as.matrix(read.csv("contour.csv", row.names=1, header=TRUE)) > library(gplots) > filled.contour(contour, main="Flume 1 Flow Velocities") Now this produces the image/plot that I am looking for perfectly. However, the both ax...
2009 Oct 22
contour() & contourLines()
Hi Folks, I have been using contour() to produce some contour plots (of a spatially-smooted density produced by kde2d()), with very satisfactory results. I now want access to the coordinates of the points on the contours, and it would seem that contour() does not return a value, so there is nothing from which these could be extracte...
2004 Feb 03
filled maps
Hi R-Help, I would like to make filled contour maps of ocean data overlaid by costlines from the map package. I can draw the filled contours and the coastlines om the same plot, but the filled contour also covers part of the land. To get rid of that I tried to draw a filled coastline map on top of the filled contour, but the filled map only dra...
2009 Nov 28
extract coordinates from contour lines
To everyone, Is there a way to extract coordinates or an equation from a "straight" contour line? Thanks. Cheers Julius Tesoro
2008 Mar 13
Plot contour over filled contour
Dear R-users, I haven't found a way in the searchable archive to overplot a contour (lines) over a surface. I have a (n,m) matrix that represents sea surface temperature that I have plotted using image.plot(), filled.contour() or image(). I would like to overplot this image with some contour lines of mixed layer depth values(same size matrix). How can I do this? Any help is app...
2009 Jan 06
smoothed contour lines
Hi all, I'm trying to draw a contour plot with rounded (smoothed) contour lines instead of sharp angles; when the grid consists of only a few points in x- and y- axis, the resulting contour is in facts rather ugly since very sharp angles may appear. I did not find any way to do it, by using either "contour" or "contour...
1999 May 10
dotted contour line for negative values?
I have a contour plot where the surface can take on positive and negative values. I would like to use solid contour lines for positive values and dotted contour lines for negative values. I saw a plot like this produced by S-Plus before. Is there a way to do this with R? If not, can anyone suggest a way to make i...