search for: contact_address

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "contact_address".

2006 May 06
Question about one-to-many-to-many
...tables/models. I can''t get cascading deletes (haven''t tried updates yet) to work when the master record is deleted. I''m using MySQL 4.1.x, and the error message is: Mysql::Error: #23000Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails: DELETE FROM contact_addresses WHERE (contact_id = 1). Is this something that''s not supported by MySQL? Or might I have setup my models (has_many, belongs_to, etc.) incorrectly? -- Posted via
2007 Aug 03
acts_as_paranoid and Association Extensions (has_one troubles)
...on_OBJECT.with_deleted. Has_many does like expected: Model.association_COLLECTION.with_deleted. * Example: The disability of my approach you see below after the lines with ########### signs.. First on to: class Organization class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_paranoid has_one :contact_address, :as => :addressable, :dependent => :destroy do def with_deleted ContactAddress.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => "addressable_id = #{}"}) do find_with_deleted(:all) end end end Loading development environment. >> sc = SportCl...
2006 Aug 11
Unit tests - NilClass problem
...fixtures :customers # Replace this with your real tests. def test_create test_creation_of :model => Customer, :record => @customer, :fixture => @first, :attributes => [:id, :name, :contact_firstname, :contact_lastname, :contact_address, :contact_country, :contact_state, :contact_email, :contact_phone, :activationcode] end end and when trying to run it I get: ------------ Loaded suite customer_test Started F Finished in 0.731 seconds. 1) Failure: test_create(CustomerTest) [./../test_helper.rb:31:in `test_creation_of...
2007 Nov 21
Testing transactional updates in story runner
How do you guys test transactional updates with story runner? I have an action that needs to update four different models: Enrollment.transaction do @contact.update_addresses(params[:contact_address], params [:billing_address]) @enrollment.update_attributes!(params[:enrollment]) end The last update_attributes! will raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotValid if anything was invalid (it cascades to contact and further to addresses), and thus cause a rollback, so either all the updates...