search for: cont3

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "cont3".

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2007 Dec 27
SAS to R - if you have SAS 8.2+
...ot;sasds","",inPath,"") # create the content csv file cont1 <- paste("proc contents data=sasds.",inSAS," out=_tmp1(KEEP=NAME TYPE LENGTH VARNUM FORMAT) noprint; run;",sep="") cont2 <- "proc sort data=_tmp1; by varnum; run;" cont3 <- "data _tmp2; set _tmp1; if type=2 then dummy='character'; " cont3 <- paste(cont3,"if type=1 then do; if format in ('DATE','DATETIME') then dummy='date'; ",sep="") cont3 <- paste(cont3,"else dummy='numeric'; end...
2014 Nov 24
[LLVMdev] RFC: How to represent SEH (__try / __except) in LLVM IR
...%7 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %5, 1 store i32 %7, i32* %ehselector.slot ; Branch to shared label to do pre-catch cleanup br label %ehcleanup if.else: ; preds = %invoke.cont invoke void @_ZN5InnerC1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner) to label %invoke.cont3 unwind label %lpad1 invoke.cont3: ; preds = %if.else invoke void @_Z12do_thing_twov() to label %invoke.cont5 unwind label %lpad4 invoke.cont5: ; preds = %invoke.cont3 invoke void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner* %in...
2015 May 18
[LLVMdev] New EH representation for MSVC compatibility
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Kaylor, Andrew <andrew.kaylor at> wrote: > I like the way this sorts out with regard to funclet code generation. > It feels very natural for Windows EH, though obviously not as natural for > non-Windows targets and I think it is likely to block some optimizations > that are currently possible with those targets. > Right, it will
2011 Dec 09
[LLVMdev] Implementing devirtualization
...once_odr unnamed_addr constant [5 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i8* }* @_ZTI1A to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%class.A*)* @_ZN1A3fooEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%class.A*)* @_ZN1A3gooEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%class.A*, %class.A*)* @_ZN1AplERS_ to i8*)] define i32 @main() uwtable { invoke.cont3: %call = tail call noalias i8* @_Znwm(i64 16) %0 = bitcast i8* %call to i32 (...)*** store i32 (...)** bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8*]* @_ZTV1A, i64 0, i64 2) to i32 (...)**), i32 (...)*** %0, align 8 %x2.i.i = getelementptr inbounds i8* %call, i64 8 %1 = bitcast i8* %x2.i...
2011 Dec 09
[LLVMdev] Implementing devirtualization
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Vitor Luis Menezes <vitor at> wrote: > We've got the following test case: > > > class A { > public: >   int x; >   A(int x) : x(x) {} >   int hoo() {return 4;} >   virtual int foo() {return x;} >   virtual int goo() {return foo()+10;} >   virtual int operator+(A &a) { >     return x + a.x; >   } > };
2011 Dec 08
[LLVMdev] Implementing devirtualization
We've got the following test case: class A { public: int x; A(int x) : x(x) {} int hoo() {return 4;} virtual int foo() {return x;} virtual int goo() {return foo()+10;} virtual int operator+(A &a) { return x + a.x; } }; class B : public A { public: B(int x) : A(x) {} int hoo() {return 2;} virtual int foo() {return A::foo()*2;} }; int main() { A* a = new A(1);
2015 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] RFC: Native Windows C++ exception handling
...ont1 unwind label %lpad invoke.cont.1: call void 3) invoke void @_Z14do_inner_thingv() to label %invoke.cont2 unwind label %lpad invoke.cont2: call void 2) invoke void @_ZN5InnerD1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner) to label %invoke.cont3 unwind label %lpad invoke.cont3: call void 1) invoke void @_ZN5OuterD1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer) to label %invoke.cont4 unwind label %lpad invoke.cont4: call void 0) call void -1) call void @_Z10keep_goingv(...
2015 May 15
[LLVMdev] RFC: New EH representation for MSVC compatibility
...return return: ret void cleanup.Obj: cleanupblock unwind label call void @~Obj() resume label catchblock void [i8*, i32 7, i32* %e.addr] to label unwind label %catchend1 invoke void @f(i32 3) to label %cont3 unwind label %catchend1 cont3: invoke void @f(i32 4) to label %cont4 unwind label %maycatch.all cont4: resume label %return maycatch.all: catchblock void [i8* null, i32 0, i8* null] to label %catch.all unwind label %catchend2 catch.all: invoke void @f(i32 5) to label %cont5 unw...
2015 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] RFC: Native Windows C++ exception handling
Hi Reid, Thanks for the input. You wrote: > The @_Z4testv.unwind.1 helper just calls ~Inner(), but not ~Outer. That’s actually intentional. The thing to keep in mind is that all of the landing pads are going to be effectively removed by the time the final object image is generated. They are just there to facilitate the table generation, and in the __CxxFrameHandler3 case they don’t mean