Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "concav".
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2009 Jan 17
Concave Hull
Dear Friends,
Here is an algorithm for finding concave hulls: http://get.dsi.uminho.pt/local/
Has anyone implemented such an algorithm in R?
RSiteSearch('concave hull') didn't reveal one (I think).
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
Postal Address:
P.O.Box 400400, Char...
2006 May 02
Concave Hull?
...sing trmat and want to trim the resulting matrix to the area enclosed by my real data (i.e., remove all the extrapolated areas). I was using chull and in.chull to calculate the convex hull and change all the other values created by trmat to NA. However, my real data has portions that are slightly concave so chull would give me slivers that are extrapolations from my data. Is there some other type of "chull" function that will allow the resulting polygon to be slightly concave? (I can send a picture to show what I am trying to do, if needed)
Thanks in advance,
Mike R. Saunders
2009 Nov 25
Concave hull
Dear friends,
Do you know how to calculate the CONCAVE hull of a set of points (2-
dimensional or n-dimensional)? is that possible in R? (With a "smoothing"
parameter of course).
Corrado Topi
Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Indicators
Area 18,Department of Biology
University of York, York, YO10 5YW, UK
Phone: + 44 (0) 1...
2013 Apr 25
Stochastic Frontier: Finding the optimal scale/scale efficiency by "frontier" package
...stochastic frontier analysis.
The only approach I know to work with R is to estimate a translog
production function by sfa or other related function in frontier package,
and then use the Ray 1998 formula to find the scale efficiency. However, as
the textbook Coelli et al 2005 point out that the concavity may not be
satisfied, one needs to impose the nonpositive definiteness condition so
that the scale efficiency <1. How can I do it with frontier package?
Is there any other SFA model/function in R recommended to find out the
scale efficiency and optimal scale?
2010 Aug 08
Does anybody know how to control the appearance of the end of the line in lattice?
Hi All,
I am plotting vertical lines using xyplot in lattice and type="h".
It works well, but the problem is that the tops of the lines are convex and the bottoms are concave.
Is there a way to flatten the tops and bottoms?
Here's my code:
2003 Jul 13
How robust is mle in R?
A newbie question: I'm trying to decide whether to run a maximum likelihood
estimation in R or Stata and am wondering if the R mle routine is reasonably
robust. I'm fairly certain that, with this data, in Stata I would get a lot
of complaints about non-concave functions and unproductive steps attempted,
but would eventually have a successful ML estimate. I believe that, with
the 'unproductive step' at least, Stata gets around the problem by switching
to some alternative estimation method in difficult cases. Does anyone know
how robust mle is i...
2003 Sep 01
Quantile Regression Packages
...bivariate fitting is based on the total variation penalty
(triogram) methods described in Koenker and Mizera (2003), available at
http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/research/goniolatry/gon.html and
forthcoming in JRSS(B).
There are options to constrain the qss components to be monotone and/or
convex/concave for univariate components, and to be convex/concave
for bivariate components. Fitting is done by new sparse implementations
of the dense interior point (Frisch-Newton) algorithms already available
in the package quantreg.
The new package "nprq" thus supplements the existing packages
2013 Mar 21
"[[i]]$" <- "" indexing and lapply
# shows the correct naming convention before being ran through
> dput(Sample)
structure(list(`21NC02WQ.C1000000` = structure(list(Date =
structure(numeric(0), class = "Date"),
ConcLow = numeric(0), ConcHigh = numeric(0), Uncen = numeric(0),
ConcAve = numeric(0), Julian = numeric(0), Month = numeric(0),
Day = numeric(0), DecYear = numeric(0), MonthSeq = numeric(0),
SinDY = numeric(0), CosDY = numeric(0)), .Names = c("Date",
"ConcLow", "ConcHigh", "Uncen", "ConcAve", "Julian", &quo...
2010 Apr 26
Identifying breakpoints/inflection points?
I have a dataset with the following two vectors:
2003 Jul 18
Grandstream BudgeTone 102 initial experiences
the name or labeling from BudgeTone to ExpensiTone but kept
the good pricing that would help a lot. It lacks elegance.
The soon to be released grey model may improve it's image.
You cannot wall mount this phone (easily). There are mounting
holes on the bottom and the handset has a little concavity
in the right place but there's no nub/pin to keep the
handset in place when on hook. I haven't asked the Grandstream
folks about this--maybe I got a dud or maybe they already
plan to address this.
I just bought a new house and am seriously thinking about
sprinkling these throughout and...
2005 Jun 06
(Off topic.) Observed Fisher information.
I have been building an R function to calculate the ***observed***
(as opposed to expected) Fisher information matrix for parameter
estimates in a rather complicated setting. I thought I had it
working, but I am getting a result which is not positive definite.
(One negative eigenvalue. Out of 10.)
Is it the case that the observed Fisher information must be positive
definite --- thereby
2005 Jun 25
optimization problem in R ... can this be done?
...lies on the real line. g may take values along the real line. g is such that g(x,n)=g(-x,n). g is a decreasing function of x for any n; for fixed x, g(x,n) is smooth and intially decreases upon reaching an inflection point, thereafter increasing until it reaches a maxima and then declinces (neither concave nor convex).
My optimization problem is to find the largest positive x such that g(x,n) is less than zero for all n. In fact, because of the symmetry of g around x, we need only consider x > 0. Such an x does exists in this problem, and of course g obtains a maximum value of 0 at some n for t...
2004 Nov 19
glm with Newton Raphson
Does anyone know if there is a function to find the maximum likelihood
estimates of glm using Newton Raphson metodology instead of using IWLS.
Valeska Andreozzi
Department of Epidemiology and Quantitative Methods
FIOCRUZ - National School of Public Health
Tel: (55) 21 2598 2872
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
2008 Sep 16
Maximum likelihood estimation of a truncated regression model
...function to estimate truncated
regression models as does STATA, LIMDEP etc. I tried the survival and
FEAR packages and couldn't fit it for my case. So I wrote the log
likelihood function of the truncated regression model and
reparametrised it using Olsen (1978) so that the function is globally
concave and has an unique maximiser. I used a quasi-Newton method
(BFGS) to maximise my function. I also used Newton-Raphson method
(maxNR) to maximise my function. The (naive) code can be seen below.
2004 Jan 20
..You can be a ~Se-xxMachine~
adventurous burgundian rook elkhart butterball concave chaplin
dustbin trout plane pedestal cinquefoil ely indigene choir
curvilinear scald zing bramble braid cobol
composition tripartite bust torpedo transverse marvin crestfallen troika
molybdate aflame righteous aden diffusive lenin wilcox downright pittsburgh
inflammable smear cathy orinoco
2012 Mar 07
sparsenet: a new package for sparse model selection
...en L1 and L0 regularization. One nice feature of this
family is that the single-coordinate optimization problems are convex, making it
ideal for coordinate descent.
The package fits the regularization surface for each parameter - a surface over the
two-dimensional space of tuning parameters. The concavity parameter gamma indexes
the member of the family, and lambda is the usual Lagrange penalty parameter which
determines the strength of the penalty.
Sparsenet is extremely fast. For example, with 10K variables and 1K samples, the entire surface with
10 values of gamma and 50 values of lambda tak...
2012 Mar 07
sparsenet: a new package for sparse model selection
...en L1 and L0 regularization. One nice feature of this
family is that the single-coordinate optimization problems are convex, making it
ideal for coordinate descent.
The package fits the regularization surface for each parameter - a surface over the
two-dimensional space of tuning parameters. The concavity parameter gamma indexes
the member of the family, and lambda is the usual Lagrange penalty parameter which
determines the strength of the penalty.
Sparsenet is extremely fast. For example, with 10K variables and 1K samples, the entire surface with
10 values of gamma and 50 values of lambda tak...
2006 Feb 10
Fitdistr and MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution
I would like to get MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution. I
can use fitdistr() for this. After looking a bit into the code of this
function I can see that value for lambda and its standard error is
estimated via
estimate <- mean(x)
sds <- sqrt(estimate/n)
Is this MLE? With my poor math/stat knowledge I thought that MLE for
Poisson parameter is (in mixture of LaTeX
2005 Mar 09
Question about biasing in sd()???
Can anyone help me with the following. I have been using R for Monte
Carlo simulations and got some results I couldn't explain. Therefor I
performed following short test:
mean.sds <- NULL
sample.sizes <- 3:30
for(N in sample.sizes){
dum <- NULL
for(I in 1:5000){
x <- rnorm(N,0,1)
dum <- c(dum,sd(x))
mean.sds<- c(mean.sds,mean(dum))
2007 Sep 16
using tc to drop packets based on the diffserc or tos value
Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone can help me to resolve a problem.
I am trying to use tc command in linux to drop udp
packets of specific diffserv value.
I am able set diffserv value successfully in the udp packet
using command:-
[root@scotch src]#iptables --table mangle --append OUTPUT \
--out-interface eth0 --protocol udp --source-port 5060 \
--jump DSCP --set-dscp 8
but i am not able to