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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 789 matches for "comprisable".

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2009 Aug 12
Random sampling while keeping distribution of nearest neighbor distances constant.
Dear All, I cannot find a solution to the following problem although I imagine that it is a classic, hence my email. I have a vector V of X values comprised between 1 and N. I would like to get random samples of X values also comprised between 1 and N, but the important point is: * I would like to keep the same distribution of distances between the X values * For example let's say N=10 and
2010 Sep 26
Splitting a data frame into several completely separate data frames
Hello again, How do I split a data frame into smaller, completely separate data frames (rather than separate data frames comprising a single "list")? Consider the following data, and my coding attempt: x <- read.table(textConnection("id type number indv.1 bagel 6 indv.2 bagel 1 indv.3 donuts 10 indv.4 donuts 9"), header = TRUE) closeAllConnections() x.split <-
2012 Jan 18
Executable expressions
Given a<-"c(1,2,3,4,5)" How canĀ  I evaluate the variable a to return a (numeric) vector comprising of 1,2,3,4,5? Thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jun 08
Basic question on applying a function to each row of a dataframe
Hi, I have a function foo(x,y) and a dataframe, DF, comprised of two vectors, x & w, as follows : x w 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 1 etc I would like to apply the function foo to each 'pair' within DF e.g foo(1,1), foo(2,1), foo(3,1) etc I have tried >apply(DF,foo) >apply(DF[,],foo) >apply(DF[DF$x,DF$w],foo) However, none of the above worked. Can anyone help ?
2010 Jan 09
How do I...
Only tangentially on topic, at best... Given a pile of html files, comprising chapters of a book, with a single html file that serves as a table of contents to the group, how would I turn the entire book into a single PDF? I can't think of a way to do that, all I can come up with would result in a pile of PDFs, one per html. But there's gotta be a better way. Suggestions welcome.
2010 Jul 16
I need help making a data.fame comprised of selected columns of an original data frame.
I must have missed something simple, but still, i don't know what. I obtained my basic data as follows: x <- sprintf("SELECT m_id,sale_date,YEAR(sale_date) AS sale_year,WEEK(sale_date) AS sale_week,return_type,0.0001 + DATEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) AS elapsed_time FROM `merchants2`.`risk_input` WHERE DATEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) IS NOT NULL") moreinfo <- dbGetQuery(con,
2009 Oct 22
PDF too large, PNG bad quality
I wish to save a scatter plot comprising approx. 2 million points in order to include it in a LaTeX document. Using 'pdf(...)' produces a file of size about 20 MB, which is useless. Using 'cairo_pdf(...)' produces a smaller file, around 3 MB. This is still too large. Not only that the document will be too large, but also PDF viewers choke on this. Moreover, Cairo has problems
2009 May 19
nufa and missing files
We're using gluster-2.0.1 and a nufa volume comprised of thirteen subvolumes across thirteen hosts. We've found today that there are some files in the local filesystem associated with the subvolume from one of the hosts that are not being seen in the nufa volume on any gluster client. I don't know how or when this happened, but now we have to do some work to get this gluster volume
2009 Nov 03
Stacked barplot: specifying individual bar hue/luminance
Hi all, I'm trying to generate barplots from simple but long (~100000-row) data files, in which each bar will comprise two stacked 'sub-bars'. All the upper sub-bars will have the same hue, and all the lower bars will, likewise, have another uniform hue. However, I wish to specify the luminance (aka brightness) of each bar (i.e., each whole bar comprising two sub-bars) separately,
2004 Nov 01
deleting specified NA values
I have a data set of about 10000 records which was compiled from several smaller data sets using SPSS. During compilation 88 false records were accidentally introduced which comprise all NA values. I want to delete these records but not other missing data. The functions na.exclude and na.omit seem to remove all values of NA? How can I delete just the relevant NA's? . i.e. I want to delete
2011 Aug 19
gsub for numeric characters in string
Dear all, I have what is a bit of a confusing question, so I hope that I can explain clearly. Thank you for your help in advance. I would like to do a replacement procedure on several strings, but the way that I am currently going about it is not working. I have defined "len", which is a series comprising the lengths of different items, all preceded by a colon. > len [1]
2008 Oct 18
Plot table of counts
I have a data set which is comprised of counts, that is, the number of times a mass spectrometer measured a particular mass at a particular time (the rows and columns of the table). Is there a way to make a plot so that it draws a square at the mass/time spot on the graphic if there is a count and leave it empty if it's empty?
2005 May 04
selections of data by one variable
Dear R experts, My problem is as follows: Suppose I have a data frame d comprising two variable a<-c(1:10) & b<-c(11:20). I now want to select a subgroup according the values of b. I know if I just want to select, say, b=17, I can use f<-d[d$b==17] and R will give me > f a b 7 7 17 However, if now I want to select a subgroup according to b==e<-c(13,15,17), then the
2011 Mar 04
Generic mixup?
Hello list. This is from an R session (admittedly, I''m still using R 2.11.1): > print function (x, ...) UseMethod("print") <environment: namespace:base> > showMethods("print") Function "print": <not a generic function> Don''t the two results contradict each other? Or do I have a terrible misunderstanding of what
2005 Apr 13
Binary Matrices
I'm wanting to perform analysis (e.g. using eigen()) of binary matrices - i.e. matrices comprising 0s and 1s. For example: n<-1000 test.mat<-matrix(round(runif(n^2)),n,n) eigen(test.mat,only.values=T) Is there a more efficient way of setting up test.mat, as each cell only requires a binary digit? I imagine R is setting up a structure which could contain n^2 floats. Thanks in advance
2018 Jan 10
dear all, i need some help in structuring my data file for a hierarchical time series analysis. can someone help please ? i have a 600 row database in the nature of a panel data, with 3 time series values of interest. the data also has 4 classificatory variables comprising a code for each entity in the panel, a value for time (year), and classification of type of entity and a further sub-group
2008 Oct 15
request: How can we ignore a component of list having no element
Dear friends There is a list of arrays comprising different no of rows and columns even sometimes NULL, such as [[2]] given below. How can we ignore [[2]] or others like this in the complete list. Any help in this regard is needed. Thanks [[1]] [,1] [,2] [1,] 3 1 [2,] 3 1 [3,] 3 1 [[2]] NULL [[3]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [1,] 3 1
2010 Sep 11
How to comment out entire code parts in Sweave files
Hi, I am wondering if there is any convenient way to comment out an entire region of a Sweave file which comprises R and Latex code. Currently I'm doing it for the R and Latex parts separately or transfer the unwanted part into a different file. But both are not great solutions. (I am doing this when updating old files and debugging) Is there a way to do this with an equivalent of
2003 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] Location of the x86 JIT compiler tool
Hi, I'm mainly insterested on the x86 JIT compiler. /lib/Target/X86/README.txt talks about 'Jello', the JIT compiler, which should be on /tools/jello. I think that changed to /tools/lli and now comprises a bytecode interpreter as well. Is that right? -- Oscar
2007 Jan 03
An interface can reference multiple zones...
Via creative use of the instructions at But can a zone (in shorewall/interfaces) reference multiple interfaces? I have two openvpn instances running on my server, one bridged (for upstream access to some client vpn''s so I don''t have to request the clients add new subnets to their routing tables) and one routed (for nailed