search for: compresse

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8940 matches for "compresse".

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2009 Jul 15
Conflicting perl packages?
The simple ordinary yum update of CentOS 5.3 spits a bunch of transaction check errors regarding packages perl-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.015-1.el5.rf.noarch and perl-IO-Compress-2.020-1.el5.rf.noarch which is supposed to replace perl-IO-Compress-Base-2.015-1.el5.rf.noarch: Transaction Check Error: file /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/IO/Compress/Adapter/ from install of
2011 Dec 22
[linux test] 10593: tolerable FAIL - PUSHED
flight 10593 linux real [real] Failures :-/ but no regressions. Tests which are failing intermittently (not blocking): test-amd64-amd64-xl-sedf 13 guest-localmigrate.2 fail pass in 10581 test-i386-i386-pv 16 guest-start.2 fail pass in 10570 test-amd64-i386-rhel6hvm-amd 7 redhat-install
2018 Aug 02
Default compression level for -compress-debug-info=zlib?
Folks, I'd like to get expert's opinion on which compression level is suitable for lld's -compress-debug-section=zlib option, which let the linker compress .debug_* sections using zlib. Currently, lld uses compression level 9 which produces the smallest output in exchange for a longer link time. My question is, is this what people actually want? We didn't consciously choose
2013 Nov 22
[xen-unstable test] 22084: tolerable FAIL - PUSHED
flight 22084 xen-unstable real [real] Failures :-/ but no regressions. Tests which did not succeed, but are not blocking: test-amd64-amd64-xl-pcipt-intel 9 guest-start fail never pass test-armhf-armhf-xl 5 xen-boot fail never pass test-amd64-i386-xend-winxpsp3 16 leak-check/check
2018 Aug 02
Default compression level for -compress-debug-info=zlib?
Hi Rui, What's the intended advantage for compressing the debug sections? - (i) Improved link time through smaller IO / (ii) Improved Load / startup time for the debugger / (iii) Smaller exe with debug info for distribution / disk space? For i) and ii) how much this is worth it depends on balance of storage bandwidth to compression (i) / decompression (ii) bandwidth. For spinning drives it
2003 May 10
benchmarking rsync's -z compression utility
Hi, Is there a way in which rsync's -z compression (zlib) utility can be benchmarked? I'm trying to compare the compression ratio between rsync and external compression tools like gzip and bzip2. Are there any advantages to using rsync's internal compression mechanism specified with the -z option compared to solely applying external compression i.e. bzip2 to the files and invoking
2018 Aug 02
Default compression level for -compress-debug-info=zlib?
Also not an expert, but would it make sense for this to be configurable at a fine-grained level, perhaps with another option, or an extension to the compress-debug-sections switch interface? That way users who care about the finer details can configure it themselves. And we should pick sensible options for the default. James On 2 August 2018 at 11:08, Pavel Labath via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at
2018 Aug 02
Default compression level for -compress-debug-info=zlib?
> As to (3), in most cases, I believe it is rare to distribute executables with debug info widely > I think it is at least less important than (1). Agreed. > I think (1) is definitely the case, and that's also true for a distributed build system with which a lot of object files are copied between machines. > My suggestion was to use compression level 9 when both -O2 and
2018 Aug 02
Default compression level for -compress-debug-info=zlib?
Not really, as well as some sensitivity to the input data overall performance of the link with compression will depend on how this is implemented in lld - how is it parallelized? How is it chunked? Is it effectively pipelined with IO? Or, I wouldn't feel comfortable being able to make a recommendation to our end-users on whether to use this option or not based on my existing extensive
2011 Sep 18
Inefficient storing of ISO images with compress=lzo
I''ve noticed that: - with x86-64 Fedora 15 DVD install images: - du -sh <ROOT VOLUME> was 36 GB - btrfs df | grep -i data have shown over 40 GB used - without - du -sh <ROOT VOLUME> is 34 GB - btrfs df | grep -i data have shown less then 34 GB used It seems that iso files are considered compressable while they may not be (and penalty is severe - 3x). Regards
2019 Jun 25
About rsync over SSH and compression
Rsync supports the capability of compressing data before sending. So does OpenSSH. It would be probably be a waste of resources and time to enable both compression capabilities at the same time, but it is not clear to me whether, in general, it makes better sense to enable rsync compression or SSH compression. My first thought would be that SSH compression might yield better results, on the
2013 Jan 28
Not respected repo priorities...
Ah ah, the demo effect... just after I said I did not have much issues with repos... ^_^ A collegue installed some packages (for perconna) and since then a server insists on replacing 2 base packages with 2 rfx packages, even when I gave a lower priority to rfx... Installed: perl-IO-Compress-Base-2.020-127.el6.x86_64 Installed: 1:perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.020-127.el6.x86_64 Installed:
2012 Apr 12
Details about compression and extents I could not find any detailed description about it. So here are my questions. 1. How is decided what to compress and what not? After a fast test with a 2g image file, I''ve looked into the extents of that file with find-new and it turned out that only some of the first extents were compressed. The file was simply copied with cp. 2. I compared the extents of that mentioned file from a non-compressed fs and from a compressed fs and see much more and much smaller extents in the compressed fs. Does compression affect extent allocation or is this just a coincidence? The source file was in u...
2007 Jul 05
ZFS Compression algorithms - Project Proposal
Bellow, follows a proposal for a new opensolaris project. Of course, this is open to change since I just wrote down some ideas I had months ago, while researching the topic as a graduate student in Computer Science, and since I''m not an opensolaris/ZFS expert at all. I would really appreciate any suggestion or comments. PROJECT PROPOSAL: ZFS Compression Algorithms. The main purpose of
2007 Jul 05
FLAC: getting compression level using metaflac
Why isn't the compression level added in a metadata block by the flac encoder itself (just like the encoder version)? In this way all programs that read the file can see what compression level was used. thx 2007/7/4, Scot Thompson <>: > > This has been asked many times. The answer is no. I suggest saving the > compression level into a tag for future
2013 Mar 12
Flac compression levels?
"Using FLAC binary : /Users/Marcus/flac/test/../src/flac/flac Original file size 441044 bytes. Compression level 1, file size 421393 bytes. Compression level 2, file size 421393 bytes. Compression level 3, file size 373613 bytes. Compression level 4, file size 369517 bytes. Compression level 5, file size 369517 bytes. Compression level 6, file size 369517 bytes. Compression
2009 Jun 15
compression at zfs filesystem creation
Hi, I just installed 2009.06 and found that compression isn''t enabled by default when filesystems are created. Does is make sense to have an RFE open for this? (I''ll open one tonight if need be.) We keep telling people to turn on compression. Are there any situations where turning on compression doesn''t make sense, like rpool/swap? what about rpool/dump? Thanks, ~~sa
2020 Sep 08
[PATCH 0/5] ZSTD compression support for OpenSSH
...larger discussion because we would need to > either carry it as a Portable patch or have zstd added to OpenBSD > base, and I don't know if that would be accepted. Do you have any > performance numbers for zstd in this application? A key stroke is here 10 bytes of raw data which zstd compresses usually into 10 bytes while zlib manages to squeeze it into 5 bytes. This leads to better compression ratio for zlib in ssh's accounting (visible in verbose mode after connection terminates). The data length, that will be transferred over the wire, is the same for 5 and 10 bytes data after the...
2013 May 07
[Bug 9864] New: Allow permanent compression of destination files
...el - sets the compression level for files on the destination. Any value from 1-9 implies --dest-compress, while 0 disables it. If this parameter is not supplied then --compress-level will be used if set, otherwise default compression is used. --dest-compress-ext - an optional extension to append to compressed files, e.g - 'gz'. This extension is checked when checking for files that already exist on the destination, so that compressed files are not deleted. --source-compress-ext - specifies an extension to be checked for on the source, targeting files that need to be decompressed before sending....
2003 Dec 11
read.spss question warning compression bias
Hello again I have a file from SPSS in .sav format. when I run library(foreign) cvar<"c:\\NDRI\\cvar\\data\\cvar2rev3.sav")) I get a warning Warning message: c:\NDRI\cvar\data\cvar2rev3.sav: Compression bias (0) is not the usual value of 100. The data appear to be OK, but I am concerned. (I tried searching the archives and the documenation for data