Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "componentwise".
2008 Dec 30
Componentwise means of a list of matrices?
...h entry of which is a matrix of constant dimensions.
Is there a good way (i.e., not using a for loop) to apply a mean to each
matrix entry *across list entries*?
foo <- list(rbind(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6)),rbind(c(7,8,9),c(10,11,12)))
I'm looking for a componentwise mean across the two entries of foo,
i.e., the following output:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 4 5 6
[2,] 7 8 9
[NB. My "real" application involves trimming and psych::winsor(), so
anything that generalizes to this would be extra good.]
I've been looking at apply and...
2011 Nov 16
Theil decomposition
I came across the package 'ineq' that computes a variety of inequality measures (e.g. gini, theil etc). I want to compute the Theil index (racial segregation) and decompose the total into sub-components (by geog levels). I think the package doesn't report the decomposition (correct me if I'm wrong). Just wonder is that available elsewhere?
2020 Feb 21
function(x) !is.na(x) & x "is_true(.)" etc. was: [R] How to index..
...at "!x" is faster than "x == 0", but does not (yet!) work for complex
## if we did these in C, would gain a factor 2 (or so):
is0 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x == 0
isN0 <- function(x) is.na(x) | x != 0
is1 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x # also == "isTRUE componentwise"
{{Note that here 0 <==> FALSE and non-0 <==> TRUE , and I
had preferred the shorter words to the longer ones in the
Matrix pkg, not the least as '0' is relevant also for
talking/programming about sparse matrices ..
... and then there are all* and any* vers...
2010 Jul 12
How to mean, min lists and numbers
I would like to sum/mean/min a list of lists and numbers to return the
related lists.
-1+2*c(1,1,0)+2+c(-1,10,-1) returns c(2,13,0) but
sum(1,2*c(1,1,0),2,c(-1,10,-1)) returns 15 not a list.
Using the suggestions of Gabor Grothendieck,
Reduce('+',list(-1,2*c(1,1,0),2,c(-1,10,-1))) returns what we want,
However, it seems that this way does not work to mean/min.
So, how to
2015 Mar 03
[R] Why does R replace all row values with NAs
...7 7 8 7
> 10 10 11 10
> Bill Dunlap
> TIBCO Software
> wdunlap tibco.com
Yes; the Matrix package has had these
is0 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x == 0
isN0 <- function(x) is.na(x) | x != 0
is1 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x # also == "isTRUE componentwise"
namespace hidden for a while [note the comment of the last one!]
and using them for readibility in its own code.
Maybe we should (again) consider providing some versions of
these with R ?
The Matrix package also has had fast
allFalse <- all0 <- function(x) .Call(R_all0, x)
2015 Mar 03
[R] Why does R replace all row values with NAs
...; TIBCO Software
>> > wdunlap tibco.com
>> Yes; the Matrix package has had these
>> is0 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x == 0
>> isN0 <- function(x) is.na(x) | x != 0
>> is1 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x # also == "isTRUE componentwise"
> Note that using %in% to block propagation of NAs is about 2x faster:
> > x <- sample(c(NA_integer_, 1:10000), 500000, replace=TRUE)
> > microbenchmark(as.logical(x) %in% TRUE, !is.na(x) & x)
> Unit: milliseconds
> expr min...
2011 Jan 07
how to run linear regression models at once
hey, folks,
I have two very simple questions. I am not quite sure if I can do this using
so, I am analyzing a large data frame with thousands of variables. For
Dependent variables: d1, d2, d3 (i.e., there are three dependent variables)
Independent variables: s1, s2, s3, ......s1000 (i.e., there are 1000
independent variables)
now I want to run simple linear regression analyses of
2015 Mar 03
[R] Why does R replace all row values with NAs
...t; Bill Dunlap
> > TIBCO Software
> > wdunlap tibco.com
> Yes; the Matrix package has had these
> is0 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x == 0
> isN0 <- function(x) is.na(x) | x != 0
> is1 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x # also == "isTRUE componentwise"
Note that using %in% to block propagation of NAs is about 2x faster:
> x <- sample(c(NA_integer_, 1:10000), 500000, replace=TRUE)
> microbenchmark(as.logical(x) %in% TRUE, !is.na(x) & x)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median...
2015 Mar 03
[R] Why does R replace all row values with NAs
...; > wdunlap tibco.com
>>> Yes; the Matrix package has had these
>>> is0 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x == 0
>>> isN0 <- function(x) is.na(x) | x != 0
>>> is1 <- function(x) !is.na(x) & x # also == "isTRUE componentwise"
>> Note that using %in% to block propagation of NAs is about 2x faster:
>> > x <- sample(c(NA_integer_, 1:10000), 500000, replace=TRUE)
>> > microbenchmark(as.logical(x) %in% TRUE, !is.na(x) & x)
>> Unit: milliseconds
2012 Aug 27
How to generate a matrix of Beta or Binomial distribution
Hi folks,
I have a question about how to efficiently produce random numbers from Beta
and Binomial distributions.
For Beta distribution, suppose we have two shape vectors shape1 and shape2.
I hope to generate a 10000 x 2 matrix X whose i th rwo is a sample from
reta(2,shape1[i]mshape2[i]). Of course this can be done via loops:
for(i in 1:10000)