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2012 Mar 23
[LLVMdev] GSOC2012 idea: Python bindings for LLVM
Hello all,
I notice in previous gsocs of LLVM , there is no projects about language
bindings for LLVM. Does that mean it has lower priority than other
projects? Current python bindings for LLVM in the trunk are far from
complemte. So I would like to improve python bindings for LLVM this summer
if possible. My work will be based on llvm-py project (
http://code.google.com/p/llvm-py/). I obtained consent from Mahadevan, the
author of llvm-py, and he would like to be my mentor, if my proposa is
accepted. If this idea is feasi...
2012 Mar 23
[LLVMdev] GSOC2012 idea: Python bindings for LLVM
Am Freitag, 23. März 2012, 19:44:19 schrieb Baozeng:
> Hello all,
> I notice in previous gsocs of LLVM , there is no projects about language
> bindings for LLVM. Does that mean it has lower priority than other
> projects? Current python bindings for LLVM in the trunk are far from
> complemte. So I would like to improve python bindings for LLVM this summer
> if possible. My work will be based on llvm-py project (
> http://code.google.com/p/llvm-py/). I obtained consent from Mahadevan, the
> author of llvm-py, and he would like to be my mentor, if my proposa is
> accepted. I...