search for: company_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 59 matches for "company_id".

2006 Jan 03
Would someone like to tell me why this code will not solve my problem? (it''s short) there is no earlier invoice number. My solution is as follows (and does not work) This is in the ''create'' controller if Invoice.find(:all) @temp = Invoice.find_by_sql("select max(inv_number) as inv_number from invoices where company_id = params [:company_id") @invoice.inv_number = @temp[0].inv_number +1 else @invoice.inv_number=1 end The error I am getting is NoMethodError in Invoices#create You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. T...
2006 May 19
ActiveRecord: Minor saving problem
...any should be able to have multiple users off course so every member of a company can add other users who don''t have a company yet. This last step is what I am trying to implement now. The function in the controller: def invite @invite_user=User.find(:first, :conditions => ["company_id = 0 AND id = ?", params[:id]]) if @invite_user @invite_user.company_id = @session[:user].company_id flash[:notice] = "User #{@invite_user.real_name} was successfully added to your company #{@invite_user.company_id}" else flash[:notice...
2007 Jan 24
A spec where interaction-based testing breaks down... (at least for now)
...convert the company into a parameter" do @mock_company.should_receive(:to_param).and_return "1" do_find end specify "should find stylesheets belonging to only the company or to nobody" do Stylesheet.should_receive(:find).with(:all, :conditions => ["company_id IS NULL OR company_id=?", "1"]) do_find end end And here''s the code: class Stylesheet < ActiveRecord::Base def self.find_available_to(company) find :all, :conditions => ["company_id IS NULL OR company_id=?", company.to_param] end end You can s...
2005 Sep 02
Form to update two tables
...t;Signup &#187;" class="primary" /> <%= end_form_tag %> ACCOUNT_CONTROLLER.RB -------------------- .... def signup @user =[:user]) @companies =[:company]) if and @user.company_id= # @session[:user] = User.authenticate(@user.login, @params[:user][:password]) flash[''notice''] = "Signup successful" redirect_back_or_default :action => "welcome" end end table COMPANIES ---------------...
2005 Nov 16
HABTM: deleting records based on attributes
...e_id => params[:role_id]) So I make 2 entries for a Company. One with the role of ''shipping'', and one with the role of ''distribution''. Now how do I remove only one of the entries? I can only seem to find ways to remove Companies from a Project based on company_id (which deletes both entries). @project.companies.delete(company) I need to be able to do it based on company_id and role_id. Here are my models: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :projects belongs_to :role end class Project < ActiveRecord::Base...
2006 Aug 14
Testing fails with fixtures not when invoked directly
...s :organizations def setup @smo = organizations(:smo) end def test_department_company_defaults_to_parent org = => ''company'',:cost_code => ''123'', :parent_id => organizations(:root_dept)) assert org.valid? assert org.company_id = organizations(:root_dept).company_id end end This fails when loading the fixtures file from rake but works if I do the test by itself ruby test/unit/test_organization.rb => this works rake => fails D:\workspace\directory>rake (in D:/workspace/directory) c:/ruby/bin/ruby -Ilib;tes...
2009 Mar 17
Route failure with Rails2.3 and rspec1.2
...that used to pass under Rails 2.2.2 and rspec 1.1.12, but can?t figure out what is wrong since I updated. Here is the assertion: route_for( { :controller => ''purchase_orders'', :action => ''update'', :company_id => "32", :id => ''1'' }).should == "/companies/32/purchase_orders/1" Which results in this failure Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError in ''PurchaseOrdersController route generation routes #update to /compani...
2005 Dec 31
Dynamic form? Not really!
Hi guru''s out there, Im happilly coding my first rails app, and all goes well. I find myself manually coding in a particular field all the time (company_id), that relates the contact to a company. The total coding of this form seems somewhat much. Could somebody tell me what Rails power I''m possibly missing and stuborn as I am trying to do myself? I was wondering if the first part of the form can simply be put in the loop somehow and sti...
2005 Oct 26
Re: collection_select question about selected_value
Paul Welty wrote: > collection_select(:client, :company_id, @companies, :id, :name, { > :selected_value => 2 , :prompt => "Please select a company..." }) > > Returns a functioning SELECT element, but it won¹t select the second item. > (BTW, using the selected_value as a string doesn¹t work either) > > Am I doing somethin...
2005 Jan 24
.call file creation
I am curious partly because it has occurred randomly in my asterisk system. How does one go about creating a .call file for placing a call between two extensions/phones? I know this has been mentioned and is probably in one of the wikis somewhere, but I am unsure exactally how to go about doing it. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Dan
2012 Jun 08
filter children with acts_as_tree
Hello Experts, I have a tree of categories in this category object there is a property called type. the root categories have no type but the children have. so how I can get all the roots with filled in children that have category type = ''B'' for instance. I tried to run Category.roots then delete children With a category not equal to ''B'' but this causes a major
2007 Nov 21
describe AddressesController, "handling GET /addresses" do
...troller I have: before_filter :get_company def index @addresses = @company.addresses.find(:all) respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @addresses } end end private def get_company @company = Company.find_by_id(params[:company_id]) end My controller spec code for handling GET /addresses: before do @company = mock_model(Company) @addresses = mock("addresses") @company.stub!(:addresses).and_return(@addresses) Company.stub!(:find).and_return(@company) end def do_get get :index, :compa...
2006 Jan 26
Transactions for multiple models
I have users and companies tables where users belongs_to companies. def signup @company =[:company]) @user =[:company]) = @company if @user.valid? and @company.valid? end end How can I make this into a transaction? Is this a candidate for a distributed transaction? If so, from what I understand from the API,
2005 Aug 19
data validation
I''m trying validate date before they''re stored into the DB, but it seems, validation doesn''t work.. my model looks like this: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :contacts, :foreign_key =>''company_id'' has_and_belongs_to_many :categories, :join_table => ''company_to_category'', :foreign_key => ''company_id'', :association_foreign_key => ''category_id'' validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name...
2006 Aug 14
Rest, routes, path_prefix and default params
...quot;action"=>"index", "controller"=>"departments"} How can I use restful routes with default parameters? ***** routes.rb ******* ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.resources :departments, :path_prefix => ''mycompany'',:company_id => 1 map.resources :companies do |companies| companies.resources :departments do |departments| departments.resources :departments, :name_prefix => ''child_'' end end # Install the default route as the lowest priority. map.home '''', :controller =...
2006 Mar 30
MS SQL query strangeness for ActiveRecord in Rails
...sting based upon the value chosen from the drop down list. In the controller, I used find() method but with customized parameters such as the following: <pre> Member.find( :all, :select => " as id, members.last_name, members.first_name,, members.company_id,", :order => @sort, :joins => ", companies, engagements_members, engagements", :conditions => [@cond_str] + @cond_params, :limit => @user.rows_per_page, :group => '', members.last_name, members.first_name,...
2005 Dec 22
foreign_key setting ignored
...e following line to views/company/show.rhtml to try and get at the child elements... <%= debug( %> I''ve tried loads of variations on this setup, but always end up with an error along the lines of... |"invalid identifier: SELECT * FROM contact WHERE (contact.company_id = 100011847)" |Rails appears to be ignoring the foreign_key setting in contact.rb and attempts to use company_id instead of companyid. Can anyone suggest what''s wrong with this setup? Thanks in advance for your help, Derek
2007 Apr 04
[PLUGIN] ArPaginator - Allows you to easily paginate over any existing AR queries.
...n is fairly pass in the model name, and optionally some conditions, and it generates a paginated query for you. This gets to be very bad if you''ve got any custom queries. class Company < ActiveRecord::Base def complete_videos Video.find :all, :conditions => "company_id=#{id} AND status=''complete''", :order => "created_at DESC" end end You wouldn''t be able to easily paginate over that query. You''d end up doing something like this in your controller: @video_pages, @videos = paginate :users, :conditions =>...
2006 May 23
RJS replace adding multiple inputs
...oblem. I want to replace a hidden field inside a form with a hidden field with some value when a link_to_remote is pressed. In the link''s action rjs, I''m doing the following: Assume my form has the following field already <%= hidden_field(''client'', ''company_id'') $> So I have a bunch of companies in a list with link_to_remote tags to action select_company.rjs inside which I want: page.replace "client_company_id", hidden_field("client", "company_id", : value => But when I do this, it works bu...
2006 Apr 26
two layers of has_many
...od seems awful. What is the best way to get all the employees of a company? class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :departments def employees Employee.find_by_sql("SELECT employees.* FROM companies, departments, employees WHERE AND = employees.department_id" ORDER_BY employees.last_name) end end class Department < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :company has_many :employees end class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :department end I am using Rails 1.0 i...