Displaying 20 results from an estimated 164 matches for "commandargs".
2007 Apr 01
commandArgs usage and --args invokation
Dear R experts:
I am a bit stymied by how the argument picking-off works in R batch file usage.
$ cat commandArgs.R
cat(" Command Line Arguments were ", commandArgs(), "\n");
$ /usr/bin/R CMD BATCH commandArgs.R --args 1 2 3
$ /usr/bin/R --args 1 CMD BATCH commandArgs.R
... I am now getting into interactive mode ?! I guess it really is skipping the
rest of the command line
$ /usr/bin/R...
2010 Jan 10
commandArgs return value
I plan to use a script with R CMD BATCH on different platforms Linux,
Windows and Mac OSX. I use the commandArgs(trailing = FALSE) function
to retrieve the name of the script and the arguments (example below
with output.) The online docs for "Introduction to R" (sections B.1
Invoking R from the command line and B.4 Scripting with R) and
help("commandArgs") leave my head spinning...
2002 Jun 25
commandArgs: feature request
Dear R-core Team,
As Thomas Lumley pointed out in one of his e-mails one can use commandArgs()
to get a copy of the command line arguments supplied when R session was
invoked and then use grep to extract parameters of interest.
His solution works very well if the custom options are passed by names, e.g.
--my-option=value, but what if one wants to pass parameters by their
positions. Then it...
2003 May 05
Apologies for asking about this, but I don't quite understand how
this works after looking through the FAQ and the Help archives.
Let's say I want to pass "1000" as an argument to R. I did the
>R CMD BATCH --1000 infile outfile
When I do print( commandArgs() ), I see
[1] ".../R.bin" "--restore"
[3] "--save" "--no-readline"
[5] "gui=none" "--1000"
So commandArgs()[6] is the argument I want. Does one then go on and
remove the "--" manually and cast this...
2003 Feb 05
commandArgs() prints warnings to STDOUT - correction
I realized that it is not commandArgs() rather R itslef that prints the
warning to the stdout (which is still not desirable of course):
$ R --no-save --no-restore --silent A < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
ARGUMENT 'A' __ignored__
=======original message below========
Dear R-Users,
I was glad to hear that there is an ongoi...
2005 May 10
I'm generating a .jpeg file for a web application passing parameters to
R via cgi. R gets the parameters by using commandArgs, which are passed
to a variable named j and z
Later I want to use the characters strings of the argument which the
variables are holding for my filename, e.g.:
i tried to use paste and as.characte...
2009 Feb 17
R scripts and parameters
A couple of weeks ago I asked how it is possible to run an R script (not a function) passing some parameters.
Someone suggested the function "commandArgs()".
I read the on-line help and found no clarifying example. Therefore I do not know how to use it appropriately.
I noticed this function returns the pathname of the R executable which is not what I need.
I meant to ask if it is possible to open an R session and launch a script passing parame...
2011 Apr 09
How do I make this faster?
...w, in hopes that somebody will be able
to figure out how to make it faster, either through parallelisation, or by
making changes. I've marked the places where Rprof showed me it was slowing
currencyCorrelation <- function(lagtime = 1) {
dataTrack <- getSymbols(commandArgs(trailingOnly=T)[1], from='2009-11-21',
stockData <- get(dataTrack)
currencies <- row.names(oanda.currencies[grep(pattern='oz.', fixed=T, x
=as.vector(oanda.currencies$oanda.df.1.length.oanda.df...2....1.)) == F])
correlations <- vector()
2008 Jan 05
Rscript argument processing minor bug with -g
...language R
version.string R version 2.7.0 Under development (unstable) (2008-01-04 r43862)
[fedora core 5]
## No problem with -a -b -f -h
~/src/scripts/R> /usr/src/R/R-devel/bin/Rscript -e "commandArgs()" -a -b -f -h
[1] "/usr/src/R/R-devel/bin/exec/R" "--slave"
[3] "--no-restore" "-e"
[5] "commandArgs()" "--args"
[7] "-...
2009 Aug 28
How to convert a string passed as an argument to a vector?
$ cat commandArgs.R
I have the above code. But the following command line gives me an error. I
am wondering what is the correct way to convert a string to a vector?
$ Rscript commandArgs.R 1:3
> args=commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
> args[1]+10
Error in args[1] +...
2011 Mar 14
Rscript, hashbang, and arguments
...typically run these scripts by passing in some parameters like this:
./nameOfRScript arg1 arg2 ...
I know Rscript has the option to run in --vanilla. Where exactly do I
insert the --vanilla option? When I do something like this:
./nameOfRScript --vanilla arg1 arg2 ...
And I try to access the commandArgs, the first argument is --vanilla which
isn't what I want. I tried to do commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) with
./nameOfRScript --vanilla --args arg1 arg2 ...
But I sitll have the first argument as --vanilla. Does anyone know how to
get around this? Thanks,
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2012 Mar 28
getopt does not work as expected!
'verbose', 'v', 1, "integer",
'help' , 'h', 0, "logical"
),ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
spec.opt.l <- spec.dim[1]
infile <- "test.dat"
args=commandArgs(TRUE); l=length(args)
self = commandArgs()[1];
usage <- function() {
print(sprintf("Usage: %s [--verbose|-v] [--help,-h]
print(sprintf(" default infile.dat = '%
opt = getopt(...
2012 May 03
is there a way of identifying batch mode running?
Hello list
Is there a way of identifying from within R whether a script has been source(d) from Rgui.exe or via Rscript.exe in batch mode?
For the code I have I use the commandArgs() function to pick up command line args when running in batch mode via Rscript.exe
However I like to get the code working manually first using source("MyRCode.r")
I'd like to be able to put something at the top of the file that discriminates between the two running modes eg
2005 Sep 23
R's parsing of command line arguments using commandArgs()
...They would create these values at run time, based upon specs
that I give them.
Using the following as an example:
$ R --slave --vanilla --args "c(5,5)" "c(.5,.5)" < RScript.R
I can then process "c(5,5)" and "c(.5,.5)" as two arguments, via:
Args <- commandArgs()
where the two arguments are Args[5] and Args[6], respectively. I can
then of course pass these as "eval(parse(text = Args[5]))" to other R
However, if there is any whitespace in the two arguments, such as:
R --slave --vanilla --args "c(5, 5)" "c(.5, .5)&quo...
2007 Mar 20
run a script during R CMD build
I would like R CMD build to run some R code which does some stuff and save the result as a file in /inst/docs folder.
Is there any way of doing this.
Thank you.
We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love
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2012 May 22
Best way to locate R executable from within R?
...ay not be on the
OS's search path.
What is the best way, from within a running R, to infer the command
(basename or full path) for launching R in way that it works on any
OS? I came up with the following alternatives, but I'm not sure if
they'll work everywhere or not:
1. Rbin <- commandArgs()[1];
2. Rbin <- file.path(R.home(), "bin", "R");
Other suggestions that are better?
2012 Oct 29
export variable from bash to R
...elped me with this:
I am trying to automate the execution of an R script (let's call it
"myscript.R") by passing a variable from a bash script to myscript.R.
I know I can use the command Rscript, but I don't know how to declare in
bash which variable will be accessed by the "commandArgs" command in
So my bash script looks about like this:
VARIABLES=( a b c d )
for i in ${VARIABLES[@]}; do
Rscript -e 'source("myscript.R")'
In myscript.R, I would like to use the current VARIABLENAME when executing
the progra...
2012 Jan 04
using var from bash in R script
Dear R users,
This probably a really noob question, but I'm stuck. I'd like to pass some
variables from bash to R as strings. I can successfully pass variables using
commandArgs(), the problem is that I end up with an array. So, for example:
> Args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
> Args
[1] "one" "two" "three"
Now, it just so happens that "one", "two", "three" are names of columns that
I'd like to work wit...
2007 Jan 24
writing R shell scripts?
Hi All,
Another newbie question. I want to write an R script that takes
argument from command line and runs and produces output to stdin.
For example if there is file foo.R with following in it.
args = commandArgs()
then, when I run it like
$ R foo.R hello
it should print 'hello' on the terminal.
I searched the mainling list and found a very old post that said said
that this feature will be implemented soon. I am expecting this has
already been implemented by now.
2018 Sep 16
Rscript -e does not accept newlines under Linux?
I have found what I believe to be a bug in the Linux version of the Rscript binary.
Under Windows (official 64-bit 3.5.1 R distribution running on an up-to-date Win10), I can do the following (e.g. under powershell):
PS H:\Users\Cesko> Rscript -e 'ls()
>> ls()'
which works as I expect: I am running Rscript with two arguments, namely (1)