search for: colname

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2522 matches for "colname".

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2009 Mar 27
adding matrices with common column names
folks, if i have three matrices, a, b, cc with some colnames in common, and i want to create a matrix which consists of the common columns added up, and the other columns tacked on, what's a good way to do it? i've got the following roundabout code for two matrices, but if the number of matrices increases, then i'm a bit stymied. > a <-...
2013 Mar 21
easy way of paste
Hello, Is there a better way to use paste such as: a = paste(colnames(list.indep)[1],colnames(list.indep)[2],colnames(list.indep)[3],colnames(list.indep)[4],colnames(list.indep)[5],sep="+") > a [1] "aa+dummy1+dummy2+bb+cc" I tried a = paste(colnames(list.indep)[1:5],sep="+") > a [1] "aa" "dummy1"...
2007 Nov 07
Trouble in creating a list
I want to create a list based on the information from a data.frame, Model. So I tried the following: MyList <- list(colnames(Model)[2] = levels(Model$(colnames(Model)[2]))) but it failed with an error: Error: unexpected '=' in "list(colnames(Model)[2] =" I have the following problems with this command line: (1) I wanted to use colnames(Model)[2] as a tag for the list: > colnames(Model)[2] [1]...
2005 Jul 20
Prefix for colnames
Hi, I would like to add a prefix to colnames in a matrix but I can't get the prefix option in colnames to work. What am I doing wrong? > X<-matrix(NA,3,4) > colnames(X)<-c("test","test","test","test") > colnames(X)<-colnames(X,prefix="PREFIX.") > X test test tes...
2017 Jan 19
Error en loop anidado con data.table
...f10,rankf12)) datos<-data.table((datos),key="anireg_cod") datos[order(anireg_cod,decreasing=FALSE),] anio<-sort((unique(datos$anireg_cod))) tiempo<-as.character(c("t_8a","t_10a","t_12a")) mat<-matrix(c(100,50,NA,200,150,250,200,150,250),3,3) colnames(mat)<-tiempo rownames(mat)<-seq(1:length(sort(unique(datos$anireg_cod)))) anio<-sort((unique(datos$anireg_cod))) rank<-as.character(c("rankf8","rankf10","rankf12")) for (k in 1:nrow(datos)){ #recorre variable anio for (i in anio){ for(j in t...
2011 Sep 16
Referring to an object by a variable containing its name: 6 failures
Dear Folks-- I'm trying to make a function that takes the columns I select from a data frame and then uses a for loop to print some information about each one, starting with the column name. I succeed in returning the column name, but nothing else I have tried using the variable colName, containing the name of the column, to refer to the column itself has worked. Below I show my non-working function, and a data frame to test it on. I try six distinct ways of trying to turn the variable containing the name back into a name that is recognized by other R functions, mainly function...
2007 Nov 26
colnames slow (PR#10470)
Full_Name: Tomas Larsson Version: 2.6.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( This is not a bug, it is a performance issue but I think it should have an easy fix. I have a large matrix (about 2,000,000 by 20), when I type colnames(x) it takes a long time to get the result. However, if I select just the first couple of rows of the matrix I don't have to wait for the result. See below for example. > system.time(colnames(x)) user system elapsed 9.98 0.00 10.00 > system.time(colnames(x[1:2,])) user...
2012 Feb 14
save objects of own function to workspace
Dear R-helpers, I created an own function which looks like this s_elternmz <- function(Var="balt") { Dg_a<-mz[,c("asbhh","apkz",Var)] colnames(Dg_a)[colnames(Dg_a)=="apkz"]<-"bpkzm" colnames(Dg_a)[colnames(Dg_a)==Var]<-paste(Var,"_m",sep="") mz_int<-merge(mz,Dg_a,by=c("asbhh","bpkzm"),all.x=T) colnames(Dg_a)[colnames(Dg_a)=="bpkzm"]<-"bpkzv"...
2020 Apr 25
problemas al cambiar el nombre de una variable
Buenos días, al final de un loop añado 3 variables que acabo de crear, a una df, y les pongo un nombre. Las variables son Max, Min y Mean. Las añado a BData7085: BData7085$Max<-Max BData7085$Min<-Min BData7085$Meann<-Mean (hasta aquí bien) Para ponerles su nombre final: colnames(BData7085)[ncol-2]<-paste(colnames(Data)[j],"max",sep = "") colnames(BData7085)[ncol-1]<-paste(colnames(Data)[j],"min",sep = "") colnames(BData7085)[ncol]<-paste(colnames(Data)[j],"mean",sep = "") para las dos primeras me da...
2013 Sep 05
binary symmetric matrix combination
...e5 l15 y1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 c2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 l17 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 h4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 s2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 s30 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 e5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0",sep="",header=TRUE)) names1<-unique(c(colnames(m1),colnames(m2),colnames(m3),colnames(m4))) Out2<-matrix(0,length(names1),length(names1),dimnames=list(names1,names1)) vec1<- paste0(colnames(m1)[col(m1)],rownames(m1)[row(m1)]) vecOut<- paste0(colnames(Out2)[col(Out2)],rownames(Out2)[row(Out2)]) Out2[match(vec1,vecOut)]<- m1 vec2<...
2012 Feb 17
How to change the order of columns in a data frame?
Dear all, I have a data frame in which the columns need to be ordered. The first column X is at the right position, but the remaining columns X1-Xn should be ordered like this: X1, X2, X3 etc instead of like below. > colnames(pos1) [1] "X" "X1" "X10" "X11" "X12" "X13" "X14" "X15" "X16" "X17" "X18" "X19" "X2" "X20" "X3" "X4" "X5" "X6"...
2010 Jul 09
select columns from vector of column names
Hi I want to extract columns from a data frame using a vector with the desired column names. This short example uses the select argument in the subset function to accomplish what I am trying to do. Is there a better solution? #names of desired columns colnames <- c("col1","col3") #my data data <- data.frame("col1"=c(1,2,3),"col2"=c("A","B","C"),"col3"=c(4,5,6)) fun <- function(colname,dframe){ nframe <- subset(dframe,select=colname) vec <- nframe[,1]...
2004 Sep 17
Confused about specifying plot colors as RGB values
Based on reading 'rgb' documentation, I would have thought the following would have produced identical results. Can someone explain how to make this happen? I need to be able to specify an array of rgb values for the 'col' parameter. colnames.col <- c("black", "red", "blue", "green") colnames.rgb <- apply(as.matrix(colnames.col), 1, col2rgb) dimnames(colnames.rgb)[[2]] <- colnames.col baseline <- 1:32 offset2 <- 2*baseline offset3 <- 3*baseline offset4 <- 4*baseline offsets...
2004 Dec 21
about colnames
Try colnames(df)[4:6] <- c("x","y","z") -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of xmeng at Sent: 21 December 2004 09:45 To: r-help at Subject: [R] about colnam...
2008 May 06
a R_PV problem
Dear all, When using gdb to debug my C code, I use R_PV to show the content of SEXP variables: SEXP sexp; // it is a data.frame SEXP colNames = getAttrib(sexp, R_NameSymbol); A strange thing is that after halting the program: (gdb) p R_PV(colNames) does not show the content of colNames. I am positive my code is right because if I insert "PrintValue(colNames);" in the c code, it will print the right value. My debug result...
2017 Oct 23
A list of data frames and a list of colnames.
I have a list of file names, and a list of data frames contained in those files. mynames <- list.files() mydata <- lapply(mynames, read.delim) Every file contains two columns. > colnames(mydata[[1]]) [1] "Name" "NumReads" > colnames(mydata[[2]]) [1] "Name" "NumReads" I can set the colnames easily enough with a for loop. for (i in seq_along(mynames)) { colnames(mydata[[i]])[2] <- mynames[i] } Is there a nicer way to do th...
2006 May 17
variable colnames
Hy all, I apologize i've used rownames instead of colnames in my first exemple. (that's why i changed the mail object) I was on mars when i wrote my question... Every answer where correct ... but, because i've made a wrong question, people wern't able to understand... So finally i'm speaking about colnames : Let's be more precise:...
2006 Mar 21
rownames, colnames, and date and time
I noticed something surprising (in R 2.2.1 on WinXP) According to the documentation, rownames and colnames are character vectors. Assigning a vector of class POSIXct or POSIXlt as rownames or colnames therefore is not strictly according to the rules. In some cases, R performs a reasonable typecast, but in some other cases where the same typecast also would be possible, it does not. Assigning a vector...
2006 Mar 21
rownames, colnames, and date and time
I noticed something surprising (in R 2.2.1 on WinXP) According to the documentation, rownames and colnames are character vectors. Assigning a vector of class POSIXct or POSIXlt as rownames or colnames therefore is not strictly according to the rules. In some cases, R performs a reasonable typecast, but in some other cases where the same typecast also would be possible, it does not. Assigning a vector...
2011 Jun 20
for loop and linear models
Hi, I have two datasets, x and y. Simplified x and y denote: X Y A B C A B C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I want to implement all possible models such as lm(X$A~Y$A), lm(X$B~Y$B), lm(X$C~Y$C)... I have tried the following: fun<- function(x,y){ for(i in 1:length(colnames(x))){ for(j in 1:length(colnames(y))){ if(colnames(x)[i]==colnames(y)[j]){ models=list(lm(ts(x[i])~ts(y[j]))) } else{} } } return(models) } The problem is that this returns only one of the t...