Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "coeffic".
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2005 Jul 28
Forcing coefficents in lm(), recursive residuals, etc.
Hello all,
Does anyone know how to constrain/force specific coefficients when running
I need to run recresid() {strucchange package} on the residuals of
forecast.lm, but forecast.lm's coefficients must be determined by
I could estimate forecast.lm without lm() and use some other kind of
optimisation, but recresid() requires...
2010 Jul 14
fGarch: garchFit() with fixed coefficents
hello everybody,
I would like to fit a model to a times series (testing set) for out of
sample predictions using garchFit(). I would like to keep the coefficients
of ARMA/GARCH model fixed (as found by fitting the model to my training
set). The arima fitting function has such an option for that (fixed=NULL)
but the garchFit() doesnt.
It is very important for me to keep the same coefficients for my testing set
as for my training set (where the model is...
2009 Dec 30
lm() and factors appending
I start out with 2 tables:
Everything looks fine when I import the data.
then we get a
oh_crap <- lm(table1 ~ Count + IS_DEAD + IS_BURNING, table2)
Magically when I look at my oh_crap coefficents they get turned into
I get it that it finds them to be factors by how in the name of all that is
holy do I prevent them from doing that crap since later after a stepwise
removal I go into one of the models grab what coefficents were kept
2000 Jul 17
Code for Coefficent (Cronbach's) Alpha
Hi all,
I am trying to teach myself to use and program R (How else do you do it?
lol) Anyway, I wrote a piece of code to compute coefficent alpha for a
scale. As I am neither a statistician nor a programmer, I wanted people's
feedback. The code appears to work (Win 95 with R 1.0.1) and I have
verified my result with SPSS and it was correct (much to my astonishment!).
Nonetheless, I am sure there are better ways to do things t...
2009 Jul 21
Odd coefficent behavior
Why are my coefficients getting appended with a 1? It borks a match I
do later against the original list that doesn't have the random 1
added to the end.
> linearModel[[1]]
lm(formula = modelSource ~ +UNITBUILD + UNITDB + ITBUILD + ITDB +
UATBUILD + UATDB + HOGANCODE + RCF + ReleaseST1 + ReleaseST2 +
2010 Aug 11
a question regarding updating formulas with coefficients
I have formulae with coefficents that I would like to update. However, I get some strange results. For example, see the following:
For the formula y ~ d+ 3*r+t I want to add a variable p, so
> update(y~d+0*r+t, .~.+p)
y ~ d + t + p - 1
If the coefficient is not 0, but rather, something else - say, 3, I get t...
2006 Apr 07
saving estimates from a for loop for later use
Thanks to the help of many on this list, I am now an R user and have
been able to write some functioning code to do matching estimation.
I have two for loops (i in 1:3, and j in 0:2). Within the loops, I
had been creating matrices of relevant estimation coefficents in order
to make lots of LaTeX tables.
Well, now I want to be able to combine the results of many different
estimations from within the loops into one larger table outside the
How can I save the estimation results from each iteration of the
estimation within a loop for later use outsid...
2013 May 05
slope coefficient of a quadratic regression bootstrap
I want to know if two quadratic regressions are significantly different.
I was advised to make the test using
step 1 bootstrapping both quadratic regressions and get their slope
(Let's call the slope coefficient *â*^1 and *â*^2)
step 2 use the slope difference *â*^1-*â*^2 and bootstrap the slope
step 3 find out the sampling distribution above and calculate the % =0
step 4 multiple the % by 2
However, I am new to the package boot.
I wrote...
2008 Jan 12
glm expand model to more values
I have the problem with fitting curve to data with lm and glm. When I
use polynominal dependiency, fitted values from model are OK, but I
cannot recive proper values when I use coefficents to caltulate this.
Let me present simple example:
I have simple data.frame: (dd)
a: 1 2 3 4 5 6
b: 3 5 6 7 9 10
I try to fit it to model:
I have following data fitted to model (as I expected)
> fitted(model)
1 2 3 4...
2003 Aug 14
Using spline parameters to generate data
fits4foo <- predict(spline.model)$y
spline4foo <- spline(1:500, fits4foo)
lines(spline4foo$x, spline4foo$y, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
# I originally generated the data I needed by using a nls model and
# adding some noise to the mean of the coefficents from those fits.
# However, I've been told to try and do this using splines for arcane
# So, if you had 20 splines like spline.model above and wanted to generate
some similar data what would you do?
# Thanks in advance.
Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Af...
2008 Aug 17
MDF filter coefficients
I would like to compute the inverse FFT of the MDF coefficients. I have noticed that some coefficients are obviously missing since I do not see the mirror effect, neither find the purely real frequency 0 coefficent that have to be found for a "real" signal.
I guess the frequency 0 coefficient is 0 (average energy 0), but how should I do the mirro...
2004 Oct 08
Correlation Matrix
my dataframe is like this:
1 1 3 19
2 2 2 0
3 3 1 22
4 4 2 6
I computed correlation coefficents among categories
having a correlation matrix (53X53). Now I will
extract from this matrix only significative
correlations, or, in alternative correlations >0.5 and
<-0.5, excluding the other, and put this coefficients
in a dataframe.
I'm looking for significative correlations among...
2005 Feb 17
Newbie: How to produce lm results at sub-level within df
Given a data frame:
df1: application id (appid), project id (pid), person
months (pm), function points (fp)
How do I produce linear modelling results at the appid
level. That is, I would like to find the coefficent
and intercept for the formula "pm ~ fp" for each
2006 Jan 31
warnings in glm (logistic regression)
...t = etastart, ...
2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: glm.fit(x = X, y =
Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, ...
For those cases for which I got the warning messages, shouldn't I rely on
coefficents ? It looks like I can still extract coefficients from R outputs
Are there any ways to avoid these warning messages ? or are these due to the
problems with my data (e.g., perfect separation)
Any help or advice would be appreciated
Thank you
2010 Nov 13
Define a glm object with user-defined coefficients (logistic regression, family="binomial")
...n on the following problem. :(
Suppose I have a dataframe with two predictor variables (x1,x2) and one
depend binary variable (y). How is it possible to define a glm object
(family="binomial") with a user defined logistic function like p(y) =
exp(a + c1*x1 + c2*x2) where c1,c2 are the coefficents which I define.
So I would like to do no fitting of the coefficients. Still, I would
like to define a GLM object because I could then easily use other
functions which need a glm object as argument (e.g. I could use the
anova, summary functions).
Thank you very much! Greetings
2007 May 26
How to get the "Naive SE" of coefficients from the zelig output
Dear R-user:
After the fitting the Tobit model using zelig, if I use the following command then I can get the regression coefficents:
> beta
(Intercept) apache
4.7826 0.9655
How may I extract the "Naive SE" from the following output please?
> summary(il6w.out)
zelig(formula = il6.data$il6 ~ il6.data$apache, model = "tobit",
data = il6.data, r...
2012 Dec 09
Some coefficients are doubled when I use the step() function
...UM.1 + S1Q6_NUM.1 + S1Q10_NUM.1 + S1Q12_BURG.1 +
S1Q12_CD.1 + S1Q4.1 + S1Q12_OTHVIOL.1 + S1Q8.1 + S1Q12_GBH.1 +
S1Q11.1 + S1Q7.1 + S1Q12_THEFT.1 + S1Q12_DRIV.1 + S1Q5.1 +
S1Q9.1 + S1Q12_DRUG.1, family = binomial, data = moddata)
But when I run step() on the resulting model, some of the coefficents
are doubled when it comes back, with a "2" at the end, e.g. like this:
mymodel = step(sectionmodel, direction="backward", test="F")
summary(mymodel) returns this:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -4.58519...
2006 Jan 29
extracting 'Z' value from a glm result
Hello R users
I like to extract z values for x1 and x2. I know how to extract coefficents
using model$coef
but I don't know how to extract z values for each of independent variable. I
looked around
using names(model) but I couldn't find how to extract z values.
Any help would be appreciated.
2007 Jun 25
Re : Half of a heatmap
...to produce a heat map with only the part above or
> below the diagonal?
You might want to check out the LDheatmap() package which can generate
the plots you describe. The help indicates that it accepts a matrix
of pair-wise linkage disequilibrium measures, one of which is R^2 (the
correlation coefficient between loci), but I suspect you could simply
pass it a matrix of correlation coefficents.
Hope that helps,
"In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to
them." - Johann von Neumann
Email - nshephard at gmail.com / n.shephard at sheffield.ac.uk
2010 Sep 07
Saving fits (glm, nls) without data
Is there any package that assists in saving and reconstituting glm and
nls fits without bringing along the accompanying data? A quick search
on CRAN didn't turn up anything.
If not, how do other people deal with saving the coefficients of model
For example, I've run a glm fit that has 23 coefficents on data set that
had 193,008 rows, by the time the fit was called. When I save the
resulting fit object, I get a 491 MB object, which suggests that it's
pulling along all sorts of junk in the environment, as 23*19...