search for: codahale

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 59 matches for "codahale".

2007 Jul 19
[mongrel_cluster] hosting multiple web sites via apache mod_proxy_balancer
I''m newbie to mongrel, I''m not able to config mongrel_cluster in order to host multiple web sites added/remove as apache VirtualHost. I followed codahale mixed with Wiki Radiant (I use Radiant as a rails apps to be deployed, 1 domain 1 radiant sites with its own document tree (public,log,config etc.)
2008 Apr 10
Testing an action behind HTTP Authentication
Greetings, I''m writing an integration test and would like to make sure that, with the correct credentials, I get the proper response. The problem is I don''t know how to use the ''get'' method to attach the username and password to the request. For example, when using RSpec''s Story tests.. When("I request the user information for that
2006 Aug 03
[WARNING] don''t use ruby-sendfile
Hi Folks, I''ve been getting reports of people with serious stability problems in Mongrel. These problems go away instantly when they remove ruby-sendfile. If your mongrel starts up saying that you have "sendfile installed" and that it is using it then **you are wrong**. Remove the gem and don''t use it. I''ll be investigating why it doesn''t really
2006 Jul 20
Apache 2.2, Mongrel and #caches_page
Hi ! I''m no expect when it comes time to configure Apache. I just enabled page caching in my Rails app, and am now looking at making Apache serve the cached files instead of calling into Rails. I know Mongrel is able to serve cached files if it finds them, but I''d like Apache to do it. Looking at .htaccess, there is this section: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^$ index.html
2006 Apr 03
Edit in Place in 1.1
Does anyone have a good example or know of some documentation about how to implement "Edit in Place" using Rails 1.1? Like the functionality in Flickr... I''ve googled and googled and can''t find any good documentation. Maybe it''s because 1.1 is so new? Thanks in advance. -Andy
2006 Jul 28
need recommendations for apache configurations
I''m running a rails app on FedoraCore4 and so far have been using lighttpd and fastcgi. I''ve decided to switch to apache because lighttpd has been far too unstable, unpredictable, and slow. I don''t know if it''s lighttpd or the combination of lighttpd and fastcgi but it''s just not working for me. I need something that has been proven to work and
2006 Jun 14
simple-rss caching
...hat feed seems to be slowing down the initial load time of my site to the point where it takes about 10-12 seconds to respond and render. I''d like to speed that up somehow (for 8-10 seconds it looks like my server is not responding at all..) Any suggestions? I found this: But as soon as I modified my controller from < Application to < ActionController::Base it stop rendering my page (which I guess is expected but I have no idea how to workaround that.) can somebody please help me with this? -- Posted via http...
2007 Jul 16
problem after mongrel_cluster 1.0.2 upgrade
Dear all, In the past, I''ve been successfully using mongrel_cluster following codahale setup [1]. Now I updated mongrel_cluster through gem to 1.0.2, and my previosly worked config is not working anymore. I report below a snip of one of logfile, it seems to me it is a missing gem problems, but this sounds strange to me, because my config was ok before the upgrade. Does mongrel_...
2006 Jul 03
Strange local requests with Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer, and Mongrel
...%) | 200 OK [] These are only for the default route, and they don''t seem to be related to any actual requests. There''s about a 2:1 ratio between actual requests and these weird local requests. Has anyone seen anything like this before? -- Coda Hale
2006 Aug 11
Unit tests - NilClass problem
Hi! Yesterday I started to write my unit tests for the fist time using rails. I''m using this method: My customer_test.rb looks like this: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class CustomerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :customers # Replace this with your real tests. def test_create test_cr...
2006 Oct 10
"MySQL server has gone away" with Apache 2.2 + Mongrel cluster
Hi I just setup a server (Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer, mongrel_cluster) with 2 Rails applications according to this excellent Post: Everythings works great, but after a long inactive period (say one night), the first 3 connections allways get an Error 500 Excerpt from production.log: ... Rendering authentication/login Completed in 0.00301 (332 r...
2007 Jan 02
problems with apache 2.2 proxying to mongrel cluster
...oxy_balancer mysql 4.1 ruby 1.8.4 mongrel 0.3.14 (I know I need to update but I think this problem is independent of the mongrel version) mongrel_cluster 0.2.0 rails_machine 0.1.1 I have apache setup as per Coda''s configuration on his blog posting from several months back. mongrel-apache-capistrano-and-you/ I have 4 mongrels in my cluster. Things work fine for periods of time but after several hours of inactivity (I think 8 hours or so) I experience oddness where only 1 of the 4 mongrels is properly responding....
2007 Jan 03
Frustrating Error
I am followint this article, ...but I keep getting this error in the log...not sure what to try next... ** Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at log/ and log/mongrel.log for info. ** Starting Mongrel listening at 12...
2006 Dec 04
Log problem on stop/restart
I''m using the mongrel_cluster recipes for Capistrano as laid out by and the new ed. of the Agile Development book, but I''m having problems on restart and stop: I can start: [root current]# mongrel_rails cluster::start Starting 3 Mongrel servers... And I can see 3 processes running: [root current]# ps aux | grep mongrel mongrel 1947 0.0 8.2...
2006 Jul 07
problem serving pdf files
I''m using the instructions from configure mongrel_cluster with apache mod_proxy_balancer. Everything works fine, except when I try to link to a pdf file to be opened in a new window, it displays the contents of the pdf as text instead of opening...
2007 May 24
Specs for code stored in rails_app/lib/
Where should the specs go for code in the "lib" directory of a Rails app? I made a folder, "spec/lib/", for storing such specs, and RSpec automatically picks them up when run using "rake spec". Before I go ahead and patch rspec_on_rails/lib/autotest/ rails_rspec.rb so that autotest can monitor these specs I''d like to ask whether this is the
2011 Apr 18
whyt should i use mongrel_cluster ?
why should i use mongrel_cluster in my rails application? What are its benefits for which i should install and configure it ? is webrick server not enough for rails application? Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2006 Nov 13
apache -> pen -> mongrel cluster
Hi everyone, Recently, I''ve been reading about different deployment environments for rails and mongrel. One configuration I''ve started seeing is apache -> pen -> mongrel cluster. See as an example. Can someone explain to me the benefit of using Apache and Pen as opposed to either using apache as a load balancer or pen by itself?
2006 Dec 18
How to keep mocks consistent?
...erage, green lights across the board, and massive amounts of bugs in the way my classes interact. Is there any mechanism in RSpec to keep this from happening? Any methodology beyond "be careful"? Should I even be mocking my own objects? How do you manage this? -- Coda Hale
2006 Jun 27
setting up mongrel..
...ove two are viable options, i have just spent more time trying to get this app live than i did actually writing the app.. and i need to have something working for beta testing... i installed mongrel according to: and spent a little time reading this: but found that i needed to take a look capistrano.. which doesn''t look terrible.. but it means probably another few hours of goofing around rather than getting something working for beta.. i have the app...