Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "coch".
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2016 Nov 24
Dos pequeños códigos casi idénticos y sólo funciona el primero
Buenas tardes a todos,
He adaptado una pregunta realizada en otro foro respecto de un caso que me interesa resolver. Sea el data.table:
DT <- data.table(caso = rep(1:2, c(3, 2)), empresa = factor(rep(c("E1", "E2"), c(3, 2))),
coche = factor(c('A', 'B', 'U', 'W', 'B')), envio = factor(rep(c(T, F), c(3, 2))))
En el siguiente codigo, segun la dupla (caso, empresa), se eliminan las filas coche="B" si envio=T, y se cambia "B" por "A" si envio = F.
DTnew <...
2011 Apr 22
Need for speed, el coche se va solo hacia la izquierda
...er y most wanted, y en ambos se ve lo mismo, y es que, cuando entro en el juego todo va bien excepto que la tecla (independientemente de la que asigne) que hace que el carro gire a la izquierda no funciona en el men?, y cuando esta en el juego es como si estuviera oprimida todo el tiempo por que el coche se va a la izquierda solo.
Tengo Wine 1.3(actualic? antes la 1.2, y pasaba lo mismo), winetricks, playonlinux, y los dll que est?n en wineHQ.
Kubuntu 10.10 64 bits
Gracias por su ayuda
2013 Nov 05
setting up a dedicated NIC for replication
...on only one DNS name, I don't know how to configure Gluster's nodes in order to:
- Use production network, for hypervisors communications
- Use replicated/heartbeat network, for gluster's nodes communications
Can you help me ?
Best regards
S?bastien Coch?
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2018 Feb 06
Optimizar código
for (i in 1:nrow(CADENA)) {for (j in 1:length(LISTA)) {if(toString(LISTA[j])==toString(CADENA[i,1])) {print(paste("fila:",j,CADENA[i,2],sep=" "))}}}
Un saludo y muchas gracias a todos.
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2006 Oct 25
Logon script with Administrator rights
...le doesn't work.
Do you know how to run the logon script as the local machine Administrator?
After all, the logon script is on the server and only me can change it so it
wouldn't be dangerous.
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2008 Apr 15
a question of alphabetical order
...doesn't affect to the
alphabetical order of vector of strings. I mean, a or ? don't matter for
establishing the alphabetical order.
Nevertheless, while working with R order, here is what I get.
Given a file transport.txt
> toPlot <-
> toPlot[order(toPlot$medio),]
medio variable
1 avi?n 34
2 barco 33
3 bicicleta 3
5 cami?n 54
6 coche 23
7 tren 6...
2007 Apr 18
asterisk svn and zaptel
..._zap.so!!!!! When I recompile it, i check the make menuselect and the
channel zapata is not appearing there. Does any body know any patch for
that? Or how to sort out this problem
Thanks a lot
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2009 Oct 30
Voicemail file
Hi all,
When somebody leaves a message in the voicemailbox, is there a way to know the file name of it?
I need to return the voicemail file name in the deadagi command.
Convierte las fotos que m?s te gustan en tu nuevo fondo de escritorio para el ordenador. Es f?cil y adem?s gratis
2009 Mar 28
Use fixtures within fixtures?
...#39;m using globalize2 and have following problem with my fixtures:
parent_id: two
color: #ff00aa
color: #00ff11
parent_id: two
color: #ab00ab
id: one
locale: en
name: Cars
id: one
locale: es
name: Coches
id: two
locale: en
name: Start
id: two
locale: es
name: Inicio
id: three
locale: en
name: Bicycles
id: three
locale: es
name: Bicicletas
My problem now is that in my translations table all id''s are NULL which
is kinda obvio...
2008 Jan 30
func_odbc - trouble
...t shows
XXX 4. res_config_odbc
XXX 13. res_odbc
ODBC Resource
Depends on: unixodbc(E), ltdl(E)
unixODBC and unixODBC-devel are installed.
Thanks for any hint to get my ODBC_SQL included and working!
Dirk Enrique Seiffert - Lintec S.A.
Ed. Torre del Reloj - Of. 401
Plaza de los Coches, Centro
Cartagena - Colombia
2017 Jul 17
Duda sobre nivel de significancia
Hola buenas a todxs, comento mi duda:
Calculo la correlación entre dos variables (calculo por años que: mayor
tasa de desempleo implica menos venta de coches) y me sale positiva la
correlación por lo tanto tienen una relación directa. Mi duda:
¿para que esta prediccíón sea cierta, además de una correlación positiva
tengo que calcular el nivel de significancia entre las dos variables?
Saludos y gracias de antemano.
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2006 Apr 24
Modelling heteroskedasticity in a multilevel model
...e in R? I have been
looking at the varfunc command in the nlme package, but I am not sure if
such a function can perform the kind of analysis I actually need.
Thank you very much in advance,
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2006 Aug 29
XiphQT doesn't export to Ogg Theora
But there is a lack of export Ogg Theora function into QuickTime.
XiphQT component works well but you can't make Ogg Theora files.
There is a way to open a new ticket for this request?
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2006 Nov 04
Theora videos in linux.dell.com
...inux Community , has a Theora version.
I think this is the right way Dell.
If you want to see these Theora videos directly try this url :
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2007 Jan 26
website that organize campaigns to ask sites to support Theora
Hi ,
I found a website that organize campaigns to ask sites to support Theora :
Current campaign is ask the BBC to support Vorbis/Theora
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2005 Jul 25
sendDTMF at pickup
?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en
MSN Motor. http://motor.msn.es/researchcentre/
2007 Feb 13
Time for new version of ffmpeg2theora?
Hi ,
I see in trunk that ffmpeg2theora now has Chroma settings , that it is a new
good thing that justify a new release of ffmpeg2theora.
Dale rienda suelta a tu tiempo libre. Mil ideas para exprimir tu ocio con
MSN Entretenimiento. http://entretenimiento.msn.es/
2007 Jan 30
Producing oggs with XiphQT - testers needed!
Dear all,
As the next version of XiphQT is mostly ready, I thought it could use
some more wide pre-release testing.
The major change since last release is the addition of Ogg exporter
and Vorbis and Theora encoders. Any feedback on how this new
functionality performs (or doesn't!) with audio/video
editing/producing software will really help. Also, comments and
suggestions on the work of
2007 Jan 30
Producing oggs with XiphQT - testers needed!
Dear all,
As the next version of XiphQT is mostly ready, I thought it could use
some more wide pre-release testing.
The major change since last release is the addition of Ogg exporter
and Vorbis and Theora encoders. Any feedback on how this new
functionality performs (or doesn't!) with audio/video
editing/producing software will really help. Also, comments and
suggestions on the work of
2007 Jan 30
Producing oggs with XiphQT - testers needed!
Dear all,
As the next version of XiphQT is mostly ready, I thought it could use
some more wide pre-release testing.
The major change since last release is the addition of Ogg exporter
and Vorbis and Theora encoders. Any feedback on how this new
functionality performs (or doesn't!) with audio/video
editing/producing software will really help. Also, comments and
suggestions on the work of