search for: coals

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 178 matches for "coals".

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2006 Mar 29
auth problem: wbinfo works, smbclient doesn't
Hi guys, I have a strange problem. I can authenticate a user with wbinfo from my domain controller (security =3D ads), however when I try and map a share, the authentication fails. i.e. # wbinfo -a 'COAL+bcanglo%bcpass' plaintext password authentication succeeded challenge/response password authentication succeeded # smbclient '\\xxxxxxx\timtest' -U 'COAL\bcanglo'
2007 Mar 16
Probably simple function problem
# I have a simple function problem. I thought that I could write a function to modify a couple of vectors but I am doing something wrong #I have a standard cost vector called "fuel" and some adjustments to the #costs called "adjusts". The changes are completely dependend on the length #of the dataframe newdata I then need to take the modifed vectors and use # them later. I
2013 Apr 17
Package VIF
Hi Could you perhaps possibly help me. I would like to use the package VIF but cannot get results I attach the .csv file and my R code. What do I have to do ? Any help is greatly appreciated. library(VIF) coal <- read.csv("e:/freekvif/cqa1.csv",header=TRUE) y <- as.numeric(coal$AI) x <- as.matrix(cbind(coal$Gyp, coal$Pyrite, coal$Sid, coal$Calcite, coal$Dol,
2006 Mar 28
strange: wbinfo -a works, but smbclient doesn't?
Hi guys, I have a strange problem. I can authenticate a user with wbinfo from my domain controller (security = ads), however when I try and map a share, the authentication fails. i.e. # wbinfo -a 'COAL+bcanglo%bcpass' plaintext password authentication succeeded challenge/response password authentication succeeded # smbclient '\\xxxxxxx\timtest' -U 'COAL\bcanglo'
2007 Nov 09
Why the switch to SMTP
Can anyone explain why BackgrounDRb is switching form DRb to SMTP protocol? That seems like a lot of overhead to add to the messaging back and forth? Orion
2012 Jun 06
ggplot incorrect legend
How do I create a legend with ggplot? I think should be getting the FuelTypeNum in the legend. Plot: My code is: ggplot(data=tempTable, aes(x=Bands8, y=SubPercent, fill=FuelTypeNum)) + geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") + scale_colour_hue('my legend', breaks = levels(tempTable$FuelTypeNum),
2011 Jul 29
Noble is looking for a Market Risk Manager/Analyst for its London Office, prefer Candidates who have R programming skills
Noble is looking for a Market Risk Manager/Analyst for its London Office, prefer Candidates who have R programming skills ================================================================================== Noble Noble is a market leader in managing the global supply chain of agricultural, industrial and energy products. Our "hands on" approach to business has seen us grow to become a
2007 Dec 14
Error when loading backgroundrb
I''m getting the following error (when doing script/backgroundrb start) on my local machine, which is running os x 10.4.11. However, it works just fine on my linux server. RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/lib/../framework/nbio.rb:64:in `dump_object'': undefined method `write_nonblock'' for #<UNIXSocket: 0x135b5f4> (NoMethodError) I just grabbed the
2008 Jan 16
Backgroundrb 1.0.1: uninitialized constant Packet::ClassHelpers (NameError)
Hi, just updated backgroundrb to release 1.0.1 and am getting this error when trying to start backgroundrb. vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/framework/core.rb:18: uninitialized constant Packet::ClassHelpers (NameError) Just updated from r298 where everything was working fine. If I comment out the offending line then backgroundrb starts but I can''t connect to it from my app. Anyone have any
2011 Jan 19
Using subset to filter data table
I am having difficulty understanding how I would constrain a data set by filtering out 'records' based on certain criteria. Using SQL I could query using 'select * from where LithClass in ('sand', 'clay')' or some such. Using subset, there seem to be ghosts left behind (that is, all of the LithClass *.Labels* remain after subset) > dput(tcc)
2008 Jan 02
disabling backgroundrb_debug.log
is there an easy way to disable logging to backgroundrb_debug.log? Regards - reynard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Nov 02
pre-release version of backgroundrb available now from svn
...ound the edge and needs more polish. But still, i hope it will be more stable than previous versions of backgroundrb. Please report all the bugs here. Thanks -- Let them talk of their oriental summer climes of everlasting conservatories; give me the privilege of making my own summer with my own coals.
2007 Dec 17
wday not honored in cron trigger
Hey guys, I was playing with the cron trigger, and I noticed that wday is not honored. Looking at the code confirms this. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks Adam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Dec 17
BackgrounDRb release 1.0 available now
...ut with OSX issues. ** Andy for patches and initial testing. ** Paul for patching up README. ** Other initial users. ** Matz, Francis for general inspiration. -- Let them talk of their oriental summer climes of everlasting conservatories; give me the privilege of making my own summer with my own coals.
2007 Dec 17
Get "some read error" on calls to worker
I''m running the latest from svn (rev 285). I''ve been having a problem launching a process repeatedly. What happens is that I get a debug message "some read error" and then the worker refuses to run again. I''ve stripped my worker down to just doing a puts and it still happens. Like the other threads I want to launch my workers as needed, however I get the
2008 Apr 09
Hello, Does reload_on_schedule force the worker to be reloaded even if it is already running? Or does it just load the worker if its not running when the schedule fires? I want to load the worker at the scheduled time if its not running, but I don''t want to reload the worker if its already running. Make sense? Thanks, Scott
2007 Dec 13
Some fixes and updates
...ding mechanism has been changed, so remove backgroundrb script from your backgroundrb directory and do a rake backgroundrb:setup and you should be good to go. -- Let them talk of their oriental summer climes of everlasting conservatories; give me the privilege of making my own summer with my own coals.
2007 Oct 31
How you want BackgrounDrb to behave
...rked using callback mechanism, rather than threads. PS: trunk doesn''t yet reflect the changes i said. I will be checking in code soon. stay tuned. -- Let them talk of their oriental summer climes of everlasting conservatories; give me the privilege of making my own summer with my own coals.
2008 Jul 16
Labelling curves on graphs
Hi Folks, I'd be grateful for good suggestions about the following. I'm plotting a family of (X,Y) curves (for different levels of another variable, Z): say 6 curves in all but could be more or less -- it's a rather variables situation. I'd like to label each curve with the value of Z that it corresponds to. The problem is that the layout (shapes, spacings, ranges of X over
2008 May 28
version yml file
Hi, I am trying to get the scheduling to work with my RoR application. How do I determine what version of backgroundrb I have configured? When I try to invoke??? rake backgroundrb:setup? , it fails. Thanks for the help. Linda