Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "clusterexport".
2016 Dec 13
syntax difference clusterExport in parallel and snow
We got some errors and eventually figured out that
parallel::clusterExport second argument is "varlist" while in
snow::clusterExport it is "list".
The user had loaded parallel first, but did something else which
inadvertently loaded snow, then clusterExport failed because we had
"varlist" and not "list".
Are these different on pur...
2012 Sep 21
Parallel Programming
I am trying to do parallel programming and I tried this
cl <- makeCluster(do.call(rbind,rep(list("localhost"),noc)), type = "SOCK")
testl<-foreach(pp=1:2) %dopar% {
And this works but if I try to enclose my commands inside a text file
to be sourced it doesn't work
cl <- makeCluster(do.call(rbind,rep(list("loca...
2008 Nov 30
Snow and multi-processing
...mn matrix had to be shipped along with the item in the list and the traffic time was actually longer than the computing time.
However, if I export the 500,000 object first across the spawned processes as in this mock script
cl <- makeCluster(nnodes,method)
mArrayData <- getData(experiments)
clusterExport(cl, 'mArrayData')
Results <- parLapply(cl, theMapList, function(x) t.testFnc(x))
With a function that define the mArrayData argument as a default parameter as in
t.testFnc <- function(probeList, array=mArrayData){
x <- array[probeList$A,]
y <- array[probeList$B,]...
2020 Oct 29
Something is wrong with the unserialize function
## Create a temporary file
filePath <- tempfile()
con <- file(filePath, "wrb")
cl <- makeCluster(1)
x <- mmap(filePath, "double")
## Turn gctorture on
clusterEvalQ(cl, gctorture())
clusterExport(cl, "x")
## x is an 0-length vector on the worker
clusterEvalQ(cl, x)
you can find more info on the problem if you manually build a connection
between two R processes and export the ALTREP object. See output below
> con <- socketConnection(port = 1234,server...
2011 Jun 12
snow package
I try parallelising some code using the snow package and the following lines:
cl <- makeSOCKcluster(8)
pfunc <- function (x) (if(x <= (-th)) 1 else 0) ###correlation coefficient
cor.c.f <- parApply(cl,tms,c(1,2),FUN=pfunc)
The parApply results in the error message:
> cor.c.f <- parApply(cl,tms,c(1,2),FUN=pfunc)
Error in do.call("fun", lapply(args, enquote)) :
could not find function "fun".
Any ideas?...
2014 Jul 02
parLapply on sqlQuery (from package RODBC)
...#dbConn : active db connection formed via odbcDriverConnect
#name : a char string
sqlQuery(dbConn, paste("select id from table where name='", name, "'", sep=""))
clusterExport(cl, c("sqlQuery", "dbConn"))
parSapply(cl, names, nameToID, dbConn=dbConn) #incorrect passing of nameToID's second argument
As in the comment, this is not the correct way to assign the second argument to nameToID.
I have also tried the following:
parSapply(cl, name...
2012 Aug 03
Parallel runs of an external executable with snow in local
...that I changed my previous R script so I could use the function lapply().This script apparently worked fine.
Finally, I tried to parallelize the problem by using snow and parLapply(). The resulting script looks like this:
## Not run
library(snow)cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK")
##End not run
Although it runs, the parallelized version is messing up the input parameters to pass to the executable (see table below, where par...
2020 Oct 29
[External] Something is wrong with the unserialize function
> writeBin(rep(0.0,10),con)
> close(con)
> library(simplemmap)
> library(parallel)
> cl <- makeCluster(1)
> x <- mmap(filePath, "double")
> ## Turn gctorture on
> clusterEvalQ(cl, gctorture())
> clusterExport(cl, "x")
> ## x is an 0-length vector on the worker
> clusterEvalQ(cl, x)
> stopCluster(cl)
> ```
> you can find more info on the problem if you manually build a connection
> between two R processes and export the ALTREP object. See outpu...
2018 Mar 09
Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object
If the code you are running in parallel is complicated, maybe foreach is not sophisticated enough to find all the variables you refer to. Maybe use parallel::clusterExport yourself? But be a aware that passing parameters is much safer than directly accessing globals in parallel processing, so this might just be your warning to not do that anyway.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On March 9, 2018 7:50:44 AM PST, Nik Tuzov <ntuzov at beacon.partek...
2009 Nov 17
SVM Param Tuning with using SNOW package
...gTrain$X,hogTrain$Y, kernel="linear",cost=c[i],
results.lin <- predict(svm.lin, hogTest$X)
e.test.lin <- sqrt(sum((results.lin-hogTest$Y)^2)/length(hogTest$Y))
cl<- makeCluster(10, type="SOCK" )
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/SVM-Param-Tuning-with-using-SNOW-package-tp26399401p26399401.html
Sent from the R help mailing list ar...
2007 Feb 02
Snow Package and R: Exported Variable Problem
In my simulation I need to run a function several times with an
different variable each time. All the invocations on the functions
are independent of the others. I start the simulation on one node,
create a cluster of several nodes, load my custom package and snow on
all of them, use clusterExport(cl, "x1") to export the variable
x1(among other variable I need), then I call my simulation on the
cluster using clusterApplyLB(cl, 2:S, simClust) where cl is the
cluster and S is a constant defined above as 500. Using print
statements (since snow, or R for that matter, has next...
2018 Mar 09
Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object
Hello all:
Please help me with this "can't find object" issue. I'm trying to get leave-one-out predicted values for Beta-binomial regression.
It may be the gamlss issue because the code seems to work when %do% is used. I have searched for similar issues, but haven't managed to figure it out. This is on Windows 10 platform.
Thanks in advance,
2007 Nov 19
biocep project (R for the Web and the Virtual R Workbench)
...ework (RPF) to deploy and use
distributed computational resources (non R based, native libraries with
JNI support or java code)
- Use R for parallel computing via a Java API or Web Services.
- Create and use Remote R Instances from within R (snow' like fucntions
: makeCluster, clusterEvalQ, clusterExport, clusterApply, stopCluster ..)
- Use the R API from within an applet (book, use and release a Remote R
Instance via HTTP Tunneling)
- Use R to generate Graphics on the fly for thin web clients
- Use R from within a Workbench that includes an advanced script
editor, a Spreadsheet View fully conn...
2020 Oct 29
[External] Something is wrong with the unserialize function
> con <- file(filePath, "wrb")
> writeBin(rep(0.0,10),con)
> close(con)
> library(simplemmap)
> library(parallel)
> cl <- makeCluster(1)
> x <- mmap(filePath, "double")
> ## Turn gctorture on
> clusterEvalQ(cl, gctorture())
> clusterExport(cl, "x")
> ## x is an 0-length vector on the worker
> clusterEvalQ(cl, x)
> stopCluster(cl)
> ```
> you can find more info on the problem if you manually build a connection
> between two R processes and export the ALTREP object. See output below
> ```
>> co...
2011 Jan 14
Fwd: Re: [R-sig-hpc] Working doSNOW foreach openMPI example
> library(panel)
> cl<-makeMPIcluster(3)
> registerDoSNOW(cl)
> clusterEvalQ(cl,library(panel))
> res<-clusterCall(cl, function(){Sys.info()["nodename"]})
> print(do.call(rbind,res))
> sme<- matrix(rnorm(100),10,10)
> clusterExport(cl,"sme")
> myfun<-function()
> {
> for(i in 1:1000)
> {
> x<-eddcmp(sme)
> }
> }
> ged<-0
> system.time({
> ged<-foreach(i=1:10) %dopar%
> {
> myfun()
> }
> })
> system.time({
> ged<-foreac...
2010 Jul 22
snow: hierarchical parallelization
I'm parallelizing some computation on hierarchical data, and would
find it natural to do something like this (where a call to parLapply
is embedded in outer call to parLapply):
cl <- makeCluster(rep.int('localhost', 5),
clusterExport(cl, 'cl')
parLapply(cl, 1:5, function(i) parLapply(cl, 1:5, function(j) i * j))
Snow executes without error, but produces NULL; is embedded
parallelization, in principle, possible?
2011 Jan 29
Parallelizing cor() for large data-set using Cluster
...in the cluster.
Normally I allocate 20000M and operate on 5 X 20000.
Even this is taking lot of time. Is there any way I can find
cl = cor(cdata) utilizing the computers in the clusters(I am using 32 nodes
I am using the following code to get the cluster..
cl <- makeCluster(64)
clusterExport(cl, "fakeData")
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(boot))
system.time(out2 <- clusterApplyLB(cl, pair, geneCor))
But here the geneCor and pair is calculated as,
pair <- combn(1:nrow(fakeData), 2, simplify = F)
geneCor <- function(x, gene = fakeData) { cor(t(gene[x[1], ]),...
2015 Nov 17
Exporting a method to a cluster object
...m, m, m)
# write wrapper function that computes results
fun <- function(mat) {
s <- summary(mat ~ edges + dsp(1))
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2) # create cluster object
test1 <- sapply(l, fun) # works!
test2 <- parSapply(cl, l, fun) # problem: results look weird!
clusterExport(cl, varlist = "summary.statistics")
test3 <- parSapply(cl, l, fun) # error!
I found a solution somewhere in a forum:
clusterCall(cl, function() library("ergm"))
However, as I'd like to use the code in a package, the CRAN check tells
me that using library...
2012 Jan 04
rmpi vs snow - which one is better from communication overhead point of view
I need to understand when is it best to use /rmpi/ and when is it best to
use /snow/ for parallel programming in R? I understand snow can be used for
a group of non-clustered work stations also. But I wish to understand from
the point of view of using both on clusters for a problem which has few
chunks of straightforward data-parallelism interleaved with some
communication. Since both are
2007 Nov 19
biocep project - R for the Web and the Virtual R Workbench
...ramework (RPF) to deploy and use
distributed computational resources (non R based, native libraries with
JNI support or java code)
- Use R for parallel computing via a Java API or Web Services.
- Create and use Remote R Instances from within R (snow' like fucntions :
makeCluster, clusterEvalQ, clusterExport, clusterApply, stopCluster ..)
- Use the R API from within an applet (book, use and release a Remote R
Instance via HTTP Tunneling)
- Use R to generate Graphics on the fly for thin web clients
- Use R from within a Workbench that includes an advanced script editor,
a Spreadsheet View fully connec...