Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "close_dir".
2005 Dec 09
what exactly does close_dir option do?
I''m trying to figure out if I should be setting close_dir to true or
false when I access my index. It seems like this has something to do
with the state that the index is left in after one process is finished
using it, but it''s not clear exactly what this does. Can anybody
explain further?
2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
...gt; index = Article.ferret_index
=> #<Ferret::Index::Index:0x2b686dc76860 @writer=nil,
@default_input_field=:id, @qp=nil,
@mon_entering_queue=[], @default_field=["title"], @key=:id,
@mon_count=0, @auto_flush=true, @open=true, @close_dir=true,
@id_field=:id, @mon_owner=nil, @reader=nil, @searcher=nil,
:create_if_missing=>true, :default_field=>["title"],
2005 Dec 08
Confusing lock problem in rails
...longs_to_many :users
@@index = Index::Index.new(:path => RAILS_ROOT + ''/searchindex'',
:key => :email,
:create_if_missing => true,
:auto_flush => true,
:close_dir => true)
# syncronization with ferret index
def after_save
@@index << {:id => id, :email => email, :contents => contents,
:date => found_on}
def after_destroy
def self.optimize_index
def self.search...
2009 Mar 21
[PATCH 1/1] SYSLINUX/COMBOOT: Abstract searchdir and fix the opendir call
...i+file_bytesleft],0 ; Current offset
mov [si+file_left],eax ; Beginning sector
+ xor bx,bx ; ZF <- 1
pop bx
+ xor eax,eax ; ZF <- 1
+ and bx,bx ; ZF = 0; BX from allocate_file not 0
pop bx
- xor eax,eax ; ZF <- 1
@@ -1289,7 +1291,7 @@ close_dir:
.closed: ret
-; searchdir:
+; searchdir4any:
; Open a file
@@ -1299,13 +1301,15 @@ close_dir:
; ZF clear
; SI = file pointer
; EAX = file length in bytes
+; DL = FAT attributes
; If unsuccessful
; ZF set
; Assumes CS == DS == ES, and trashes BX and CX.
2009 Feb 08
[PATCH 1/1] COMBOOT API: Add calls for directory functions; Implement for FAT; Try 2
+ mov es,P_ES
+ mov di,P_DI
+ mov si,P_SI
+ call readdir
+ mov P_EAX,eax
+ mov P_DL,dl
+ mov P_EBX,ebx
+ mov P_SI,si
+ ret
+comapi_readdir equ comapi_err
+; INT 22h AX=0022h Close directory
+ mov si,P_SI
+ call close_dir
+ clc
+ ret
+comapi_closedir equ comapi_err
section .data
%macro int21 2
@@ -1100,6 +1166,10 @@ int22_table:
dw comapi_getadv ; 001C get pointer to ADV
dw comapi_writeadv ; 001D write ADV to disk
dw comapi_kbdtable ; 001E keyboard remapping table
+ dw comapi_getcw...
2008 Dec 04
[PATCH 1/1] COMBOOT API: Add calls for directory functions; Implement for FAT
+ mov es,P_ES
+ mov di,P_DI
+ mov si,P_SI
+ call readdir
+ mov P_EAX,eax
+ mov P_DL,dl
+ mov P_EBX,ebx
+ mov P_SI,si
+ ret
+comapi_readdir equ comapi_err
+; INT 22h AX=0021h Close directory
+ mov si,P_SI
+ call close_dir
+ clc
+ ret
+comapi_closedir equ comapi_err
section .data
%macro int21 2
@@ -1085,6 +1151,10 @@ int22_table:
dw comapi_shufflerm ; 001B cleanup, shuffle and boot to rm
dw comapi_getadv ; 001C get pointer to ADV
dw comapi_writeadv ; 001D write ADV to disk
+ dw coma...
2006 Oct 10
oddness when adding to index -
...et::Index::Index:0xb77dc1f4 @options={:default_field=>:*,
:lock_retry_time=>2}, @mon_entering_queue=[], @qp=nil, @searcher=nil,
@mon_count=0, @default_field=:*, @close_dir=true, @auto_flush=false,
@open=true, @mon_owner=nil, @id_field=:id, @reader=nil,
@mon_waiting_queue=[], @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id,
*** Now let''s add 3 strings to the index ***
irb(main):005:0> ["While you wer...
2007 May 10
Segmentation fault on large index
...ot;, :lock_retry_time=>2,
:default_field=>:*}, @mon_owner=nil, @auto_flush=false, @open=true,
@dir=#<Ferret::Store::FSDirectory:0xb7b23308>, @id_field=:id,
@searcher=nil, @mon_waiting_queue=[], @reader=nil, @key=nil,
irb(main):004:0> index.search_each("*:foo") {|id, score| doc =
index[id].load; puts doc.inspect}
[BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i686-linux]
---------------------- before opt...