Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "cloglog".
2004 Jun 01
GLMM(..., family=binomial(link="cloglog"))?
I'm having trouble using binomial(link="cloglog") with GLMM in
lme4, Version: 0.5-2, Date: 2004/03/11. The example in the Help file
works fine, even simplified as follows:
fm0 <- GLMM(immun~1, data=guImmun, family=binomial, random=~1|comm)
However, for another application, I need binomial(link="cloglog"),
2009 Aug 21
using loglog link in VGAM or creating loglog link for GLM
model (dichotomous response variable with far more zeros than ones).
I am aware that there are several relevant posts on this list, but I
am afraid I need a little more help. The two suggested approaches
seem to be: 1) modify the make.link function in GLM, or 2) use the
loglog or cloglog functions in the VGAM package. Below are my
questions for each. Responses to either are much appreciated.
1) Modifying the make.link function:
In his Sat, 24 Jan 2009 post, Re: [R] glm binomial loglog (NOT
cloglog) link, William Simpson suggested a loglog={} insertion that
seems reasonab...
2009 Jan 23
glm binomial loglog (NOT cloglog) link
I would like to do an R glm() with
family = binomial(link="loglog")
Right now, the cloglog link exists, which is nice when the data have a
heavy tail to the left. I have the opposite case and the loglog link
is what I need. Can someone suggest how to add the loglog link onto
glm()? It would be lovely to have it there by default, and it
certainly makes sense to have the two opposite cases...
2006 Mar 16
Having trouble with plot.survfit and fun="cloglog"
I'm having trouble getting fun="cloglog" to work with plot on
a survfit object. Here are the data I used for the commands
that follow.
days status
2 0
2 0
5 1
9 0
14 1
16 0
16 0
17 0
29 1
30 0
37 1
37 0
39 1
44 0
44 0
58 0
60 1
67 1
68 1
82 1
82 1
86 0
86 0
89 1
93 0
97 1
100 0
100 0
100 0
> library(survival)
Loading require...
2004 May 29
GLMM error in ..1?
...weights=rep(N, n))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : ..1 used in an incorrect context,
no ... to look in
Is there something I can do to get past this short of working
through the code for GLMM line by line?
Also, I gather GLMM does not currently accept
> fit <- GLMM(1-yield~1, random=~1|nest, family=binomial(link="cloglog"),
+ data=DF,weights=rep(N, n))
Error in getClass(thisClass) : "family" is not a defined class
Error in GLMM(1 - yield ~ 1, random = ~1 | nest, family = binomial(link
= "c...
2008 Sep 09
Genmod in SAS vs. glm in R
Is there anyone tell me what I did wrong?
Here are the code and results,
1) SAS Genmod:
% r: # of failure
% k: size of a risk set
data bin_data;
input r k y x;
1 3 5 0.5
0 2 5 0.5
0 2 4 1.0
1 2 4 1.0
proc genmod data=nelson;
model r/k = x / dist = binomial link =cloglog offset = os ;
<Results from SAS>
Log Likelihood -4.7514
Parameter DF Estimate Error Limits
Square Pr > ChiSq
Intercept 1 -3.6652 1.9875 -7.5605 0.2302
3.40 0.0652
2013 Nov 20
Binomial GLM in Stata and R
I'm not a Stata user so I'm trying to reproduce Stata results that are given to me in R. I would like to use a GLM with a complementary log-log function. The stata code I have is:
glm c IndA fia, family(binomial s) link(cloglog) offset(offset)
The R code is:
glmt <- glm(data=dataset, c ~ IndA + fia, offset = offset, family = binomial(link = cloglog))
Which yields different results from the Stata output. I think the difference is in the variable s that is included in the binomial family in Stata (bold in the code)...
2002 Aug 02
survival analysis: plot.survfit
Hello everybody,
does anybody know how the function plot.survfit exactly works?
I'd like to plot the log of the cummulative hazard against the
log time by using plot.survfit(...fun="cloglog") which does not
work correctly. The scales are wrong and there is an error
message about infinit numbers. It must have something to do with
the censored data, doesn't it?
motorette <-
2006 Jun 13
Slight fault in error messages
...(sorry, I don't want to upgrade yet, but it should be easy to
> glm(1 ~ 2, family=quasibinomial(link=foo))
Error in quasibinomial(link = foo) : ?foo? link not available for
quasibinomial family, available links are "logit", ", ""probit" and
> glm(1 ~ 2, family=binomial(link=foo))
Error in binomial(link = foo) : link "foo" not available for binomial
family, available links are "logit", ""probit", "cloglog", "cauchit"
and "log"
I hope this is helpful,
2018 May 20
I would like to get horizontal numbers on the both axes: X and Y.
I got horizontal numbers only on the Y axis when adding las=2,
How to obtain a horizontal orientation for number on scale also for the X axis
(now they are vertical)? Here is my code:
plot(survfit(Y~addicts$clinic), fun="cloglog", las=2)
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 May 11
Warning trying to plot -log(log(survival))
...warning message. I would appreciate help getting two lines, and an explanation of the warning message. My problem may the that I have very few events in one of my strata, but I don't know.
WARNING: Warning in xy.coords (x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
2 x values <=0 omitted from logarithmic plot
> print(survfit(fit0),fun="cloglog")
Call: survfit.coxph(object = fit0)
n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
Rx=0 31 5 Inf Inf Inf
Rx=1 32 15...
2001 Dec 18
Aranda-Ornaz links for binary data
I would like apply different link functions from Aranda-Ordaz (1981)
family to large binary dataset (n = 2000). The existing links in glm for
binomial data (logit, probit, cloglog) are not adequate for my data, and I
need to test some other transformations.
Is it possible to do this in R? And how?
Thank you for your help,
Tel. +46-31-772 53 60 Dept. Mathematical Sta...
2020 Apr 13
Poor family objects error messages
The following code:
> binomial(identity)
Generates an error message:
Error in binomial(identity) :
link "identity" not available for binomial family; available links are ?logit?, ?probit?, ?cloglog?, ?cauchit?, ?log?
While :
> binomial("identity")
Yields an identity-binomial object that works as expected with stats::glm
The error in the first example mislead me during years. I thought identity-binomial models were unsupported by R.
The documentation is correct but misleading to...
2005 Aug 03
glmmPQL error in logLik.reStruct
N. <- 1000
z <- rnorm(N.)
pr.good <- exp(-1e-4*exp(2+2*z))
DF. <- data.frame(yield=rbinom(N., N., pr.good)/N.,
Offset=rep(-10, N.), nest=1:N.)
fit <- glmmPQL(fixed=1-yield~offset(Offset), random=~1|nest,
data=DF., weights=rep(N., N.))
A year on can anyone suggest what the problem might be? Or in
particular, Spencer - did you come up with a solution?
Thanks in advance,
Kechi Nzerem
2006 May 10
Allowed quasibinomial links (PR#8851)
...ying an unavailable link to `quasibinomial', the error message looks
strange. E.g.
> quasibinomial("x")
Error in quasibinomial("x") : 'x' link not available for quasibinomial family,
available links are "logit", ", ""probit" and "cloglog"
Clearly, something's missing. A quick peek in the code reveals that `log' is
allowed, but is missing from the above list.
Furthermore, shouldn't `quasibinomial' also allow the `cauchit' link?
2001 Jul 31
using identity link for binomial familly with glm
-- Error in binomial(link = "identity") : identity link not available for binomial family, available links are "logit", "probbit", "cloglog" and "log"
Hi, I have a question, dealing with this error response. I'm trying to
make anova on percentages. The variablethat has a biological
significance is actually the percentage itself. Is it really not
possible, to test a simple linear probability model with glm, using...
2008 Sep 11
Loop for the convergence of shape parameter
...n advance,
[I]for 1) and 2) (working)
% data set
% estimate lambda (lambda=beta0+beta1*x)
GLM_results <- glm(r/k ~ x, family=binomial(link='cloglog'),
% using lambda, estimate alpha (a=alpha) through ML estimation
2008 Sep 09
...re a particular reason (and if so, what is it) that
the inverse link is not in the list of allowable link functions
for the binomial family? I initially thought this might
have something to do with the properties of canonical
vs non-canonical link functions, but since other link functions
(probit, cloglog, cauchit, log) are allowed, I can't think
of any good reason. In fact, it's sort of a mystery to me
why the sets of link functions for each family are restricted.
Is this from painful experience that some link functions just
don't work well?
I can go ahead and hack my own version th...
2005 Nov 08
Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC)
Hi all,
I'm trying to estimate a nested model (purchase decision, cloglog formula, &
quantity bought given a purchase, truncated Poisson). Some of the parameters
are mixed (6) and 4 are fixed for all the respondent.
The simulated ML (500 simulations) method forwards highly correlated
After some research, Hybrid Monte Carlo seems to be a good alternative to...
2009 Nov 06
Survival Plot in R 2.10.0
...rror is loaded. Is there some specific 'type= ' syntax, or an
additional parameter
that I must specify?
> leukemia.surv <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml)
> plot(leukemia.surv, lty = 2:3) ## works fine
> plot(leukemia.surv, lty = 2:3, fun="cloglog") ## works fine
> plot(leukemia.surv, type="p") ## generates error below:
Error in plot.default(tempx, tempy * yscale, type = "n", log =
logax, :
formal argument "type" matched by multiple actual arguments
> search()
[1] &qu...