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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 53 matches for "clim".

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2007 Dec 20
package clim.pact
I would like to try the SSA approach with my data. If i am not mistaken there is a package named "clim.pact" in the R repository that does that. I tried to download on my Linux box and it failed as it cannot resolve a dependency that is only needed for Windows platform (that is written in the site I wonder if someone knows the workaround. I...
2009 Jul 23
Creating a loop to read 3D dataset
...ssession a netcdf from which I want to extract some data files. I have used the "ncdf" package to read the netcdf file and used the "get.var.ncdf" function to identify the variable i wish to use. The data is in the form of a time-series of geographical data points that relate to climatology variables. As such I have a large data frame, "clim", of the following dimensions: [720, 360, 132] The 720 and 360 values relate to longitude and latitude points on the globe and there are 132 different time-series grids. What I wish to do is extract each of the individual time-s...
2012 Dec 13
More efficient use of reshape?
...t", but I feel I still don't have a good handle on how to use them efficiently. Below I have included a application of "reshape" that is rather clunky and I'm hoping someone can offer advice on how to use reshape (or melt/cast) more efficiently. #For this example I am using climate change data available on-line file <- ("") <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE) library(lubridate) library(reshape) #I've been playing with the lubridate package a bit to work with dates, but as the cl...
2005 Nov 07
Help with downloading clim.pact
I am wondering if anyone might know why the package clim.pact won't install properly. I have tried many URL sites and the same thing happens. I get the error message below. I also tried downloading the ZIP from the CRAN site and extracting the file myself, but an error message (something like, "not an archive file") appears. I operate th...
2011 Nov 29
Problems with Raster and clim.pact packages with large netcdf files (2.7G) in x64 bit R
I normally use the raster or clim.pact pckages to read netcdf (.nc) files. This has always worked out for me until this weekend every time i try to read a .nc file i get the following error Program: C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin\x64\rsession.exe File: posixio.c, Line 417 Expression: offset >= 0 This application has requested the...
2012 Mar 27
I can't open a .nc file with the "cdfcont" function of the clim.pact package
Hello, I am new at using R. I would like to use the following functions of the "clim.pact" package: ncdfcont and I have installed the package "clim.pact" in Rstudio. I have downloaded the "ncdf pack" from unicar (including ncdump and ncgen). The ncdf file I'm working on is called "" Here is what I get, when I type the co...
2006 Jun 27
Possible to get a definition of a function from a package to use without invoking the package?
Hi, I often use the mod() and instring() functions that are available in the clim.pact package. This package has a lot of dependencies, including installation of netCDF, and I haven't yet been able to get library(clim.pact) to work on a Mac OS 10.4.6. A previous request for help with the Mac problem yielded no results, so now I wonder if I could just extract the definition...
2007 Oct 31
clim.pact: change group of stations object into a field
Hello, I have a question about one of the functions from package clim.pact. I am planning to perform canonical correlation analysis (CCA) with temperature stations data, I want to use clim.pact package for that. As I understood I should be able to use the function stations2field in order to group my stations objects into a field, so that I can include the result in C...
2010 Dec 13
Problem with of clim.pact
Goodmorning to everyone, I'm new so sorry for bad english and formulation. I go to the point: I am using since months the function from clim.pact to extract data from netcdf files. I always had no problem, but some days ago I updated both R and the package to the latest versione (don't ask me what was the previous R version, cause I don't remember). However, now i am in serious trouble. When i try opening the netcdf file, i use...
2006 Oct 29
Unexpected behavior of predict and interval="confidence" the data.frame is as "x" and "y." Thanks Kevin ###################### set.seed(10) # For example purposes, plot side by side par(mfrow=c(1,2)) V1 <- rnorm(15) V2 <- V1 + rnorm(15) new <- data.frame(x = seq(min(V1), max(V1), length.out = length(V1))) pred.w.clim <- predict(lm(V2 ~ V1), new, interval="confidence") matplot(new$x, pred.w.clim, lty=c(1,2,2), type="l", col=c("black", "red", "red"), ylab="predicted y") points(V1,V2) # Create x & y equal to V1 & V2...
2016 Apr 22
Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
...gth(d.vars)]])$size # Obtaining longitude and latitude values d.lon <- as.vector(ncvar_get(data, varid="lon", start=c(1,1), count=c(d.size[1],d.size[2]))) <- as.vector(ncvar_get(data, varid="lat", start=c(1,1), count=c(d.size[1],d.size[2]))) # Obtaining climate data values df.clim <- data.frame(rn=seq(1:length(d.lon))) for(y in 1:d.size[3]){ df.clim[,1+y] <- as.vector(ncvar_get(data, varid=d.vars[length(d.vars)], start=c(1,1,y), count=c(d.size[1],d.size[2],1))) names(df.clim)[1+y] <- paste("y",y,sep="") }...
2013 Feb 18
Calculating seasonal anomalies
I have an irregular time series, which cannot easily be converted to a ts object (long stretches with NA). I have calculated the climatological mean and, but need help on how to calculate the anomalies from the climatology and my original data set. Below is an example, where I have indicated the basic idea of what I want to do under Question 1 and 2. I assume I will have to create a custom function or use one of the apply...
2003 Jul 10
clim.pact (fwd)
I'm trying to use the clim.pact package but I cannot find the descritions of "map object or "field object". For example, according to the man page of function "map": " Description Produces maps. Usage map(x,y=NULL,col="black",lwd=1,lty=1,sym=TRUE, plot=TRUE,inv.col=FALSE) Argu...
2009 Jul 21
clim.pact question (annual cycle removal)
I'm using the clim.pact package, I'm particularly interested in the EOF computation. I've noticed that whether I used the option to remove the annual cycle or not I get the same results. Am I missing something or the option hasn't been implemented yet? Thank you. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 May 24
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
Hi, I seem to be having a problem adding the following two raster objects together - one is a rasterLayer, the other is a rasterBrick. The extent, resolution, and origin are the same, so according to my understand it should work. The objects look like so: > obs.clim class : RasterLayer dimensions : 60, 200, 12000 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y) extent : -70, 30, 50, 80 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 data source : /home/mpayne/Documents/Predictability_engine/scratch/...
2016 Apr 22
Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
...aining longitude and latitude values > d.lon <- as.vector(ncvar_get(data, varid="lon", start=c(1,1), > count=c(d.size[1],d.size[2]))) > <- as.vector(ncvar_get(data, varid="lat", start=c(1,1), > count=c(d.size[1],d.size[2]))) > > # Obtaining climate data values > df.clim <- data.frame(rn=seq(1:length(d.lon))) > for(y in 1:d.size[3]){ > df.clim[,1+y] <- as.vector(ncvar_get(data, > varid=d.vars[length(d.vars)], start=c(1,1,y), > count=c(d.size[1],d.size[2],1))) > names(df.clim)[1+y] <- paste("y...
2010 Oct 29
doubt in climate variability analysis in R!
Hello all, I am trying to use "clim.pact" package for my work, but since this is the beginning for me to use gridded datasets in "R", I am having some trouble. I want to do seasonal analyses like trends, anomalies, variograms, EOF and probably kriging too to downscale my 1 degree gridded data to 0.5.  So, as...
2005 Apr 19
Help with predict.lm
...imits would be appreciated. conc<-seq(100, 280, 20) # mg/l abs<-c(1.064, 1.177, 1.303, 1.414, 1.534, 1.642, 1.744, 1.852, 1.936, 2.046) # absorbance units lm.calibration<-lm(abs ~ conc) pred.w.plim <- predict(lm.calibration, interval="prediction") pred.w.clim <- predict(lm.calibration, interval="confidence") matplot(conc, cbind(pred.w.clim, pred.w.plim[,-1]), lty=c(1,2,2,3,3), type="l", ylab="abs", xlab= "conc mg/l") points(conc, abs, pch=21, col="blue") new.abs<-data.fra...
2017 Jun 21
customizing color key with plot3D
Karline, Thank you for your help. I discovered that in addition to including clim, I needed to omit breaks. This code uses one of your other examples as a starting point and works as intended: persp3D(z = volcano, zlim = c(-60, 200), phi = 20, colkey = list(length = 0.2, width = 0.4, shift = 0.15, cex.axis = 0.8, cex.clab = 0.85), lighting = TRUE, lphi = 90,...
2006 Aug 18
Query: how to modify the plot of acf
I need to modify the graph of the autocorrelation. I tried to do it through plot.acf but with no success. 1. I would like to get rid of the lag zero 2. I would like to have numbers on the x-axis only at lags 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, ... Could anybody help me in this? Any help will be appreciated Thank you for your attention Stefano [[alternative HTML version deleted]]