search for: classcol

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "classcol".

2012 Feb 02
knncat broken on R 2.14?
...It seems to just predict everything to be class "0". 3. I can see this problem even when running the example script under ?knncat. Given example from ?knncat, and expected behavior: ======================= library(knncat) library(MASS) # Load data set syncat <- knncat (, classcol=3) ## Not run: syncat Train set misclass rate: 12.8 synpred <- predict (syncat,, synth.te, train.classcol=3, newdata.classcol=3) table (synpred, synth.te$yc) synpred 0 1 0 460 91 1 40 409 ======================= Actual behavior: =============...
2007 Mar 12
knncat question
I use knncat to make a predictive model and get misclass rate > knncat.m<-knncat(,k=c(10,20),classcol=5) > knncat.m Training set misclass rate: 36.88% then I try to calculate prediction accuracy by the following: > pr.knncat.train <- predict (knncat.m,,,train.classcol=5,newdata.classcol=5) > tb.knncat.train <-table (pr.knncat.train,$y) >...
2009 Oct 19
Convert data frame entries to numbers
Hello, I figure this is quite a simple problem really, but since I'm quite new to R I need to ask: If I have a data frame: str(test) : $ classcol: Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3" How do I convert the entries in this column to numbers. I.e., I want to be abl to do simple calculations like test[1,the_column] - test [2,the_column] without errors. as.numeric(test) yeilds the error "object cannot be coerced to...