Displaying 20 results from an estimated 112 matches for "class1".
Did you mean:
2004 Aug 14
Private methods
...I'm trying to understand R's object oriented abilities.
I have read (in a very recent email to r-help) that R's methods package
does not support private methods. However, I also looked at the source
for the function "is":
> is
function (object, class2)
cl <- .class1(object)
if (missing(class2))
if (.identC(cl, class2) || .identC(class2, "ANY"))
The first line of the function, the assignment to cl, seems to call a
function called ".class1". I was unable to see the source for...
2011 Feb 25
means, SD's and tapply
...and SD or SE for my data but
seem to be limited by how many times I can subset it. Here's a snippet
of my data
> stems353[1:10,]
Time DataSource Plot Elevation Aspect Slope Type Species
SizeClass Stems
1 Modern Cameron 70F221 1730 ESE 20 Conifer ABCO
Class1 3
2 Modern Cameron 70F221 1730 ESE 20 Conifer ABMA
Class1 0
3 Modern Cameron 70F221 1730 ESE 20 Hardwood ACMA
Class1 0
4 Modern Cameron 70F221 1730 ESE 20 Hardwood AECA
Class1 0
5 Modern Cameron 70F221 1730...
2006 Jan 22
Rank Product
...rtance of the thing is to know:
- How can I determine which class is the class of up-regulated genes and which to the down regulated gene
- How can i interpret the results :
$pfp, $RPs, $RPrank,
$Orirank$"class1 > class 2"
$Orirank$"class1 < class 2"
Table1: Genes called significant under class1 < class2
Table2: Genes called significant under class1 > class2
Thanks for your help.
RP.out<-RP(data, pt.cl, g.names...
2006 Jan 12
Finding by association
I have two objects that are associated in the following way:
class Class1 < ApplicationController
has_and_belongs_to_many :class2s
has_and_belongs_to_many :otherClasses
class Class2 < ApplicationController
has_and_belongs_to_many :class1s
has_and_bleongs_to_many :otherClasses
Now, when I run the following query,
@objects = Class1....
2004 Oct 14
...milar to the following example:
The DESCRIPTION file has entries:
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods
Imports: methods
LazyLoad: yes
The NAMESPACE file has entries:
importClassesFrom("methods", "NULL", "numeric")
exportClass("OptionalNumeric", "class1", "class2")
The example R code is:
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
setClassUnion("OptionalNumeric", c("numeric", "NULL"))
representation(test1 = &quo...
2004 Oct 14
...milar to the following example:
The DESCRIPTION file has entries:
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods
Imports: methods
LazyLoad: yes
The NAMESPACE file has entries:
importClassesFrom("methods", "NULL", "numeric")
exportClass("OptionalNumeric", "class1", "class2")
The example R code is:
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
setClassUnion("OptionalNumeric", c("numeric", "NULL"))
representation(test1 = &quo...
2011 Sep 23
Newbie question: Converting Table
I'm new to R, and I have searched helpfiles and this forum on my 2
questions. Hope you guys can help me out! :-)
Many thanks in advance!
Q1: I imported a csv file with columnames subject and class. There are about
1000 different classes...
It looks like this:
subject1, class1
subject1, class2
subject2, class1
subject2, class3
subject999, class1
subject999, class2
Now I want to transform this in R into a table (with columnnames
subject,class1,class2,...) like:
subject1, yes, yes, no, ...
subject2, yes, no, yes, ...
Q2: I want to count the matching class pattern...
2001 Feb 26
"untable" function
Dear R-users!
I am using R1.2.0 under Windows NT4.0, and have data of the following form:
> #simple example of data structure:
> x <- data.frame(group=LETTERS[1:3], class1=1:3, class2=4:6)
> x
group class1 class2
1 A 1 4
2 B 2 5
3 C 3 6
I would like to convert this to a data.frame y of the following form:
> y
group class counts
1 A class1 1
2 A class2 4
3 B class1 2
4 B class2 5...
2007 Feb 02
Quick Element.getElementsBySelector() question
Does this code should works ?
elm.getElementsBySelector(''UL.class1 > LI.class2'');
I have an error caused by "UL.class1 > LI.class2"
- Does CSS Selector ">" works ?
- What is the exact ? may be "UL.class1>LI.class2"
Jean-Philippe Encausse - R&D Jalios SA
Jp [at] encausse.net - http://www.encausse...
2006 Apr 04
Added method to ActiveRecord Class
Let''s say:
class Class2 << ActiveRecord
belongs_to: class1
class Class1 << ActiveRecord
has_many :class2s
def get_max_class2
?how to get the max of class2 list ?
I would like to know how I have to write the get_max_class2 method
in order to have the max value of the class2 list ?
I would like to call this method th...
2004 Jun 18
Problem with setValidity() or resetClass() or ... ?
...s below)
Unfortunately, I couldn't really figure out which of the called methods
is doing the "wrong thing".
Would someone explain me this?
Best regards,
## Example code
setClass("Class1", representation("name" = "character"))
if(!isGeneric("name")) setGeneric("name", function(object)
setMethod("name", "Class1", function(object) object@name)
setClass("Class2", representat...
2011 Oct 10
Type of Graph to use
Please advice on what type of graph can be used to display the following
data set.
I have the following:
Name Class
a Class 1
a Class4
b Class2
b Class1
d Class3
d Class5
e Class4
e Class2
So each entry in name can belong to more than one class. I want to represent
the data as to see where overlaps occur that is which names are in the same
Class Name and also which names are unique to a Class. I toug...
2017 Dec 06
Who wants faster LLVM/Clang builds?
...by one (checking if the file
still compiles after the removal). When there were no more include lines to
remove, we verified the change with ninja+ninja check.
It looks like this makes us rely heavily on transitive header includes --
is that right?
Specifically what I mean is, suppose foo.cc uses class1 and class2.
class2.h #includes "class1.h". If foo.cc had a #include for class1.h and
class2.h, this tool will remove the include of class1.h. Is that right?
If so, seems like probably more aggressive than we want to be, because it
makes our codebase fragile: If someone removes class1.h...
2009 Aug 10
how use cat() function?
i want to print in the console and to have an excel file like this
no_GWP NbOfPolicyClass1[0-1000] NbOfPolicyClass2[1000-3000] NbOfPolicyClass3[> 3000]
No_GWPMax=8 NbpolicyClass1=5 NbpolicyClass2=4 NbpolicyClass3 =3
i have do it like this:!!!
data1 <- read.csv2("c:/Total1.csv",sep=",")
2002 Dec 06
Samba Tip´s
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 10:22, Roberto Louren?o wrote:
> Ok,
> Let me explain.
> I want that the home directory of all students of some class look like
> this...
> /home/class/990321 > this is the home directory of student 990321 in class
> class
> /home/class1/99999 > this is the home directory of student 99999 in class
> class1
> /home/class1/99989 > this is the home directory of student 99989 in class
> class1
if you put all the students in a class into a group (ie class1)
this won't be a problem
it'll be a bit of a hassle to se...
2007 Jan 28
Views just returns #
hi im new to ruby on rails, and I have a stupid little problem, when i
do <%= Class1.find(:first) %> in a view file, it just shows "#" on the
website :( how do make it the value in the mySQL table?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups...
2012 Apr 05
count() function
...my data, with this code:
ddply(NZ_Conifers,.(ElevCat, DataSource, SizeClass), summarise,
avgDensity=mean(Density), sdDensity=sd(Density), n=sum(Density))
and that gives me results that look like this:
ElevCat DataSource SizeClass avgDensity sdDensity n
1 Elev1 FIA Class1 38.67768 46.6673478 734.87598
2 Elev1 FIA Class2 27.34096 23.3232470 820.22879
3 Elev1 FIA Class3 15.38758 0.7088432 76.93790
4 Elev1 VTM Class1 66.37897 70.2050817 24958.49284
5 Elev1 VTM Class2 39.40786 34.9343269 117...
2003 Apr 22
Problem with pixmap on R 1.7.0?
Hi R users:
I got the following message when I use the pixmap library
on R 1.7.0 over w2K platform (on R 1.6.2 it runs right).
Error in .class1(object) : Object "from" not found
I download the library .zip file from:
Other question:
When I try to "Install package(s) from bioconductor" I got the
following message:
2006 Jan 05
has_many - when are child objects created?
I has several model objects that flow down like a tree:
Class1 has_many Class2
Class2 has_many Class3
and so on.
when are the child records actually created?
If I do:
c1 = Class1.find(:all)
are the child objects (C2s below) created then or not until i do something like:
c2s = c1.C2s while iterating through the c1s?
If the form, that''s cool, no...
2008 Feb 06
filling data into objects
I am trying to generate artificial data for feature selection. Basically trying to generate a total of 1000 features with 100 that are informative and rest are uninformative.
Informative.data.class2<-rnorm(100, -0.25,1)
The above will give me one set of data for the two classes. I am interested in generating about a 100 set for each class. What is a neat...