search for: ckliche

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "ckliche".

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2014 May 03
Problems with samba AD
Hi there, ? I'm currently trying samba 4 as an Active Directory Domain Controller on a Debian Jessie server. I don't find a solution to two problems, maybe somebody can help me. ? First on I can't get anaonymous login (Guest) working. I'm able to log on account nobody by using smbclient, but when trying to logon from a Windows 7 or 8 client, authentification is not working. ?
2004 Oct 05
compilation problem R2.0.0 Linux SuSE8.2 (PR#7263)
Hi, I just tried to compile the new release today and encountered some problems: --8<------------------------schnipp------------------------->8--- patrick@trurl:~/src/r-project/R-2.0.0> ./configure > pd.configure.output patrick@trurl:~/src/r-project/R-2.0.0> make > pd.make.output /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/3.3/../../../../i486-suse-linux/bin/ld: undefined
2005 Jul 15
WG: Cisco 7920 WLAN Phone
Hi, I?ve been following some information about the latest chan_sccp drivers for a few weeks. I installed and tried about any variant of driver that exists in the chan_sccp system. Despite a few little changes in the CLI options I am still encountering a lot of problems with the phone. When not using the phone for a while, it "disconnects" from asterisk (1.0.7) after a few hours
2005 Jan 14
Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
hi, if i reencode a stream that is in mp3pro (streamed with sam) to a lower bitrate by using ices/lame, is the reencoded stream mp3 or mp3pro ? thank you -- Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen Carsten Henkel Eine gl?ckliche Frau braucht 4 Tiere: einen Jaguar in der Garage, einen Nerz im Schrank, einen Hengst im Bett und einen Esel, der alles bezahlt dieser Text ist zuf?llig gew?hlt und hat nichts mit dem Empf?nger der e-Mail zu tun. Carsten Henkel Passauer Stra?e 7 94577 Winzer tel.: 0049 (0)180-3684398-360 fax.: 0...
2009 Apr 06
Security ADS and clearcase
Hello @List, We have a pretty complex problem; In our company AD is the one and only directory service, all other "clients" need to follow the given settings and guidelines. We are connected via security ADS , but every patch session on the PDC `s is a nightmare , does it still work or not. So we think about alternatives to the existent situation, pls note , we do not have any
2005 Aug 15
Chan_sccp and dynamic DNS
Hi, everybody. I was just running into a DynDNS Problem. One of our phones has a fixed IP, but the * box only has a dynDNS IP and a fixed name. So all phones running SIP are able to "survive" the change of the IP address, but not our Cisco 7920 - it changes state to "connecting to CM0" and hangs there until reboot. After reboot it looks up the current IP address of the * box
2002 Jul 24
strange things happening here, with WinXP pro
hi, what I have: a SuSE 8.0 pro, running samba 2.2.3a as a PDC two WinXP pro boxes, both with that 'requiresignorseal' registry patch applied, lets call them a and b. what happens is this: a is a happy domain member. everything's yummy. b joins the domain, reboots. on login attempt, b says 'domain not available' now, login on box a. a says: 'domain not available'...
2002 Jul 24
(slightly OT) anyone knows a web site with 'cool stunts' you could do with PolEdit?
see subject... -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verst??t gegen ?1 UWG und ?823 I BGB (Beschlu? des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der ?bermittelten pers?nlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdr?cklich untersagt!
2002 Aug 22
Can't browse workgroup
I have joined my w2k client to workgroup_name, however I cannot see my samba server at all. If I try and view it via 'Computers Near Me' I get a error window stating: 'Workgroup_name is not accessible.' 'The account is not authorized to log in from this station.' I get the same error if I try this as the w2k administrator or user account. If i try searching for
2005 Jun 02
net setlocalsid for doimain doesn't work as wanted
Hallo Herr Trapp, ich bin am verzweifeln. Haben Sie eine L?sung gefunden, um mittels setlocalsid die Dom?nenSID zu ?ndern? Ich weiss, es ist schon l?nger her. Ich soll einen alten SAMBA 2 durch eine neue Maschine mit SAMBA 3 ersetzen. Der Server l?uft gut, aber mit net setlocalsid, dem Kommando profiles (es ersetzt mir die USER und GRUPPEN-ID in der NTUSER.dat, aber nur im Output; physikalisch
2012 Mar 22
Warning from ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Installation was OK and all works well, but this warning is bad :-/ tried 15 min to find the failure (there is no failure) ... $ perl Makefile.PL XAPIAN_CONFIG=/root/build/xapian-core/bin/xapian-config PREFIX=/root/build/Search-Xapian Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good 'XAPIAN_CONFIG' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. Writing Makefile for Search::Xapian $ perl
2016 Jul 25
Xapian 1.4.0 released
Kevin writes: > Of course, I can fix it by myself and check every terms length, but > that will add more overhead to big data computing. How is the overhead different whether your code checks it or Xapian does? Best regards, Adam -- "Oh, we all like motorcycles, to some degree." Adam Sj?gren asjo
2012 Oct 04
Synonyms of Abbreviations
Hello, I am looking for a documentation or an example to use the synonym function. I tried this db.add_synonym("omega","xapain"); and this works by adding the flag FLAG_AUTO_SYNONYMS. If i try to use the db.add_synonym("omega","xapain is search engine "); it fails why? Can xapian use synonym for Abbreviations like MBA => Master of business
2013 Feb 20
Sticky results
Hi there, I have a xapian index whose results are being sorted by a value, with (PHP bindings): $enquire->set_sort_by_value($sort_data_value); This is because I want the results returned in chronological order of publication date. However, I now have a need to have certain results be 'sticky' at the top of the resultset, regardless of their publication date. Obviously there are
2002 Jul 24
printing trouble
what I have: a SuSE 8.0 pro, running samba 2.2.3a as a PDC a deskjet 895 cxi configured in cups cups configured to accept the application/octet-stream mimetype me wanting to upload winXP and win98 drivers to the samba server so that clients just connect, then get the drivers. uploaded drivers from winxp box (bot xp and '98 drivers) directories on samba's PRINT$ ressource got created and
2013 May 29
printserver for Centos 6.4
Hi! I am new here. I am german. My system is a Centos 6.4 on a 2CoreCeleron. Its clones work on different Hardwares and processors. Centos 6.4 is great and very stable. I use it as CMS Webserver, FTP Server, Kolab suite incl. mailserver, Fileserver, Desktop, Skype all at the same time and it is working fine. Now i achieved to install a HP deskjet 1102 on Centos,
2012 Jan 20
Perl version of sortable_serialize missing?
I attempted to use the sortable_serialize function from perl, however doesn't seem to exist. The only occurrence of the string "sortable" in the /usr/local/perl/5.10.1/Search/ tree is in the pod in What am I doing wrong? use Search::Xapian; ... $doc->add_value(4,sortable_serialize($recdate)); Undefined subroutine &main::sortable_serialize called
2015 Mar 11
stub-file and get_doccount
Hello, i switched from one big index to a stub file with many indexes and running into a problem. i have a tool to fetch a random document via: get_doccount random id up to get_doccount get_document with that id after changing to stub file this failes. Is there a nice way to get a random document from a stub file? ?MfG? Felix Ostmann
2013 Nov 06
mod_auth_ntlm_winbind SSO
Hello We are trying to implement SSO with mod_auth_ntlm_winbind. We followed the instructions on [1], but have the issue that users can not authenticate with web browsers. In addition to that document we did the following extra steps: - chown root:winbind /var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged/ - apache user (vagrant) is in group winbind - net setauthuser -U vagrant - smb.conf has: winbind use