Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches for "cidname".
2007 May 14
How to write data to astdb?
...l CID data into the astdb using AsteriskWin32's
asterisk.exe, to no avail: The batch file stops after the first line, and
just waits:
rem c:\cygroot\mystuff>import.bat
rem c:\cygroot\mystuff>C:\cygroot\bin\asterisk.exe -rx 'database put
cidname 123 "My cellphone"'
rem Asterisk module loaded successfully
rem Asterisk entry point foundW2003*CLI> Updated database successfully
rem Verbosity is at least 1
C:\cygroot\bin\asterisk.exe -rx 'database put cidname 123 "My cellphone"'
2005 Aug 10
Blank CIDName or CIDNum = "asterisk"
I am using Sipura 841 phones and Asterisk CVS-v1-0-06/14/05.
Whenever a call comes in with blank CIDName or CIDNum the phone reports
the respective variable as "asterisk".
I can manually set the variables to whatever I want: CIDName
(alpha-numeric) & CIDNum (Numeric). But if I try to make them blank, or
null, or maybe throw some alpha characters into CIDNum, they get
reported respectiv...
2009 Feb 16
AstDB wildard searches
Hi All,
I'm looking for a way to filter the AstDB cidname family to show only
those entries with a specified area code in the Asterisk CLI. If this
were a SQL database it would be something like:
SELECT number, name FROM cidname WHERE number LIKE '1234%'
I've tried "database show cidname 1234*" and substituted "%", "$&...
2004 Apr 27
parsing to compare
...sing Disa (primarily the requirement that a '#' be sent to terminate the authorization field). One variable (AUTHCODE shown below) is a series of digits entered by the caller once asterisk has answered and returned dialtone. I want to compare this variable to a variable already stored in ${CIDNAME} and, depending on the results of the comparison (i.e. if it's a match proceed, if not or if no value or '0' is found, branch to another context or simply to jump to an extension in the present context, or hangup
Everytime I've tried (using gotoif as an example) I get a parsing er...
2005 Sep 13
SetCIDName question
Hi all,
I tried to set the calleridname of an incoming call to get different
incoming labels displayed for different incoming numbers.
This does work for hidden number-calls so I can set the displayed CIDName
on my cisco7960 from "CID withheld" to "abc CID withheld"
If the incoming CID isn't hidden it works to use SetCallerID but not to
change only the CIDName with SetCIDName.
At least it's not displayed on my cisco7960 with chan_sccp
any suggestions what I've could have...
2004 Jul 07
Intermittent cidname lookups
I'm having a problem with intermittent lookup of Caller ID Name info
using LookupCIDName.
The same problem occurs when doing:
asterisk -rx "database show cidname"
No data is returned on every fourth or fifth query. No errors are being
I'm currently running CVS-HEAD-07/07/04-17:04:31 and first noticed the
problem a few weeks ago.
Is anyone seeing a similar pr...
2009 May 27
AstDB wildcards
Hi All,
I need to use partial matches on the CIDNAME family I have stored in
AstDB. For example, an organisation might have several numbers with
the same area code and the same first few digits:
1234 567890
1234 567889
1234 567824
I'd like to store these (e.g.) as CIDNAME/12345678* (where "*" is a
wildcard) so that I can r...
2005 Sep 18
sometimes CIDNUM shows, sometimes CIDNAME??? Why, why, why, why?
Why Asterisk showing (on SCCP and H323 phones) different CID related to
type of Incoming channel:
If incoming channel is SIP, on phone is displayed CALLERIDNUM
If incoming channel is ZAP, on phone is displayes CALLERIDNAME
It vas very frustrating! I lost couple hours of my time to find that my
dialplan is not faulty, but asterisk is!
2006 Mar 10
cidname via IAX2?
I'm having an apparent issue where caller id name isn't coming through
my IAX2 channels. The name shows up in the asterisk cdr log, but my IAX2
application doesn't receive it. I'm running asterisk 1.2.4.
Is this a known problem or config issue?
2007 May 28
[1.2.18] Wrong steps in extensions.conf?
Sometimes, when a call comes in from the PSTN through our VoIP gateway,
the information that is sent to our web page that logs calls includes the
original CID name instead of the one that is we expect to be rewritten on
the fly using Asterisk's LookupCIDName:
exten => group,1,LookupCIDName
exten => group,n,AGI(web.agi|${CALLERID(num)}|${CALLERID(name)})
exten => group,n,Dial(${EXT204})
#use LWP::Simple;
use URI::Escape;
use LWP 5.64;
2003 Jun 09
Question for someone running hylafax off *.
...afax server. From what I've read so far, hylafax
supports CID numbers and names but currently does not support DID. I assume
I can do something like this...
exten => _87[5-8]X,1,SetVar(CALLERIDNAME=${EXTEN})
exten => _87[5-8]X,2,Dial(Zap/g${hylafaxMODEMGROUP})
...and use the CIDName variable in hylafax to route the faxes to the
appropriate destination.
My question is this, is anyone doing something like this, and if so, what is
the best way to accomplish the routing.
This e-mail was scanned and found clean by Monroe-Woodbury CSD Antivirus.
2017 Apr 21
asterisk name in mysql
hi. currently i am running the phonebook in astdb with
*database put cidname 0123456789 "name_surname"*
and i retrive it with
*exten =>9876543210,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})})*
Now, my system has mysql and i got all my contacts in there in a database
is called *asterisk *and a table called *addressbook**. *password of the
mysql is
2004 Dec 12
I'm stumped
<h1>Asterisk phone book</h1>
if ($PhoneNumber <> "" && $PhoneName <> "") {
system("sudo -u asterisk /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx " .
escapeshellarg("database put cidname $PhoneNumber \"$PhoneName\"") . " &>
print "Successfully stored <b>$PhoneNumber</b> as <b>$PhoneName</b>.";
} else {
print "Please enter both phone number and name!";
2005 Mar 17
adding to asterisk db from a script
It looks like asterisk isn't honoring EOF on stdin.
file add-phonelist:
database put cidname 200551234 "name 1"
database put cidname 200551235 "name 2"
database put cidname 200551236 "name 3"
database put cidname 200551237 "name 4"
asterisk -rn < add-phonelist
What I see is an infinite stream of prompts as asterisk is banging
onto the EOF.
2007 Oct 25
What to use instead of LookupCIDName?
When using LookupCIDName, Asterisk 1.4 says that it's
deprecated, and we should use "${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})}"
instead, but I don't know how to use it:
;DEPRECATED exten => s,1,LookupCIDName
exten => s,1,${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})}
I guess I should use this as a parameter to a fu...
2009 Jul 09
Hi List
I've a CID lookup hooked onto an inbound route (i m using trixbox) ...it runs well but it returns the value as "CIDNAME<CIDNUMBER>" ... if i just want to display the CIDNAME [leaving the quotes and <CIDNUMBER>] .. how can i do it ? do i have to edit some macro in extensions.conf ?
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2005 Jun 21
Polycom and CallerID
I'm having a problem with the callerID that the polycom IP600 phones are
displaying. I would like to modify the CIDName and leave CIDNumber as
exactly what the phone call came in as(provided they aren't hiding
callerID). Most of the calls will be going to the queue, but a few will
go directly to the SIP phones.
I've done a various combinations of using SetCallerID(), SetCIDName(),
and SetCIDNum(). It...
2008 Feb 13
[Linux/Python 2.4.2] Forking Python doesn't work
now = time.localtime(time.time())
dateandtime = time.strftime("NaVm/%y NaVM", now)
myarray = []
myarray.append("STAT Rings: 1")
myarray.append("NAME " + cidname)
myarray.append("TTSN Call from " + cidname)
myarray.append("NMBR " + cidnum)
myarray.append("TYPE K")
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
2006 Nov 22
Rewriting caller ID from database?
Most of our customers have generic names like "Hospital", so I need to
rewrite their caller ID name by looking up the number in a database on the
Asterisk server, and rewriting the name such as "Reading Hospital" so that
we know who's calling.
Any idea if this can be done with Asterisk, and how to do it?
Thank you.
2006 Jan 06
3RD REQUEST - Any Help Is Appreciated
...cro("Zap/2-1", "user-callerid") in new stack
-- Executing DBget("Zap/2-1", "AMPUSER=DEVICE//user") in new stack
-- DBget: varname=AMPUSER, family=DEVICE, key=/user
-- DBget: Value not found in database.
-- Executing DBget("Zap/2-1", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=AMPUSER//cidname") in new stack
-- DBget: varname=AMPUSERCIDNAME, family=AMPUSER, key=/cidname
-- DBget: Value not found in database.
-- Executing GotoIf("Zap/2-1", "1?5") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,5)
-- Executing NoOp("Zap/2-1", "Using...