search for: chybn

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "chybn".

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2004 Aug 16
openssh for windows - bug ?
...spole?nost? T-Mobile za obchodn? tajemstv?, p??padn? jin? informace podl?haj?c? ochran? dle p??slu?n?ch pr?vn?ch p?edpis?. Pokud V?m tento e-mail byl omylem doru?en, zdr?te se, pros?m, jak?koli manipulace s textem ?i p??lohami, jako je kop?rov?n?, p?esm?rov?n?, zp??stupn?n? dal?? osob? a podobn?. O chybn?m doru?en? informujte odes?latele a e-mail v?etn? p??loh vyma?te ze sv?ho po??ta?e. The information contained within this e-mail is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. The text or attachments may contain confidential information, information considered a trade secret by...
2013 Feb 11
Windows 7 against Samba+LDAP does not work with some passwords
...____ Tento email a ak?ko?vek pr?lohy k nemu prilo?en? m??u obsahova? d?vern? alebo v?hradn? formul?cie alebo inform?cie, ktor? s? chr?nen? pr?vnym poriadkom. Je ur?en? v?hradne pre vyu?ite osobou alebo subjektom ktor?m bol adresovan?. Ak nie ste po?adovan?m pr?jemcom, alebo ste tento email dostali chybne, ozn?mte to pros?m okam?ite odosielate?ovi a tento email vyma?te. Ak?ko?vek neautorizovan?, priame alebo nepriame kop?rovanie, spr?stup?ovanie, distrib?cia alebo in? vyu?itie t?chto materi?lov alebo ich ?asti je zak?zan? a m??e by? pova?ovan? za nez?konn?. This e-mail, and any document attached h...