search for: chisquared

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 108 matches for "chisquared".

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2005 Sep 15
Rcommander and simple chisquare
In this years biostat teaching I will include Rcommander (it indeed simplifies syntax problems that makes students frequently miss the core statistical problems). But I could not find how to make a simple chisquare comparison between observed frequencies and expected frequencies (eg in genetics where you expect phenotypic frequencies corresponding to 3:1 in standard dominant/recessif
2007 Mar 07
No fit statistics for some models using sem
Hi, New to both R and SEM, so this may be a very simple question. I am trying to run a very simple path analysis using the sem package. There are 2 exogenous (FARSCH, LOCUS10) and 2 endogenous (T_ATTENT, RMTEST) observed variables in the model. The idea is that T_ATTENT mediates the effect of FARSCH and LOCUS10 on RMTEST. The RAM specification I used is FARSCH -> T_ATTENT, y1x1, NA
1997 Aug 21
R-alpha: new class for chisquare tests?
I sort of asked this before, but perhaps not explicitly enough. In my ctest collection, there are several chisquare-based tests. For some of them, it may be useful to also return information on expected (and observed) counts. The question is, how should this be done. Of course, there is no problem adding the corresponding components to the list returned by the functions. However, as these are
2007 Sep 19
Hello all you helpful people out there! I am stil R Beginner using R 2.5.1 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.10 . I have two tabels like this: MalTabChi X1 X4 X6 X8 X10 X14 X21 X24 X29 X38 X43 X50 X67 X76 X78 X80 X82 X84 Anth_cap 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 45 12 4 12 6 56 5 2 4 1 1 Anth_crin 12 1 1 2 76 5 1
1997 Aug 22
R-alpha: class for chisquare tests; Thoughts on print & summary
From: Martin Maechler <> To: CC: Subject: Re: R-alpha: class for chisquare tests; Thoughts on print & summary Kurt, I think we hopefully are coming to an agreement that 1) your ctest collection should make its way into 'R core' ((and you are the one who can make it happen now ..)) By all
2004 Mar 29
Right shift for normality
Hello, My data is discrete, taking values between around -5 and +5. I cannot give bounds for the values. So I consider it as numerical data and not categorical data. The histogram has a 'normal' shape, so I test for normality via a chisquare statistic (by calculating the expected values by hand). When I use the sample mean and variance, the normality hypothesis has to be rejected.
2005 Aug 04
exact goodness-of-fit test
Hello, I have a question concerning the R-function chisq.test. For example, I have some count data which can be categorized as follows class1: 15 observations class2: 0 observations class3: 3 observations class4: 4 observations I would like to test the hypothesis whether the population probabilities are all equal (=> Test for discrete uniform distribution) If you have a small sample size
2008 Apr 04
looking for a CDF of bivariate noncentral Chisquare
Hi, I would like to know if there is a program written in R to get the CDF (cumulative distribution function) of a bivariate non-central chi-square distribution. Hope someone will reply. Thank you, Rossita M Yunus This email (including any attached files) is confidentia...{{dropped:19}}
2010 Jul 21
Chi-square distribution probability density function:
Hi to all I found an formular of an ** ***p-Value Calculator for the Chi-Square test* ** *with the formula* ** *what's the gamma function of this formula in r?* *df=5* *ch2=25.50878* *the following code does not give the result <0.001 for the values above * *p=
2005 Jul 07
What method I should to use for these data?
Dear R user: I am studying the allele data of two populations. the following is the data: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 pop1 0.0217 0.0000 0.0109 0.0435 0.0435 0.0000 0.0109 0.0543 0.1739 0.0761 0.1413 0.1522 0.1087 0.0870 0.0435 0.0217 0.0109 pop2 0.0213 0.0213 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0426 0.1702 0.2128 0.1596 0.1809 0.0957 0.0745 0.0106
2012 Mar 09
Multiple Correspondence Analysis
You should send this to On 03/09/2012 09:21 AM, Andrea Sica wrote: > Hello everybody, I'm looking for someone who is able with MCA and > would like to gives some help. > > If what I'm doing is not wrong, according to the purpose I have, I > need to understand how to create a dependence matrix, where I can > analyze the > dependence between
2009 Mar 09
path analysis (misspecification?)
hi, I have following data and code; cov <- c (1.670028 ,-1.197685 ,-2.931445,-1.197685,1.765646,3.883839,-2.931445,3.883839,12.050816) cov.matrix <- matrix(cov, 3, 3, dimnames=list(c("y1","x1","x2"), c("y1","x1","x2"))) path.model <- specify.model() x1 -> y1, x1-y1 x2 <-> x1, x2-x1 x2 <->
2007 Mar 29
Tail area of sum of Chi-square variables
Dear R experts, I was wondering if there are any R functions that give the tail area of a sum of chisquare distributions of the type: a_1 X_1 + a_2 X_2 where a_1 and a_2 are constants and X_1 and X_2 are independent chi-square variables with different degrees of freedom. Thanks, Klaus -- "Feel free" - 5 GB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS/Monat ...
2005 Jun 06
chisq.test and anova problems
we just started to use R and having some problems that no one in our school could solve. I hope someone here can help me out. the first problem is with the chisquare test. we want to exclude the missing values from the data. we used na.omit and made two new variables. now we want to use the chi square method but get the error x and y must have the same length. how do i use the chisquare method
2012 Sep 18
Contradictory results between different heteroskedasticity tests
Hi all, I'm getting contradictory results from bptest and ncvTest on a model calculated by GLS as: olslm = lm(log(rr)~log(aloi)*reg*inv, data) varlm = lm(I(residuals(olslm)^2)~log(aloi)*reg*inv, data) glslm = lm(log(rr)~log(aloi)*reg*inv, data, weights=1/fitted(varlm)) Testing both olslm and glslm with both ncvTest and bptest gives: > ncvTest(olslm) Non-constant Variance Score Test
2011 Apr 20
avoiding if-then statements for looped chi-square tests
Hi, I am trying to test for pairwise associations between genotypes ( Rows=individuals, Columns =genes, data are up to 4 genotypes per gene, some with 2,3 or 4) where each chisquare comparison is different depending on the genes tested. The test is the observed multilocus (across columns for each individual) genotypes vs the expectation, which is the product of the individual frequency for each
2007 Jun 27
SEM model fit
I wonder if someone could explain why, when I perform confirmatory factor-analysis model using polychoric correlations why I do not get an estimated confidence interval for the RMSEA. My experience with these type models is that I would obtain a confidence interval estimate. I did not get any warning messages with the output. RESULTS: Model Chisquare = 1374 Df = 185 Pr(>Chisq) = 0
2002 Jul 18
sem: incorrect parameter estimates
Hello. I am getting results from sem that are not correct (that's assuming that the results from my AMOS 4.0 software are correct). sem does not vary some of the parameters substantially from their starting values, and the final estimates of those parameters as well as the model chisquare value are incorrect. I've attached some code that replicates the problem. The parameters in
2012 Nov 22
SEM raw moment matrix
Hello, I estimated a model using SEM package in R, which was fit to a raw moment matrix, and includes an intercept term. The only goodness of fit statistics that are output are Model Chisquare, AIC, AICc, BIC, CAIC, and normalized residuals. How can I get the other goodness of fit statistics, like adjusted goodness of fit, RMSEA, and R-squared? And how can I get the final value of the
2009 Sep 18
some irritation with heteroskedasticity testing
Dear all, Trying to test for heteroskedasticity I tried several test from the car package respectively lmtest. Now that they produce rather different results i am somewhat clueless how to deal with it. Here is what I did: 1. I plotted fitted.values vs residuals and somewhat intuitively believe, it isn't really increasing... 2. further I ran the following tests bptest (studentized