search for: cfi_offset

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 88 matches for "cfi_offset".

2013 Sep 05
[LLVMdev] CFI Directives
...ives. I *think* that this should be doable. The issue I'm facing right now is that I need to know how much the stack pointer was adjusted. So when I have something like this: .cfi_startproc Lfunc_begin175: pushq %rbp Ltmp1532: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 Ltmp1533: .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp Ltmp1534: .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r15 pushq %r14 pushq %rbx subq $3224, %rsp ## imm = 0xC98 Ltmp1535: .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 Ltmp1536: .cfi_offset %r14, -32 Ltmp1537: ....
2013 Sep 06
[LLVMdev] CFI Directives
...ble. The issue I'm facing right now is that I need to know how much the stack pointer was adjusted. So when I have something like this: > > .cfi_startproc > Lfunc_begin175: > pushq %rbp > Ltmp1532: > .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 > Ltmp1533: > .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 > movq %rsp, %rbp > Ltmp1534: > .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp > pushq %r15 > pushq %r14 > pushq %rbx > subq $3224, %rsp ## imm = 0xC98 > Ltmp1535: > .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 > Ltmp1536:...
2013 Sep 02
[LLVMdev] .globl
..._gp_disp) addiu $2, $2, %lo(_gp_disp) addiu $sp, $sp, -32 $tmp2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 sw $ra, 28($sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill sw $18, 24($sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill sw $17, 20($sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill sw $16, 16($sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill $tmp3: .cfi_offset 31, -4 $tmp4: .cfi_offset 18, -8 $tmp5: .cfi_offset 17, -12 $tmp6: .cfi_offset 16, -16 addu $16, $2, $25 move $17, $4 lw $18, %call16(foo)($16) $BB0_1: # %loop # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 move $25, $18 jalr $...
2019 Aug 08
Suboptimal code generated by clang+llc in quite a common scenario (?)
...entptr inbounds i8, i8* %2, i64 2 store i8 %k, i8* %arrayidx2, align 1, !tbaa !13 ret i32 0 } According to that, the variable ‘scscx’ is loaded three times despite it’s never modified. The resulting assembly code is this: .globl _tst _tst: .cfi_startproc pushl %ebp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 .cfi_offset %ebp, -8 movl %esp, %ebp .cfi_def_cfa_register %ebp pushl %esi .cfi_offset %esi, -12 movb 16(%ebp), %al movb 12(%ebp), %cl movb 8(%ebp), %dl movl _scscx, %esi movb %dl, (%esi) movl _scscx, %edx movb %cl, 1(%edx) movl _scscx, %ecx movb %al, 2(%ecx) xorl %eax, %eax popl %esi popl %ebp...
2013 Aug 29
[LLVMdev] .globl
I need to be able to emit .globl for the soft float routines used by mips16. The routines are called but there is no .globl definition for them. How can I do this? Background: I have a strange issue that I encountered with mips16 hard float. Part of mips16 hard float is to emit calls to runtime routines with the same signature as usual soft float routines, except that they are implemented
2019 Feb 05
clang emits calls to consexpr function.
...roduct() { return 10*20; } int main() { const int x = product(); return 0; } $./clang test.cpp -std=c++11 -S $./clang -v clang version 9.0.0 Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu $cat test.s main: .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movl $0, -4(%rbp) callq _Z7productv //here you can see the calls to product function xorl %ecx, %ecx movl %eax, -8(%rbp) movl %ecx, %eax...
2012 Mar 28
[LLVMdev] Suboptimal code due to excessive spilling
...= ====================== foo: # @foo .Ltmp12: .cfi_startproc # BB#0: pushl %ebx .Ltmp13: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 pushl %edi .Ltmp14: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 12 pushl %esi .Ltmp15: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 subl $88, %esp .Ltmp16: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 104 .Ltmp17: .cfi_offset %esi, -16 .Ltmp18: .cfi_offset %edi, -12 .Ltmp19: .cfi_offset %ebx, -8 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0 movl 112(%esp), %eax testl %eax, %eax je .LBB1_3 # BB#1: xorl %ebx, %ebx movl 108(%esp), %ecx movl 104(%esp), %edx xorl %esi, %esi .align 16, 0x90 .LBB1_2: #
2012 Apr 05
[LLVMdev] Suboptimal code due to excessive spilling
...= ====================== foo: # @foo .Ltmp12: .cfi_startproc # BB#0: pushl %ebx .Ltmp13: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 pushl %edi .Ltmp14: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 12 pushl %esi .Ltmp15: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 subl $88, %esp .Ltmp16: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 104 .Ltmp17: .cfi_offset %esi, -16 .Ltmp18: .cfi_offset %edi, -12 .Ltmp19: .cfi_offset %ebx, -8 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0 movl 112(%esp), %eax testl %eax, %eax je .LBB1_3 # BB#1: xorl %ebx, %ebx movl 108(%esp), %ecx movl 104(%esp), %edx xorl %esi, %esi .align 16, 0x90 .LBB1_2: #
2012 Mar 20
[LLVMdev] Runtime linker issue wtih X11R6 on i386 with -O3 optimization
...ts .Lsection_debug_loc: .text .Ltext_begin: .data .text .globl moo .align 16, 0x90 .type moo, at function moo: # @moo .Ltmp3: .cfi_startproc .Lfunc_begin0: .loc 1 12 0 # a.c:12:0 # BB#0: pushl %ebp .Ltmp4: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 .Ltmp5: .cfi_offset %ebp, -8 movl %esp, %ebp .Ltmp6: .cfi_def_cfa_register %ebp pushl %ebx subl $20, %esp .Ltmp7: .cfi_offset %ebx, -12 calll .L0$pb .L0$pb: popl %eax .Ltmp8: addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+(.Ltmp8-.L0$pb), %eax movl 8(%ebp), %ecx leal .L.str at GOTOFF(%eax), %edx movl %ecx, -8(%ebp) .loc 1 13...
2012 Mar 02
[LLVMdev] how to annotate assembler
...patterns, that was used when assembler was generated. For example: double test(long long s) { return s; } gcc -S -dp -O0 test.c test: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc pushq %rbp # 18 *pushdi2_rex64/1 [length = 1] .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq %rsp, %rbp # 19 *movdi_1_rex64/2 [length = 3] .cfi_offset 6, -16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) # 2 *movdi_1_rex64/4 [length = 4] cvtsi2sdq -8(%rbp), %xmm0 # 6 *floatdidf2_sse_interunit/2 [length = 6] leave # 24 leave_rex64 [length = 1] .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8 ret # 25 return_internal [length = 1] .cfi_endproc Now I may look int...
2012 May 24
[LLVMdev] use AVX automatically if present
....text .globl _fun1 .align 16, 0x90 .type _fun1, at function _fun1: # @_fun1 .cfi_startproc # BB#0: # %_L1 pushq %rbp .Ltmp2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .Ltmp3: .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .Ltmp4: .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp vmovaps (%rdi), %ymm0 vaddps (%rsi), %ymm0, %ymm0 vmovaps %ymm0, (%rdi) popq %rbp vzeroupper ret .Ltmp5: .size _fun1, .Ltmp5-_fun1 .cfi_end...
2012 Mar 02
[LLVMdev] how to annotate assembler
...c-inst -o - _test: ## @test .cfi_startproc ## BB#0: ## %entry pushq %rbp ## <MCInst #2120 PUSH64r ## <MCOperand Reg:106>> Ltmp2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 Ltmp3: .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp ## <MCInst #1491 MOV64rr ## <MCOperand Reg:106> ## <MCOperand Reg:114>> Ltmp4: .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) ## <MCInst #1482 MO...
2014 May 11
[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] Code generation for noexcept functions
....globl _Z5test2PFvvE > .type _Z5test2PFvvE, @function > _Z5test2PFvvE: > .LFB1: > .cfi_startproc > .cfi_personality 0x3,__gxx_personality_v0 > .cfi_lsda 0x3,.LLSDA1 > pushq %rbx > .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 > .cfi_offset 3, -16 > movq %rdi, %rbx > call *%rdi > movq %rbx, %rax > popq %rbx > .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 > jmp *%rax > .cfi_endproc > .LFE1: > .globl __gxx_personality_v0 > .section .gcc...
2018 Sep 14
Function calls keep increasing the stack usage target are you compiling for - possibly > provide the -cc1 command line, etc). > > bar: # @bar > .cfi_startproc > # %bb.0: # %entry > pushq %rbp > .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 > .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 > movq %rsp, %rbp > .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp > subq $16, %rsp > movl $1, %edi > movl $2, %esi > callq foo > movl $3, %edi > movl $4, %esi > movl %eax, -4(%rbp)...
2016 Jun 30
Help required regarding IPRA and Local Function optimization
...lineAsm Start movl %r14d, %r15d ## InlineAsm End retq .cfi_endproc .globl _bar .p2align 4, 0x90 _bar: ## @bar .cfi_startproc ## BB#0: pushq %r15 Ltmp0: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %rbx Ltmp1: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %rax Ltmp2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 Ltmp3: .cfi_offset %rbx, -24 Ltmp4: .cfi_offset %r15, -16 ## InlineAsm Start movl %ecx, %r15d ## InlineAsm End callq _foo ## InlineAsm Start movl %r15d, %ebx ## InlineAsm End addq $8, %rsp popq %rbx popq %r15 retq .cfi_endproc .subsections_via_symbols now foo clobbers R15 (which is callee saved) but as foo is loca...
2012 May 24
[LLVMdev] use AVX automatically if present
...> .align 16, 0x90 > .type _fun1, at function > _fun1: # @_fun1 > .cfi_startproc > # BB#0: # %_L1 > pushq %rbp > .Ltmp2: > .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 > .Ltmp3: > .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 > movq %rsp, %rbp > .Ltmp4: > .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp > vmovaps (%rdi), %ymm0 > vaddps (%rsi), %ymm0, %ymm0 > vmovaps %ymm0, (%rdi) > popq %rbp > vzeroupper > ret > .Ltmp5: > .size...
2017 Jul 01
KNL Assembly Code for Matrix Multiplication;>>>> .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 >>>>> push r12 >>>>> .Lcfi3: >>>>> .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 >>>>> push rbx >>>>> .Lcfi4: >>>>> .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 >>>>> .Lcfi5: >>>>> .cfi_offset rbx, -48 >>>>> .Lcfi6: >>>>> .cfi_offset r12, -40 >>>>> .Lcfi7: >>>>> .cfi_offset r14, -32 >>>>> .Lcfi8: >>>>> .cfi_offset r15, -24 >>>>> .Lcfi9: >>>>> .cfi_offset rbp, -16 >&g...
2013 Feb 20
[LLVMdev] Is va_arg correct on Mips backend?
...5sum_iiz: .cfi_startproc .frame $sp,64,$ra .mask 0x80000000,-4 .fmask 0x00000000,0 .set noreorder .set nomacro .set noat # BB#0: lui $2, %hi(_gp_disp) addiu $2, $2, %lo(_gp_disp) addiu $sp, $sp, -64 $tmp2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 sw $ra, 60($sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill $tmp3: .cfi_offset 31, -4 addu $gp, $2, $25 sw $7, 76($sp) sw $6, 72($sp) sw $5, 68($sp) lw $3, %got(__stack_chk_guard)($gp) lw $1, 0($3) sw $1, 56($sp) sw $4, 52($sp) sw $zero, 48($sp) // i sw $zero, 44($sp) // val sw $zero, 40($sp) // sum addiu $1, $sp, 68 sw $1, 16($sp) // arg_ptr1 sw $zero, 48($sp...
2019 Aug 08
Suboptimal code generated by clang+llc in quite a common scenario (?)
...t; > } > > > > According to that, the variable ‘scscx’ is loaded three times despite > it’s never modified. The resulting assembly code is this: > > > > .globl _tst > > _tst: > > .cfi_startproc > > pushl %ebp > > .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 > > .cfi_offset %ebp, -8 > > movl %esp, %ebp > > .cfi_def_cfa_register %ebp > > pushl %esi > > .cfi_offset %esi, -12 > > movb 16(%ebp), %al > > movb 12(%ebp), %cl > > movb 8(%ebp), %dl > > movl _scscx, %esi > > movb %dl, (%esi) > > movl _scscx, %edx >...
2018 Apr 12
[RFC] __builtin_constant_p() Improvements
...# %entry testl %edi, %edi movl $927, %ecx # imm = 0x39F movl $1, %eax cmovel %ecx, %eax retq And this code at -O0: bar: # @bar .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: # %entry pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movl %edi, -16(%rbp) cmpl $0, -16(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: # %if.then movl $42, -8(%rbp) movl $0, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: # %if.else mov...