search for: cevent

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "cevent".

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2007 May 31
[1042] trunk/wxruby2: Overhaul of the event handling WxType->RubyClass mapping to make it
...b/wx/classes/evthandler.rb). This wrapped event is then passed + // into the ruby proc for handling on the ruby side </ins><span class="cx"> void EventThunker(wxEvent &event) </span><span class="cx"> { </span><del>- VALUE cEvent = Qnil; </del><ins>+ VALUE event_type_id = INT2NUM(event.GetEventType()); + VALUE cEvent = rb_funcall(cWxEvtHandler.klass, +&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&am...
2013 Aug 28
[PATCH 0/9] drm/nouveau: Cleanup event/handler design
...le/disable semantics with a separate > install/remove step (which also serves to document the > handler lifetime). This also corrects an unsafe interface design > where handlers can mistakenly be reused while in use. > > The nouveau driver currently supports 4 events -- gpio, uevent, cevent, > and vblank. Every event is created by and stored within its > respective subdev/engine object -- gpio in the GPIO subdev, uevent > and cevent in the FIFO engine, and vblank in the DISP engine. > Thus event lifetime extends until the subdev is destructed during > devobj teardown. &...
2006 Dec 31
[815] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes: Added ContextMenuEvent class plus event handling methods
..."> #ifdef WXSCINTILLA </span><span class="cx"> static const wxEventType *scintillaEvents[] = </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="lines">@@ -426,6 +433,8 @@ </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxWindowDestroyEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMenuEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxMenuEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxContextMe...
2006 Dec 20
[790] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes: Added TextUrlEvent class and EvtHandler mapping
...;cx"> static const wxEventType *idleEvents[] = </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="cx"> &wxEVT_IDLE, </span><span class="lines">@@ -393,6 +399,8 @@ </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxWindowDestroyEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxSashEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxSashEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTextUrlEv...
2006 Dec 24
[802] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes: Add support for MenuEvent (MENU_OPEN, MENU_CLOSE, MENU_HIGHLIGHT)
..."> #ifdef WXSCINTILLA </span><span class="cx"> static const wxEventType *scintillaEvents[] = </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="lines">@@ -397,6 +406,8 @@ </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxWindowCreateEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxWindowDestroyEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxWindowDestroyEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLAS...
2007 Apr 29
[982] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/EvtHandler.i: Add EvtThunker mapping for TimerEvent (bug 10391)"> static const wxEventType *keyEvents [] = </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="cx"> &wxEVT_CHAR, </span><span class="lines">@@ -430,6 +437,8 @@ </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxIdleEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxPaintEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxPaintEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTimerEvent))) +...
2006 Nov 07
[723] trunk/wxruby2: Added WindowCreateEvent and WindowDestroyEvent + event handlers (AF)
...quot;> #ifdef WXSCINTILLA </span><span class="cx"> static const wxEventType *scintillaEvents[] = </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="lines">@@ -373,6 +387,10 @@ </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxWizardEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxActivateEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxActivateEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxWindowCr...
2006 Jul 25
Hi Please find attached a set of patches and swig files to implement Wizards for wxruby. Also a brief sample. Quick q - the C declarations of evt_xxx_xxx methods and their attaching to Ruby classes seems to be duplicated across Events.i and EvtHandler.i - is one of these the right place to be adding them? or both? Thanks alex _______________________________________________
2006 Dec 31
[814] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes: Added ScrollEvent class plus event processing and handler methods
...t;lines">@@ -396,6 +412,8 @@ </span><span class="cx"> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspcEvent = cWxMoveEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxListEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxScrollEvent))) +...
2006 Aug 01
Hi Please find attached a set of patches to implement Sash Layouts plus a little sample. These are resizable panes that can be used to create an IDE-like application, with sidebars etc. They''re quite a lot more powerful than SplitterWindow, for example you can split an MDI client window, and you can have lots of them. Not quite as nice as wxAUI (Advanced User Interface) - a project
2013 Aug 27
[PATCH 0/9] drm/nouveau: Cleanup event/handler design
...remove semantics to enable/disable semantics with a separate install/remove step (which also serves to document the handler lifetime). This also corrects an unsafe interface design where handlers can mistakenly be reused while in use. The nouveau driver currently supports 4 events -- gpio, uevent, cevent, and vblank. Every event is created by and stored within its respective subdev/engine object -- gpio in the GPIO subdev, uevent and cevent in the FIFO engine, and vblank in the DISP engine. Thus event lifetime extends until the subdev is destructed during devobj teardown. Event handler lifetime va...
2007 Mar 22
[916] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282: More Wx::AUI classes, event hooks and sample
...quot;> #ifdef WXSCINTILLA </span><span class="cx"> static const wxEventType *scintillaEvents[] = </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="lines">@@ -439,6 +466,11 @@ </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxSashEvent.klass; </span><span class="cx"> else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTextUrlEvent))) </span><span class="cx"> cEvent = cWxTextUrlEvent.klass; </span><ins>+ else if(event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxAuiManagerEv...
2015 Aug 31
[RFC PATCH v2 0/5] More explicit pushbuf error handling
Hi there, Resending these now that they've had some more polish and testing, and I heard that Ben's vacation is over :-) These patches work as a starting point for more explicit error mechanisms and better robustness. At the moment, when a job hangs or faults, it seems that nouveau doesn't quite know how to handle the situation and often results in a hang. Some of these situations