search for: cergy

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2002 Jul 10
[ NVIDIA and Privilege Separation]
...Thanks -- ___________________________________________________________________ Laurent Protois (Systemes & Reseaux) Centre de Ressources Informatiques (CRI) de l'ENSEA Ecole Nationale Sup?rieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications 6, avenue du Ponceau - 95014 Cergy Pontoise Cedex tel: 01 30 73 66 26 fax: 01 30 73 66 67 email: protois at web: ___________________________________________________________________ ----- End forwarded message -----
1998 Jan 15
Samba and NT 5.0
PB with NT 5.0 Beta 1 Cant Find Services/Rdr il registry ... So can't put Enable Plain Text Password=1 Could someone help me ??? -- Eric Murat Tel : + Email : Fax : + SAGEM Eragny Avenue du Gros Chene 95612 Cergy Pontoise Cedex FRANCE
2006 Jan 09
Re: Logcheck-users Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1
...> > > >End of Logcheck-users Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1 >******************************************** "This machine has no brain ... Please use your own" Cyril Gilly EISTI Avenue du Parc 95 011 CERGY 01 34 25 10 33
1999 Oct 13
smbmount --> df: /mnt/Archives: I/O Error
Hi, I mount //MYSERVER/Archives using smbmount //MYSERVER/Archives /mnt/Archives -N (MYSERVER is a NT SERVER box and the Linux box from which I smbmount is 2.2.13-7mdk. Everything is fine : [root@lima linux]# df Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda6 1981000 1373871 504718 73% / /dev/hda7 2873619 1746320 978700 64%