search for: ceratinly

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "ceratinly".

2011 Apr 08
help question
hello I am at the very beginneing of using the R program I just don't understand how one can save a programfile For exemple, if I type in R 23+456 and want to save this file under a ceratin name to reload it later, i just don't get the way to do it I can save it with the save function;I acheive to see that I have a file with the name, but no way to understand how to reload or re-suse
2006 Aug 09
Improvement: SiteMapper - working ideas as a possible RoR''s routing replacement
Hello, I''ve done potencial replacement for RoR''s routing mechanism. It just works as an independent class so you can try bundled examples withou installing anything else. I didn''t integrated it into Rails (as a plugin?) because I don''t know if anyone would appreciate it etc. SiteMapper features: -------------------- 1. uses regexp mask to get variables from
2009 Sep 21
cox memory
Hi there, I have a rather large data set and perform the following cox model: test1 <- list(tstart,tstop,death1,chemo1,radio1,horm1) out1<-coxph( Surv(tstart,tstop, death1) ~ chemo1+chemo1:log(tstop+1)+horm1+horm1:log(tstop+1)+age1+grade1+grade1:log(tstop+1)+positive1+positive1:log(tstop+1)+size1+size1:log(tstop+1), test1) out1 Up to here everything works fine (with each covariate
2002 Jun 14
can't access samba shares
The firewall problem seems to be fine now. Second question, I am on a NT server trying to access samba shares. If I add encrypt-passwords = yes to smb.conf I get a login box for username and password. It starts by telling me the username or password is wrong. I can enter any username, but the box keeps coming back. If I remove encrypt- passwords I get "The account is not authorized to login
2005 Jul 25
Dear listers: Here I have a question on clustering methods available in R. I am trying to down-sampling the majority class in a classification problem on an imbalanced dataset. Since I don't want to lose information in the original dataset, I don't want to use naive down-sampling: I think using clustering on the majority class' side to select "representative" samples might
2006 Dec 31
user-group mapping not inherited from Windows-Domain?
Dear I have the following Problem: we have a windows domain (WIN2000 SP1), and a samba Server, acting as a mere client. So the WIN-DOMAIN is just used for user-to-group mapping and user authentification. Authentication on the samba-Server works, ACL inheritance works. What I would like to do, is to allow write access to ceratin groups, wich are defined in the windows domain. Other groups may
2003 Feb 27
Interest in E1 channel banks?
Our company manufactures an E1 channel bank that is approved for use in Australia (it should also be compatible with Euro standards). It is modular and available in 10, 20 or 30 analog port configurations. Signal monitoring and configuration is via Ethernet. These units are manufactured in low quantities for specific telco requirements. However if there was enough interest, we would be able to
2010 Nov 12
Since I read the list in digest form (and was out ill yesterday) I'm late to the discussion. There are 3 steps for predicting survival, using a Cox model: 1. Fit the data fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + ph.ecog, data=lung) The biggest question to answer here is what covariates you wish to base the prediction on. There is the usual tradeoff between too few (leave out something