Displaying 20 results from an estimated 18072 matches for "centers".
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2004 Aug 06
toner cartridges
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2002 Jul 12
toner cartridges
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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2007 Jun 01
Interaction term in lmer
Dear R users,
I'm pretty new on using lmer package. My response is binary and I have fixed
treatment effect (2 treatments) and random center effect (7 centers). I want
to test the effect of treatment by fitting 2 models:
Model 1: center effect (random) only
Model 2: trt (fixed) + center (random) + trt*center interaction.
Then, I want to compare these 2 models with Likelihood Ratio Test. Here are
my lmer codes that I don't feel comfortable about t...
2009 Mar 08
prcomp(X,center=F) ??
I do not understand, from a PCA point of view, the option center=F
of prcomp()
According to the help page, the calculation in prcomp() "is done by a
singular value decomposition of the (centered and possibly scaled) data
matrix, not by using eigen on the covariance matrix" (as it's done by
princomp()) .
"This is generally the preferred method for numerical accuracy"
2010 Jan 11
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers
Dear R user,
I have several large data sets. Over time additional new data sets will be created.
I want to cluster all the data in a similar/ identical way with the k-means algorithm.
With the first data set I will find my cluster centers and save the cluster centers to a file [1].
This first da...
2012 Jan 14
Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
I am trying to modify kmeans function.
It seems that is failing something obvious with the workspace.
I am a newbie and here is my code:
myk = function (x, centers, iter.max = 10, nstart = 1, algorithm =
+ "Lloyd", "Forgy", "MacQueen"))
+ {
+ do_one <- function(nmeth) {
+ Z <- switch(nmeth, {
+ Z <- .Fortran(R_kmns, as.double(x), as.integer(m),
+ as...
2009 Jun 14
Centering graphics by default in Sweave
Is there an elegant way to get Sweave to center graphics by default?
I'd like to use \centerline{\includegraphics{}} etc. to save some
vertical space that \begin{center} ... \end{center} uses, and I'd like
to avoid centering with each <<fig=T>>=
Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair School of Medicine
Department of
2010 Feb 07
mboost: Interpreting coefficients from glmboost if center=TRUE
I'm running R 2.10.1 with mboost 2.0 in order to build predictive
models . I am performing prediction on a binomial outcome, using a
linear function (glmboost). However, I am running into some confusion
regarding centering. (I am not aware of an mboost-specific mailing
list, so if the main R list is not the right place for this topic,
please let me know.)
The boost_control() function allows
2013 Apr 23
Needed: Beta Testers and Summer Camp Students
I'm teaching linear regression this semester and that means I write
more functions for my regression support package "rockchalk". I'm at
a point now were some fresh eyes would help, so if you are a student
in a course on regression, please consider looking over my package
overview document here:
That tells how you can grab
2016 Jul 21
[Bug 1080] New: call ^^18557^O92^847^^@@ Epson printer customer care phone number
troubleshooting pixma, troubleshooting Epson printer, Epson mp830
troubleshooting, Epson mp620 troubleshooting, troubleshooting for Epson
printers, Epson printer troubleshooter, troubleshooting printer HP, how to
troubleshoot Epson printer Center Epson (38) Epson service center, Epson
service centers, Epson support center, Epson service center phone number
1-855.709.2847) , Epson pixma service center, Epson customer support center,
Epson service center number 1-855.709.2847) , Epson repair center, Epson call
center number 1-855.709.2847) , Epson customer service center, Epson call
center, Epson...
2010 Feb 22
scale(x, center=FALSE) (PR#14219)
Full_Name: Maria Rizzo
Version: 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)
OS: Windows XP SP3
Submission from: (NULL) (
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 2
2016 Jul 13
[Bug 2596] New: Brother printer (((1~855~709~2847))) Technical Support Phone Number Brother Printer Customer Care Phone Number
...bleshooting Brother printer, Brother mp830 troubleshooting,
Brother mp620 troubleshooting, troubleshooting for Brother printers,
Brother printer troubleshooter, troubleshooting printer Brother , how
to troubleshoot Brother printer Center Brother (38) Brother service
center, Brother service centers, Brother support center, Brother
service center phone number 1-855-709-2847, Brother pixma service
center, Brother customer support center, Brother service center
number 1-855-709-2847, Brother repair center, Brother call center
number 1-855-709-2847, Brother customer service center, Brothe...
2016 Jul 13
[Bug 2597] New: Epson printer (((1~855~709~2847))) Technical Support Phone Number Epson Printer Customer Care Phone Number
troubleshooting Epson printer, Epson mp830 troubleshooting, Epson
mp620 troubleshooting, troubleshooting for Epson printers, Epson
printer troubleshooter, troubleshooting printer Epson , how to
troubleshoot Epson printer Center Epson (38) Epson service
center, Epson service centers, Epson support center, Epson
service center phone number 1-855-709-2847, Epson pixma service
center, Epson customer support center, Epson service center number
1-855-709-2847, Epson repair center, Epson call center number
1-855-709-2847, Epson customer service center, Epson call c...
2010 Mar 19
mboost: Interpreting coefficients from glmboost if center=TRUE
Sorry for the tardy reply but I just found your posting incidentally
today. To make long things short:
You are right about the centering. We forgot to correct the intercept if
center = TRUE. We lately found the problem ourself and fixed it in the
current version (mboost 2.0-3). However the problem only occurred if you
extracted the coefficients. As the intercept is rarely interpretable we
2003 Jun 05
kmeans (again)
Regarding a previous question concerning the kmeans function I've tried the
same example and I also get a strange result (at least according to what is
said in the help of the function kmeans). Apparently, the function is
disregarding the initial cluster centers one gives it. According to the help
of the function:
centers: Either the number of clusters or a set of initial cluster
Now a small dataset:
> data<-matrix(c(-1,0,2,2.5,7,9,0,3,0,6,1,4),6,2)
If I use rows 3 and 4 as cluster centers and a single iteration of kmeans I...
2006 Aug 09
Scriptaculous blind up effect not working from innerhtml in IE? Help please.
I have some tables wrapped in divs, when you
click them, they are hidden and then some of the data
is added as a div into another div by way of
innerhtml. When you you click on these new divs that
are in the html, they should go away. This works fine
in Firefox but doesn''t work at all in IE. Does anyone
have any ideas? The weird thing is if I take the
source of the html after the
2010 Aug 18
Plotting K-means clustering results on an MDS
...istance measure to my raw
data would have been inappropriate)
I then figured out what would be my optimum k-value by plotting the within
sums of squares for K1-K15
> wss <- (nrow(canto.MDS)-1)*sum(apply(canto.MDS,2,var))
> wss[2] <- sum(kmeans(canto.MDS,centers=2)$withinss)
> wss[3] <- sum(kmeans(canto.MDS,centers=3)$withinss)
> wss[4] <- sum(kmeans(canto.MDS,centers=4)$withinss)
> wss[5] <- sum(kmeans(canto.MDS,centers=5)$withinss)
> wss[6] <- sum(kmeans(canto.MDS,centers=6)$withinss)
> wss[7] <- sum(kmeans(canto.MDS,ce...
2006 Aug 11
The Internet Is The Future xapian-devel
2009 Feb 25
DID's in a specific rate center
I need 100 DID's in a specific rate center (916-854-xxxx). How do I go
about finding who owns the rate center ? If the DID's are available in
this rate center ?
2006 Mar 23
Ajax and Rails Problem
hi guys,
i am havin a problem displaying content of @wine from the search
action.. i get no errors i only get   where the results is when i
examine the html plz help
i posted my code
def search
@wines = Wine.find(:all)
@wine_pages, @wines = paginate :wines
def searchaction
@wines = Wine.find(:all,:conditions=>["name LIKE