search for: ceni

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "ceni".

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2012 Jun 02
Double-buffering problem, this time with an example.
Most of my animations that used to work on windows() version 2.11.1 and earlier now flash as if the double buffering is turned off or buffer swapping is triggered by other events than in the past. The simplified example below using symbols should illustrate the problem in a windows environment. windows() radius <- 8 n <- 6 ang <- seq(0,2*pi,length=n+1)[-(n+1)] ca <- cos(ang) sa
2017 Jul 17
kernel-4.9.37-29.el7 (and el6)
Hello, is this kernel usable also for KVM or is only for XEN? S pozdravem Kristi?n Feldsam Tel.: +420 773 303 353, +421 944 137 535 E-mail.: support at - FeldHost? ? profesion?ln? hostingov? a serverov? slu?by za adekv?tn? ceny. FELDSAM s.r.o. V rohu 434/3 Praha 4 ? Libu?, PS? 142 00 I?: 290 60 958, DI?: CZ290 60 958 C 200350 veden? u M?stsk?ho soudu v Praze Banka:
2006 Apr 18
Best way to seed multiple CentOS ISO torrents
I have a couple "headless" servers with some spare bandwidth. What is the best way to seed multiple CentOS ISO torrents? Thanks for any assistance. Sincerely, Trevor Hammonds
2002 Dec 02
Patch: Groups per authentication method
Hello all, I have done small patch for OpenSSH 3.5p1. With this patch you can specify allowed user groups per authentication method. You can find it here: Vaclav ______________________________________________________________________ Reklama: Kliknete, hlasujte a vyhrajte v ankete Nejoblibenej?i automobil roku 2003 v Ceske republice ceny za milion!!
2007 Sep 03
Wanted: VoIP Engineer for Warsaw!
...=c175fi1012637lmno1012637psuz1&sdc_sid=1113876080&>i AVM/FRITZ!Box <>. W zwi?zku z naszym dynamicznym rozwojem, do nowo tworzonej sp??ki w Polsce poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko: SPECJALISTA D/S VOIP Miejsce pracy: Warszawa *Wymagania:* - wykszta?cenie wy?sze techniczne (lub w trakcie studi?w), najlepiej informatyczne - praktyczna umiej?tno?? programowania w ?rodowisku w PHP i j?zykach C i C++ - znajomo?? Linux - znajomo?? mySQL i PostgreSQL - znajomo?? zagadnie? zwi?zanych z sieciami IP, UDP, TCP - znajomo?? narz?dzi do ana...
2008 May 14
homedir override problem, MS AD + WINBIND + PAM + SIEVE
Hello, i installed my Dovecot with authetification in MS AD throught WINBIND and PAM. Works fine. So I have virtual users with UID, GID from MS AD. I set maildir path as mail_location = maildir:/var/spool/mail/%n/ Then i want to make some vacation system. I install sieve and use dovecot LDA. In postfix I have mailbox_command = /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver Setup of lda in dovecot.conf
2017 Jul 17
kernel-4.9.37-29.el7 (and el6)
Are the testing kernels (kernel-4.9.37-29.el7 and kernel-4.9.37-29.el6, with the one config file change) working for everyone: (turn off: CONFIG_IO_STRICT_DEVMEM) If we don't hear any negative comments by Wednesday July 19th, 2017 then we are going to push those to updates as they solve iscsi issues with some hardware and don't seem to impact anything else based on limited testing. BTW